Title: Publish Calendars to the Web
1Riva Collaboration Integration Engine
Riva Collaboration Integration Suite for
Aldo Zanoni CEO, Managing Director Omni
Technology Solutions 1 780.423.4200 Ext.
232 aldo_at_omni-ts.com
2Value Proposition
- Riva Solution Overview
- Value Proposition
- Policy-based Modules and Reports
- Future Integration Points
- GroupWise Companion
- Customer Impact
- Announcing Riva CRM Integration Strategy
- Demo / Screenshots
3Solution Overview.
Solution Overview
Solution Overview
- The RivaTM Collaboration Integration Suite for
GroupWise allows you to define policies to
dynamically and automatically push and update
GroupWise content and information (calendar,
proxy, address books, signatures, folders, etc.)
from a specified source, including third-party
applications, to one or multiple GroupWise
destinations. - Integration through eDirectory Policy
destination objects can be one or multiple
eDirectory accounts, groups, containers, or
GroupWise accounts or post offices.
4Value Proposition
Value Proposition
- Integrate GroupWise with leading policies
connected to third-party Business Process
Management solutions - Seamless flow and automatic update of data based
on pre-configured, scheduled or event-monitored
policies (one-to-one or one-to-many) - Ideal third-party collaboration integration
platform for Novell accounts (rapid deployment,
flexibility, interoperability, security,
scalability, reporting) - Compatible with GroupWise 7 and 6.5. Certain
modules require GroupWise 7.
5Riva Policies and Reports
Riva Modules and Reports
- Dynamic Distribution Lists
- Secure Distribution Lists
- Riva Event Monitor
- Managed Signatures
- Common Calendars
- Common Proxy Access
- Common Address Books
- Common Folders
- Create Folder
- Internet Address Update
- Birthday Reminder
- Password Expiration Reminder Email
- Reports
- Rules Report
- Proxy Access Report
- GroupWise Archive Path Report
- Shared Calendars Report
- Shared Address Books Report
Requires GroupWise 7
6Future Integration Points
Future Integration Points
- Riva's CRM / ERP integration strategy for
GroupWise allows you to integrate data from
virtually any third-party SQL database, CRM, ERP,
business process, HR or student management system
into GroupWise. - Key Value Bi-directional push of data from
virtually any sourceto any GroupWise destination
based on one-to-one or one-to many policies.
7GroupWise Integration Points
Future Integration Points
SQL Virtually any SQL database. CRM
Maximizer, ACT, GoldMine, Sage, SugarCRM,
SalesLogix Student Registration System
Blackboard, Banner, Moodle ERP SAP,
Novell GroupWise
Riva is to collaboration... ...what IDM is to
directory services.
8Customer Impact
Announcing CRM Integration
Platform for CRM Integration for GroupWise
- Clientless
- Cross-platform server compatibility
- No infrastructure or security changes required
- Transparent to GroupWise and CRM
- Platform for CRM / ERP Integration
- Live address books
9Customer Impact
GroupWise to Internet
10Customer Impact
CRM to Internet
11Customer Impact
Internet to GroupWise
12Customer Impact
Internal GroupWise
From Aldo Zanoni To Trevor Poapst
CC crmmsturm_at_maintainet.de
13GroupWise Companion Window
GroupWise Companion
Desktop GroupWise client Companion connects the
GroupWise full clients through Riva to
third-party SQL databases, CRM and ERP systems to
deliver enhanced integration and seamless
workflow. Compatible with Linux, Macintosh and
Windows workstations.
14Customer Impact
Customer Impact
- Push calendar items (appointments, tasks, notes)
from CRM/ERP to GroupWise - Dynamically create or modify Dynamic GroupWise
Distribution Lists based on certain events (hire
new employee, reach certain project milestone,
employee role changes) - Push staff work and project schedules, student
exams and other database generated info into
GroupWise - Use GroupWise and Riva Companion to send
personalised emails to contacts in a CRM / ERP
15Riva Road Map Priorities
Riva Road Map Priorities
Create additional CRM and ERP integration modules
for calendaring, workflow, contacts and
email Integrate Riva's Event Monitor into
third-party applications to implement
event-driven policy execution Add GroupWise
Companion connectors to integrate email merge and
other Companion Applications Add web-service to
allow EMU (Auto-Create), eControl and other Omni
applications to consume Riva services Develop
additional policies and reports based on customer
requests (on-going) Provide a Riva SDK for
third-party developers
16Value Proposition
Riva Screenshots
17Riva Road Map Priorities
Managing Connections
18Riva Road Map Priorities
Managing Riva Policies
19Riva Road Map Priorities
Riva Common Calendar Update
20Riva Road Map Priorities
Riva Secure Distribution Lists
21Riva Road Map Priorities
Riva Secure Distribution Lists
22Riva Road Map Priorities
Riva Secure Distribution Lists
23Riva Road Map Priorities
Riva Secure Distribution Lists
24Riva Road Map Priorities
Riva Secure Distribution Lists
25Riva Road Map Priorities
Riva Secure Distribution Lists
26Riva Policies
Useful Riva Links
Riva Home Page Product Overview Modules and
Reports Features and Benefits System
Requirements News and Articles Documentation
www.omni-ts.com/integration www.omni-ts.com/integr
ation/overview.html www.omni-ts.com/integration/de
tails.html www.omni-ts.com/integration/features.ht
ml www.omni-ts.com/integration/requirements.html w
ww.omni-ts.com/integration/news.html www.omni-ts.c
27Contact Us
Questions? For more information on the Riva
Collaboration Integration Suite, please contact
Omni at 1 780-423-4200 or sales_at_omni-ts.com
Aldo Zanoni CEO, Managing Director Omni
Technology Solutions 1 780.423.4200 Ext.
232 aldo_at_omni-ts.com