Hierarchical Routing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Hierarchical Routing


Forms distinct clusters for which transmission are scheduled in a contention-free manner ... Label of a single level-m cluster is omitted from a node's address ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Hierarchical Routing

Hierarchical Routing
  • Via Cluster-Based Control Structures
  • Presented by Raquel Harris
  • 9-04-02

  • Introduction
  • Cluster Based Control Structures
  • Transmission Management
  • Link-Cluster Architecture
  • Backbone Formation Clustering
  • Route Efficiency Clustering

  • Mobile Wireless Networks are dynamic
  • State Changes unpredictable
  • Control functions that manage the networks
    performance have to meet these conflicting goals
  • Respond rapidly and correctly
  • Minimize consumption of networks transmission,
    processing, storage

  • Control Functions
  • Performed with respect to a control structure -
    superimposed on the physical network which
    consists of a set of controllers
  • For fixed networks the setup of the control
    structure is an administrative task that is part
    of the network design process
  • For mobile wireless networks, a self-organizing
    control structure is required

  • Selection of a network control structure and
    algorithm is based on,
  • Network size
  • Control functions required
  • Frequency and magnitude of network state changes
  • QOS required

Cluster-Based Control Structures
  • Cluster-based control structures
  • More efficient use of resources in controlling
    dynamic networks
  • Physical network is encapsulated by a virtual
    network of interconnected clusters
  • Clusters contain one or more controllers which
    make control decisions and may distribute cluster
    state information to outside clusters

Cluster-Based Control Structures
  • Control Structures attempt to be more efficient
  • Managing transmission to reduce channel
  • Forming routing backbones to reduce network
  • Abstracting network state information to reduce
    its quantity and variability

Transmission Management
  • Transmission interference
  • Thesis Reduce interference by separation of
    transmission times, space, and frequency or
    spreading code
  • Thesis Reduction by coordination of separation

Link-Cluster Architecture
  • Reduces interference in a multiple-access
    broadcast environment
  • Forms distinct clusters for which transmission
    are scheduled in a contention-free manner
  • Spread-spectrum multiple access can be used with
    different codes in each cluster
  • Automatic organization
  • Nodes autonomously organize into interconnected
  • Union of members is the entire network of nodes

Link-Cluster Architecture
  • Structure
  • Clusterhead
  • Each cluster has one or more clusterheads
  • Schedules transmissions
  • Allocates resources within the cluster
  • Gateway
  • Each cluster has one or more gateways
  • Attempt to have one per pair
  • Connect adjacent clusters
  • Direct connection member of both clusters
  • In-direct connection connected to an adjacent

Link-Cluster Architecture
  • Ordinary Nodes
  • Each cluster has zero or more ordinary nodes
  • Neither clusterheads or gateways
  • Low-delay paths between cluster members
  • All members within one hop of the clusterhead
    (within two hops of each other)
  • Therefore members of different clusters are at
    least 2 hops away

Link-Clustered Architecture
Link-Cluster Architecture
  • Establishing a link-clustered Control Structure
  • Discovering neighbors with a bi-directional link
    by broadcasting
  • Electing clusterheads and forming clusters
  • Agreeing on gateways between clusters

Link-Cluster Architecture
  • Clusterhead Election
  • Identifier-based or Connectivity-based Clustering
  • Centralized implementation
  • Node with the lowest or highest numbered
    identifier or largest number of neighbors becomes
    the clusterhead
  • Distributed implementation
  • Node with lowest or highest numbered identifier
    elects itself or its neighbor with the lowest or
    highest id unless that neighbor has relinquished
    clusterhead status
  • Node with the highest connectivity of all
    uncovered neighbors becomes clusterhead
  • Ties are broken by identifier number

Link-Cluster Architecture
  • Gateway Election
  • Any node with links to more than one cluster is a
    candidate gateway
  • If a node has two clusterheads as neighbors, it
    is a candidate gateway connecting two overlapping
  • If a node has one clusterhead neighbor and can
    reach a second clusterhead in two hops, it is a
    candidate linked to a candidate gateway in
    another cluster

Link-Cluster Architecture
  • Overlapping Clusters
  • Gateway selected is the one with the highest or
    lowest id
  • Disjoint Clusters
  • Linked pair with one member having the highest or
    lowest id among all candidates connecting the two
  • Unambiguous selection may require advertisement
    of node ids beyond one-hop neighbors

