Title: Today is...
1Today is...
GayMU's Day of Silence
My silence echoes the silence of lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender, and other queer people who
are not as noisy as I am.
Their silence is caused by harassment, prejudice,
discrimination, violence, and fear.
"fine by me" day got canceled
Here's why I think that's wrong
Their silence is caused by harassment, prejudice,
discrimination, violence, and fear.
3Most "school shootings" happen in high school
in the US
From 1982 to 2001, there were 28 middle and high
school rampage shootings in the US. All the
shooters were boys.
Their silence is caused by harassment, prejudice,
discrimination, violence, and fear.
Kimmel Mahler 2003 ABS461439
4where do school shootings happen?
- These shootings are closely connected to a
specific culture of masculinity in the US - Only one occurred in an urban setting
- Most involve rifles, not handguns
- 20 of the 28 (71.4) occurred in "red states"
(states that voted for Bush in 2000. - That's a proxy for cultural climate.
- key variables gun culture gender culture
"Nearly all had stories of being constantly
bullied, beat up, and gaybaited. most
strikingly, it was not because they were gay (at
least there is no evidence to suggest that any of
them were gay) but because they were different
from the other boysshy, bookish, honor students,
artistic, musical, theatrical, nonathletic,
geekish, or weird. Theirs are stories of
cultural marginalization based on criteria for
adequate gender performance, specifically the
enactment of codes of masculinity." (Kimmel
Mahler 20031445)
- From a study of all 12 cases 1997-2002
- In 5 cases, shooters specifically targeted girls
who had rejected them - In 3 more cases, shooters killed boys they
thought might challenge them in relation to a
girl - In the remaining 3 cases, shooters reported being
unhappy about girl trouble, but did not target
the girls.
Klein 2005 Crime, Media and Society. 190
7Today is...
GayMU's Day of Silence
My silence echoes the silence of lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender, and other queer people who
are not as noisy as I am.
Their silence is caused by harassment, prejudice,
discrimination, violence, and fear.
8the plan
- We have some great variables we can explore
today - HOMOSEX
- FEAR, etc
- We can put those together with other basic
variables like - POLVIEWS
- EDUC, etc.