OK or No Way - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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OK or No Way


Gifts, Page 2 of 2. May a Government employee accept a birthday gift valued at ... Group Gifts to a Government Employee ... and gift exchanges including ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: OK or No Way

OK or No Way! ???
Ethics Issues Involving Contractors in the
Federal Workplace
Whats Here
  • OK or No Way?
  • Answers
  • Contract Relations and Function
  • Gifts
  • Parties Unofficial Functions
  • Time Management
  • Conflicts of Interests
  • Political Activities
  • Awards
  • Government Resources
  • Transportation
  • Training
  • Misuse of Position
  • Switching Sides
  • Non-Disclosure
  • Charitable Fundraising
  • Outside Employment
  • Confusion of Identity
  • Additional Information
  • Thats All

Lets Play OK or No Way!Page 1 of 8
  • On the following slides you will find 16
    contractor- related ethics questions
  • Read the questions, decide what action you would
    take, then jot down, OK or No Way!
  • An answer key follows the question slides
  • Following the questions, the presentation
    discusses each question

OK or No Way! ???Page 2 of 8
  • May a Government employee conduct an annual
    performance appraisal for a contractor employee?
  • May a Government employee accept a birthday gift
    valued at 25 from a contractor employee who is
    also his uncle?
  • May a contractor employee participate in a
    holiday potluck lunch if they contribute their
    fair share to the refreshments?

OK or No Way! ???Page 3 of 8
  • May a Government employee grant 59 minutes to a
    contractor employee?
  • May a contractor employee accept NBA basketball
    tickets from a shipping vendor in exchange for
    selecting them as a shipping supplier for
    execution of a Government contract?

OK or No Way! ???Page 4 of 8
  • May a contractor employee hang a Vote for _____
    signs on his puka wall to help promote his
    candidates campaign in the upcoming election?
  • May a Government agency present a contractor
    employee with a 50 cash team award, recognizing
    them for their contribution to the successful
    completion of a team project?

OK or No Way! ???Page 5 of 8
  • May a contractor employee use Government provided
    mediation services?
  • May a Government employee accept a ride to a
    professional conference when offered by a
    contractor employee?
  • May a Government supervisor require a contract
    employee who supports his division to attend his
    divisions mandatory EEO training?

OK or No Way! ???Page 6 of 8
  • May a Government employee ask a contractor to
    interview her friend for a job opening?
  • May a Government contract employee accept a
    position as a government employee?

OK or No Way! ???Page 7 of 8
  • May a Government employee inform a contractor
    employee of some non-public information if he
    thinks that the contractor employee may be
    affected by it?
  • May a Government employee invite a contractor
    employee to participate on her Relay for Life

OK or No Way! ???Page 8 of 8
  • May a Government employee seek outside employment
    with a contractor to earn some extra holiday
    spending money?
  • May a contractor employee draft and sign a letter
    on Department of the Navy letterhead?

OK or No Way! Answers How Did You Do?
  • No Way!
  • OK
  • OK
  • No Way!
  • No Way!
  • No Way!
  • No Way!
  • No Way!
  • OK
  • OK
  • No Way!
  • OK
  • No Way
  • No Way!
  • No Way!
  • No Way!

Contract Relationship and Function
  • 1. May a Government employee conduct an annual
    performance appraisal for a contractor employee?
  • Government Employees
  • No Way! when it comes to any authority over
    contractor employees with regard to supervision,
    approving leave, approving training, performance
    appraisals, awards/recognition, etc.
  • Contractor Employees
  • No Way! when it comes to any authority over
    Government employees with regard to supervision,
    procurement activities and inherently
    Governmental functions

Gifts, Page 1 of 2
  • 2. May a Government employee accept a birthday
    gift valued at 25 from a contractor employee
    who is also his uncle?
  • OK Exceptions
  • 20/50 rule
  • Personal Relationship rule
  • From Contractor Employees to Government Personnel
  • Contractor employees outside source

Gifts, Page 2 of 2
  • May a Government employee accept a birthday gift
    valued at
  • 25 from a contractor employee who is also his
    uncle? (cont.)
  • To Contractor Employees from Government Personnel
    OK as no Government rules prohibit
  • Group Gifts to a Government Employee No-Way
    because there is no provision for Government
    personnel and contractor employees to co-mingle
    funds. Government gift rules apply