Link-Cluster Architecture
  • Node Mobility
  • Clusters must be updated accordingly to ensure
    proper scheduling of transmissions
  • All nodes must be capable of executing
    clusterhead and gateway functions if the network
    is to be maximally available
  • With connectivity-based clustering, clusterhead
    status has potential to change more frequently
    than identifier-based clustering
  • Nodes may move out of range of neighbors, losing
    its status as the most connected node

Link-Cluster Architecture
  • Least Cluster Change Algorithm
  • Reduces the number of changes in clusterhead
    status required after node movement
  • Clusterhead status change only if two
    clusterheads move within range of each other
  • One must relinquish the role
  • Or, if a non-clusterhead node moves out of range
    of any other node
  • Becomes clusterhead of its own cluster

Link-Cluster Architecture
  • Routing Backbone
  • Traffic is constrained to traverse clusterheads
  • Can reduce throughput and robustness of network
  • Congestion
  • Single point of failure
  • Many algorithms do not use clusterheads as
    routing control structure of the network

Backbone Formation Clustering
  • Routing Backbone
  • Reduction of route length is more important for
    multi-hop wireless networks than wireline
  • Larger delays generally experienced at each hop
  • Can be formed by expanding the transmission range
    of some or all nodes
  • Increasing transmission power may increase

Backbone Formation Clustering
  • Near-Term Digital Radio Network (NTDR)
  • Designed for mobile tactical communications
  • Frequent node movement and outages
  • Each cluster has a clusterhead that is linked to
    form the routing backbone
  • Nodes are within 1 hop of clusterhead
  • Intercluster communication is restricted to
    clusterheads only
  • Clusters are gateways
  • No multihop communications
  • One hop neighbors can communicate directly
  • Others intracluster communications must traverse
    the clusterhead

Backbone Formation Clustering
  • Each node keeps track of the bi-directionally
    linked neighbors by periodically broadcasting
  • May become clusterhead if needed
  • ltMAC addressgtltpartition idgtltclusterhead
    orggtltcluster membersgtltlink quality from each
    membergtltclusterhead transmit power levelgt
  • Used to decide whether to become affiliated with
    the clusterhead
  • Each cluster communicates on different
  • Isolates intercluster and intracluster

Backbone Formation Clustering
  • A low transmission range is used for
    non-clusterhead members
  • Allow reuse of frequencies for distant clusters
  • Reduce interference
  • Clusterhead Election
  • Beacon-based only
  • No clusterheads detected in its vicinity
  • Can heal a network partition

Backbone Formation Clustering
  • Must limit the number of nodes simultaneously
    participating in clusterhead election
  • Each node waits a short random time interval
    before retesting the condition and becoming
    clusterhead if necessary
  • Each new clusterhead issues beacons proclaiming
    its status immediately
  • Elimination
  • Node can relinquish role as clusterhead if,
  • It will not partition the network in doing so
  • All cluster members can join other clusters
  • Checks staggered randomly among nodes over time
    to limit the number of simultaneous relinquishes

Backbone Formation Clustering
  • Cluster Affiliation
  • Preferred clusters
  • Same organization affiliation
  • Signal from the clusterhead is transmitted at low
    power but received at high strength
  • Cluster size is relatively small
  • Affiliation can be refused by the clusterhead
  • Updated cluster membership is distributed to all
    clusterheads after affiliation has taken place
  • Notifies previous clusterhead of new affiliation

Backbone Formation Clustering
  • Alternate affiliation is sought if,
  • Clusterhead relinquishes role
  • Clusterheads beacons no longer list member
  • Clusterheads beacons indicate the quality of the
    link to the clusterhead has become unacceptably
  • Received signal strength from the clusterhead is
    unacceptably low
  • Routing
  • Clusterheads share responsibility for maintaining
    the routing backbone
  • Monitor and exchange information about changes in
    the backbone

Backbone Formation Clustering
  • Each generates membership information pertaining
    to its cluster and link-state information
    (resistance metric included) pertaining to its
    links to neighboring clusterheads
  • Floods information over the backbone
  • Computes least-resistance routes based on this
    information (using Dijkstras SPF) maintains
    next hop to use for each destination
  • Must notify other clusterheads of state change
    affecting routing in the backbone once detected
  • May result in unacceptable network performance
    due to saturation of update messages in a highly
    mobile network

