Title: A conceptual captology design by
1- A conceptual captology design by
- Kara Blond and Dan Gilbert
Design Challenge To design an interactive system
that changes how people react to ads on TV
Time limit 8 hours
2- Persuasive Purpose
- Attitude change To convince teens to be
skeptical about company motivations in producing
advertisements on TV
- Behavior change To persuade teens to make
responsible, rational buying decisions
- Success Teens will internalize and apply a
process of deconstructing and critically
evaluating ads on TV
Industrial Design
3User Description
- High School Students who
- watch a lot of television
- are making purchase decisions for the first
- are aggressively pursued by advertisers
- are subject to significant peer pressure
4The Storyboard
5 - Using this product, you will learn to
- view TV ads with a critical eye
- make responsible buying decisions
6Click to play
Watch this commercial carefully
7- Think about it
- Does this ad convince you to buy the product?
What did you learn about the product from the
- What are some of the strategies that the company
uses to persuade you?
- How else could the advertisers convince you to
buy their product?
8- Make your un-Commercial
- On the next screen, click on the yellow stars to
replace the actors, music, setting and slogan for
this ad.
- How might changing these options affect the ads
- Challenge Can you design the least persuasive ad?
9(No Transcript)
10(No Transcript)
11(No Transcript)
13Watch again still convinced?
14- Think about it
- Would your new ad convince you to buy the
product? Why or why not?
- Can you now distinguish between the product and
the strategies used to sell it?
- What questions will you ask yourself the next
time you see an ad?
- Insert alternate stars, music, settings and
slogans for those in the original ad
- Replay commercial with variables changed
- Runs on TV screen (DVD), operated with remote
- Pre- and post-activity reflection questions
- Integrated with High School curriculum
16Theoretical Justifications
- Push teens to make decisions in central
processing rather than peripheral processing
- Seeing new commercial creates cognitive
dissonance sexy jeans on a very unsexy guy
students must rationalize this confict
- Learn and apply lesson in the same context on a
TV screen
- Uses satire as a persuasive technique it
exaggerates to make a point and uses humor to
reinforce its message
17Results of User Testing
- Feedback from two STEP students currently
teaching high school
- Incorporated suggestions about
- reflective questions
- explicit instructions and goals
- building activity in to larger curriculum
18Additional Comments
Testimonial I would love to have this for my kid
s. I want my students thinking about why they
want things, not just wanting them.
-- STEP student
19Shortcomings of Design
- Potential to send mixed messages about body
- No built-in assessment
- No instruction about powerful force of peer
pressure (may be the strongest influence on
purchase decisions for teens)
- No specific process for applying skills in a
real-world setting
20Expansion - What else is possible?
- Other form factors or ID possibilities
- Cell phone or GameBoy-based interaction with
reminder messages for buying decisions
- Web-based program could offer
- More kinds of commercials Kids compare
techniques across genres and product lines
- Most recent and popular commercials
- Other features and interactions
- Ask teens to keep journal charting purchases
- Compare to ads from other countries (in foreign
- Create a role for parents or teachers to
stimulate discussion
21Next Steps in Design Process
- User test prototype with teens
- Hire developers to build program on DVD
- Convene educator focus groups to assess learning
- Consider (and dismiss!) competing models for our
22Evaluation of Captology Design Project
How well does the design idea fit into the realm
of captology? 0 1
2 3 4
5 6 7
How well does the design match the design brief?
0 1 2
3 4 5
6 7
How viable/convincing is the proposed solution?
0 1
2 3 4 5
6 7
23Evaluation continued
How clever is the proposed solution?
0 1 2
3 4 5
6 7
How effectively did the presentation
communicate? 0 1
2 3 4
5 6 7
How well does the document communicate?
0 1
2 3 4 5
6 7
Bonus Points