Parties and Other Unofficial Functions, Page 1
of 2
  • 3. May a contractor employee participate in a
    holiday potluck lunch if they contribute their
    fair share to the refreshments?
  • Social events sponsored by non-prohibited sources
  • OK for Government personnel to attend if no
    admission is charged for any guest
  • Widely attended gatherings
  • OK for Government personnel to attend if
    attendance is free and in a personal capacity on
    Government employees own time, and event is open
    to a wide audience or range of persons interested
    in the same subject matter

Parties and OtherUnofficial Functions, Page 2 of
  • May a contractor employee participate in a
    holiday potluck lunch if
  • they contribute their fair share to the
    refreshments? (cont.)
  • Events where per capita cost is 20 or less
  • OK for Government personnel to attend if
    individual has not exceeded 50 limit on gifts
    from that source for that calendar year
  • Parties and gift exchanges including contractor
  • OK for contractor employees to attend if gifts
    from contractors or their employees do not exceed
    20, and contractor employees contribute their
    fair share to participate (equal share of money
    toward actual cost of refreshments and/or
    bringing a dish is not considered a gift in this

Time Management
  • 4. May a Government employee grant 59 minutes
    to a contractor employee?
  • No Way! for Government personnel to ask
    contractor employees to work outside the scope of
    their contract.
  • No Way! for Government personnel to authorize
    contractor employee compensatory time
  • No Way! for Government personnel to invite
    contractor employees to attend activities
    unrelated to performance of the contract
  • No Way! for Government personnel to grant an
    early release to contractor employees
  • No Way! for Government personnel to ask
    contractor employees to volunteer their time

Conflicts of Interest
  • 5. May a contractor employee accept NBA
    basketball tickets from a shipping vendor in
    exchange for selecting them as a shipping
    supplier for execution of a Government contract?
  • Government Personnel
  • No Way! to officially participate in matters
    that have an effect on their financial interests
  • No Way! to anything that would suggest the
    appearance of loss of impartiality in performing
    official duties
  • No Way! to any actual or apparent conflict of
    interest within official duties
  • No Way! to being awarded a Government contract
  • Contractor Employees
  • No Way! to bribery and various shady
    procurement-related practices

Political Activities
  • 6. May a contractor employee hang a Vote for
    _____ signs on his puka wall to help promote his
    candidates campaign in the upcoming election?
  • In the Workplace
  • No Way! to political activities for Government
  • OK for contractor employees unless local site
    establishes regulations or if prohibition/limitati
    on is written into the contract
  • Use of Office to Influence an Election or Affect
    Political Activity
  • No Way! for Federal civilian employees to
  • Use official authority or influence for the
    purpose of interfering with or affecting the
    results of an election
  • Solicit or discourage the participation in any
    political activity of another person who is
    seeking certain official actions by that office
  • OK for contractor personnel unless prohibited
    by contractor or contract

  • 7. May a Government agency present a contractor
    employee with a 50 cash team award to recognize
    them for their contribution to the successful
    completion of a team project?
  • Recognition of contractor employees for
    contributions that go substantially beyond that
    specified or implied within the terms of the
  • OK to present honorary awards of little
    intrinsic value (such as certificates)
  • No Way! to use funds outside the limits of the

Use of Government Resources
  • 8. May a contractor employee use Government
    provided mediation services?
  • Government furnished services
  • No Way! for contractor employees to use
    Government furnished services unless provided for
    in the contract or otherwise qualified
  • Government furnished property
  • OK if Government determines property is so
    unique, cost effective or in Governments best
    interest to provide, may so provide in the
  • Personal use policy
  • OK for personal use of Government resources as
    determined by contracting officer and contractor
    supervisor while on contract time
  • Use of NAFI
  • OK for limited use of activities by full-time
    installation contractor employees when the
    installation CO has granted permission

  • 9. May a Government employee accept a ride to a
    professional conference when offered by a
    contractor employee?
  • Government vehicles
  • OK for contract employees to be passengers when
    head of command/organization has given prior
    approval, and they are conducting official
    Government business
  • Contractor-provided transportation
  • OK for Government personnel to accept when
    offered for meetings or similar events for
    Government business with prior approval
  • Contractor employee personal vehicles
  • Caution Government gift rules apply