Backbone Formation Clustering
Backbone Formation Clustering
  • Virtual Subnet Architecture
  • Several disjoint routing backbones
  • Provides fault tolerant connectivity and load
    balancing in multihop mobile wireless networks
  • Structure
  • Initially, the network is partitioned into
    physical subnets (disjoint clusters)
  • Virtual subnets are formed by clustering the
    different physical subnets
  • Assumption transmission power is adjustable to
    retain connectivity
  • Neighboring subnets are assigned differing
    frequencies to reduce interference

Backbone Formation Clustering
  • Subnet clusters and frequencies can be computed
    offline or computed by distributed procedures
  • A Maximum number of physical, P, and virtual, Q,
    subnets is predefined for the network.
  • Nodes are members of only one physical subnet and
    zero or more virtual subnets
  • Ideally one subnet but may belong to more than
    one if it communicates frequently with subnet
  • Address uniquely identifies both physical and
    virtual affiliations (multiple address for more
    than one virtual subnet)
  • Prefix physical subnet
  • Suffix virtual subnet

Backbone Formation Clustering
Backbone Formation Clustering
  • Mobility
  • If a node moves out of range of its subnet
  • Needs to join another physical subnet, which
    typically leads to a new virtual subnet
  • Join a subnet whose Q quota has not been filled
  • Otherwise, joins physical subnet as a guest
  • New address is announced to all members of the
    physical and virtual subnets
  • Guest members do not distribute its address to
    any virtual subnet
  • Address Discovery
  • Source distributes a query within its physical
  • Address is returned if the destination is
    affiliated with a virtual subnet of one of the
    sources physical subnet members

Backbone Formation Clustering
  • A query is distributed within the virtual subnet
    if the destination is not found
  • Address is returned if destination is found in a
    physical subnet of one of the sources affiliated
    virtual subnets
  • This feature will find guest destinations
  • Routing
  • Multiple paths are available to nodes within the
    virtual subnet architecture
  • Increases fault tolerance
  • Direct Routing and long path routing exploits
    this feature

Backbone Formation Clustering
  • Direct Routing
  • Routing by source and destination address
  • Next hop selection
  • Source seeks node, x, that is member of sources
    physical subnet and destinations virtual subnet
    and forwards packet to it.
  • If destination is a guest, no x is found and the
    source uses its virtual subnet to forward the
  • If the network is not partitioned and each
    physical subnet contains a member of each virtual
    subnet direct routing works very well
  • Partitions and reconfiguration of the network is
    highly likely in highly mobile networks however.

Backbone Formation Clustering
Backbone Formation Clustering
  • Long-Path Routing
  • Routes are randomly distributed to balance
    traffic load and assist the network in
    accommodating partitions
  • At most QP-1 different routes
  • If subnets are partitioned, intermediate nodes
    will have to make random selections to route
    around partitions
  • Source randomly selects a virtual subnet (at
    most Q)
  • If the source is not a member of the virtual
    subnet selected, the packet is forwarded via node
    u that is a member of both the virtual subnet and
    the sources physical subnet
  • U forwards the packet through the virtual subnet
    to a node v located in the destinations physical
  • V forwards the packet to the destination node

Backbone Formation Clustering
  • If the source is a member of the selected virtual
  • Select at random one of the P-1 (at most)
    physical subnets within its virtual subnet (VS)
    and distinct from its own (PS)
  • Forward packet via PS to a node, w, in both the
    sources VS and the PS
  • Node w forwards the packet within the PS to a
    node z in the destinations VS and finally to the

Backbone Formation Clustering
Routing Efficiency Clustering
  • In order to achieve the required network
    performance goals,
  • Accurate network state information is required by
    control functions
  • Controllers must detect network state changes
  • Collection and distribution of network state is
  • Mobile networks have a higher rate network state
    changes than fixed networks
  • Mobility affect interconnectivity and link
  • Wireless networks add the crucial affect of
    limited and volatile resources

Routing Efficiency Clustering
  • Updates of current state information may consume
    large amounts of resources
  • Transmission, storage and processing
  • In highly dynamic networks, updates may lag
    behind the current state
  • Sensitivity to network changes is a function of
    the particular control function, resources,
    volatility of the network state, and magnitude of
    state change consequences

