Title: The Scientific Method
1The Scientific Method
2Standards and Objectives
- State standards
- 1.a-tools of science and graphing
- 1.f- theory vs hypothesis
- 1.j- the need for experimental controls
- 1.k- the cumulative nature of science
3A way of solving problems.
4There are 4 steps to the scientific method.
5STEP 1Turn the problem into a question.
6STEP 2Make observations or gather information.
7STEP 3Form a hypothesis or educated guess it
follows the format if.then
8STEP 4Test the hypothesis through observation or
9Heres how it works
10The story
- You are a world famous physician. The governor
of Alaska calls to ask you to help with a
mysterious illness that has killed many native
11Why are the Aleuts getting sick?
Problem 1 Step 1
12The story cont.
- You fly to Alaska and collect air water and food
samples and carefully and thoroughly examine the
sick Aleuts.
13Gather information about the Aleuts.
Step 2
14The story continued
- The lab reports show the Aleuts infected with a
bacteria also found in the drinking water.
15The bacteria in the water are making them sick.
Step 4
16If the bacteria are causing the illness, then
treating the sick Aleuts with antibiotics and
purifying the well will bring about the end of
the illness.
Step 4 Written as If, then
17The story continued.
- You return to the clinic with special antibiotics
for the Aleuts and the well is treated with
Chlorine to kill the bacteria.
18Treat the Aleuts with antibiotics and the wells
with chlorine to test your hypothesis.
Step 4
19 20The story
- You are a world renowned shark expert when the
phone rings and the mayor of San Francisco calls.
21- He describe several recent shark sightings on the
surfing beach and including attacks on surfers.
He wants your help!
22- Write Step 1 on your paper.
- The correct question is...
23Why are the sharks attacking the surfers?
24- You get in your land rover, throw your Zodiac on
top and head for the beach. While there you take
samples and make films of surfers. (Cont.)
25- You go out to the Farrallon Islands and observe
the sea lion
- populations.
26- What is Step 2?
- The correct answer is...
27Gather information about the sharks and the
28- Your underwater footage shows that surfers look
like sea lions from below and the sea lion counts
at the islands show reduced numbers of sea lions
this year.
29- What is step 3?
- The correct hypothesis is..
- State it as an
- If..then. statement
30The sharks are mistaking the surfers for sea
31If the sharks are mistaking the surfers for sea
lions, then changing the way the surfers and surf
boards look should reduce the number of shark
If then statement
32- You head back to the beach to try to persuade the
surfers not to wear black wet suits and fins and
flippers on their hands and feet.
33- What is the last step of the scientific method?
34Change the way the surfers look to the sharks, or
test the hypothesis.
35 36Step 1
- You are an astronaut. Astronauts cant sleep very
well in space because they keep waking up every
few minutes.
37Step 2
- You watch as some astronauts try to sleep. You
see that as they start to fall asleep their heads
begin rocking. You time this and discover their
heads rock in time to their pulse rate.
38Step 3
- You think the pulse of their blood vessels rock
their heads and wakes them up.
39Step 4
- You build a special strap for their heads to hold
them still at night.
40 41Step 1
- Why cant the astronauts sleep in space?
42Step 2
- I observe the astronauts heads rocking in time to
their pulse rate as they try to sleep.
43Step 3
- I think the pulse of their blood vessels moves
their heads and wakes them up.
- If their heads moving wakes them up, then holding
their heads still should enable them to sleep.
45Step 4
- I will build a special strap to hold their heads
46 47Step 1
- You cant seem to stay awake in school. You fall
asleep and miss important information.
48Step 2
- You eat a good breakfast, your teacher is
friendly and nice and you go to bed at 200 am.
49Step 3
- You think your bedtime is too late and you are
not getting enough sleep.
50Step 4
- You start going to bed at 1000 pm. And find you
dont have trouble staying awake anymore.
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