  • 10. May a Government supervisor require a
    contract employee who supports his division to
    attend his divisions mandatory EEO training?
  • Government-provided training for contract
  • OK if the contract requires it or the contract
    supervisor agrees that attendance is appropriate
  • Contractor-provided training for Government
  • OK if the training is from a non-profit
    organization or educational institution, the
    agency accepts it as Gifts to the Agency, or it
    is considered a Widely Attended Gathering
    otherwise, Government gift rules apply

Misuse of Position/Endorsement
  • 11. May a Government employee ask a contractor
    to interview her friend for a job opening?
  • No Way! for Government employees to use their
    position in a manner that is intended to coerce
    or induce a contractor to provide any benefit to
    self or friends/family
  • No Way! for Government employees to act biased
    or give preferential treatment to any private
    organization or individual
  • OK for contractor employees to act biased
    unless impartiality requirement is included in
    the contract or contractor employees regulations

Switching Sides,Page 1 of 2
  • 12. May a Government contract employee accept a
    position as a government employee?
  • OK for contractor employee to move to a
    Government job when
  • Appropriate hiring procedures are followed
  • No extraordinary payment from former employer has
    been made to employee or if it has, employee may
    not work on particular matters involving the
    former employer for two years
  • Impartiality is demonstrated with regard to
    matters concerning their former employer
  • They disqualify themselves from official matters
    affecting the financial interests of their former
    employer if they continue to hold financial
    interests with them

Switching Sides,Page 2 of 2
  • May a Government contract employee accept a
    position as a government employee? (cont.)
  • OK for contractor employee to move to a
    Government job when
  • Matters affecting the financial interests of a
    prospective employer are not worked on when
    seeking or negotiating employment
  • They disqualify themselves from participating in
    matters affecting the financial interests of the
    contractor if they participate in employment
    opportunity discussions with a contractor
    employee, even if unsolicited
  • If covered by the Procurement Integrity Act, they
    notify the head of the contracting activity,
    contracting officer, source selection authority,
    supervisor and ethics counselor of their
    employment opportunity discussions with
    contractor employees

  • 13. May a Government employee inform a contractor
    employee of some nonpublic information if he
    thinks that the contractor employee may be
    affected by it?
  • No Way! to disclosing nonpublic information
    without authorization unless contractor employees
    are cleared and authorized to receive such

Charitable Fundraising
  • May a Government employee invite a contractor
    employee to participate on her Relay for Life
  • No Way! for contractor employees to solicit
    Government personnel in the Federal workplace
  • No Way! for Government personnel to solicit
    contractor employees on or off duty in official
    or personal capacities
  • OK for private organizations to solicit
    Government personnel in the Government workplace
    through Combined Federal Campaign only
  • OK for organization heads to approve by your
    own, for your own solicitations of Government
  • OK for Government personnel to engage in
    volunteer and personal charitable activities
    off-duty, not at worksite, and not acting in an
    official capacity
  • OK for contractor employees to voluntarily
    contribute to or participate in charitable
    activities so long as they are not solicited

Outside Employment
  • May a Government employee seek outside employment
    with a contractor to earn some extra holiday
    spending money?
  • No Way! for Government personnel to represent
    an outside employer to the Government
  • No Way! for Government personnel to engage in
    outside activities that conflict with their
    official duties if such activities are prohibited
    or would require employees disqualification from
    matters critical to their office

Confusion of Identity
  • 16. May a contractor employee draft and sign a
    letter on Department of the Navy letterhead?
  • No Way! for contractor employees not to
    identify themselves as such to avoid creating an
    impression that they are Government officials
  • No Way! for documents and reports produced by
    contractors not to be suitably marked as
    contractor products

Additional Information
  • Department of Defense, Standards of Conduct
  • http//www.dod.mil/dodgc/defense_ethics/
  • Ethics Issues Involving Contractors in the
    Federal Workplace, by Kenneth White, 28 July
  • This memo includes a lengthy list of legal and
    policy references
  • Department of Defense Training
  • http//www.dod.mil/dodgc/defense_ethics/ethics_tra
  • US Office of Government Ethics

Additional Information
  • US Office of Government Ethics
  • www.usoge.gov
  • OGE Handout Working With Government
    Contractors What You Need to Know as a Federal
    Employee Who Works With Government Contractors

Thats all for now
  • Your future deserves your attention right now,
    what are you going to do about it?
  • Suggestions and requests to
  • Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC)
  • FFR Training Branch, N947
  • Millington, TN 38055-6540
  • Com (901) 874-6727 DSN 882-6727
  • helen.turner1_at_navy.mil
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