Routing Efficiency Clustering
  • Hierarchical Routing
  • Structure
  • Network of N nodes is organized into a m-level
    hierarchy of nested clusters
  • All level-i clusters are disjoint, 0 ? i ? m
  • A node is a level-0 cluster grouped into level-1
    clusters, etc.
  • A nodes address are relative to its position in
    the hierarchy
  • A concatenation of the labels of the level (m-1)
    through level-0 clusters
  • Label of a single level-m cluster is omitted from
    a nodes address
  • Node z of figure 4.6 has the address, x.y.z with
    u as the implicit prefix

Routing Efficiency Clustering
Routing Efficiency Clustering
  • Cluster Overlap
  • All the routing schemes presented (with the
    exclusion of 1) have disjoint clusters at a
    particular level
  • Not a requirement
  • Cluster overlap can be desirable
  • Node remains reachable after moving out of a
  • Route length can be reduced
  • Multiple clustering hierarchies
  • If 2 level 1 clusters a1 and b1 overlap, each of
    their level-I ancestral clusters ai and bi must
    also overlap and a1 ? b1 ? ai ? bi for i ? 1

Routing Efficiency Clustering
  • Overlap can be expensive
  • The number of node addressing information must be
    distributed and maintained in the network is
    proportional to the number of addresses per node
  • Route selection is complicated by the need to
    determine which cluster to utilize to maximize
    reachability during movement
  • Cluster formation and maintenance can be
    complicated by constraints on the amount of
    overlapped permitted

Routing Efficiency Clustering
  • Granularity of network state
  • Abstraction of network state can reduce the
    amount of resources required to maintain the
  • Abstraction can also result in loss of
    information and reduce accuracy of control
  • Routing Schemes
  • Cluster representative a network controller
    that generates and distributes routing
    information for a particular cluster
  • Hierarchical routing schemes attempt to prevent a
    single point of failure w.r.t cluster information
  • Multiple nodes are capable of quickly assuming
    the role

Routing Efficiency Clustering
  • Quasi-hierarchical routing schemes
  • Most schemes fall into this category
  • Most are derivatives of the distance-vector
    routing approach
  • Each node learns the next node to use in order to
    reach each level-i cluster within its level-(i
    1) cluster
  • Strict-hierarchical routing schemes
  • Each node learns the next level-i cluster to use
    in order to reach each level-i cluster within its
    level-(i 1) cluster and
  • Each node learns which level-i cluster lies on
    the boundary of its level-(i 1) cluster and
    which are directly linked

Route Efficiency Clustering
  • Example ck is the lowest-level cluster with the
    source and destination nodes
  • K 3
  • Quasi-hierarchical routing s0 routes the packet
    directly to the boundary of dk-1. The packet is
    then routed to dk-2 boundary and so on.
  • Strict-hierarchical routing S0 routes the packet
    directly to the boundary of sk-1 one level at a
    time. The packet is then routed through
    level-(k-2) clusters in dk-1 to reach the
    boundary of dk-2 and so on.

Route Efficiency Clustering
Route Efficiency Clustering
  • Quasi-hierarchical Routing
  • Objective of distance vector routing is to
    determine the next hop on the minimum-cost route
    from a node to each level-i cluster within the
    nodes level(i 1) cluster, for 0 ? i ? m
  • A cluster representative advertises to nodes
    outside of its cluster an abstracted cost for
    reaching destinations within the cluster
  • Closest entry routing cost 0
  • Overall best routing cost average of all
    costs from rep to all nodes in cluster

Route Efficiency Clustering
  • If x and y are direct linked neighbors belonging
    to the same level-(j1) cluster but different
    level j clusters
  • when x receives a new cost for level-i cluster,
    c, contained in xs level-(i 1) cluster, from
    neighbor z, for any 0 ? i ? m, x decides if it
    needs to update its forwarding information for c
    and if it needs to distribute a new cost
    advertisement for c to its neighbors
  • If c is not an ancestral cluster of x,
  • If Wc-stored gt Wc-z Wx-z x updates its
    forwarding info for c and replaces the next hop
    node with z
  • The cost advertisement is updated and sent to
    neighbors x determines require it

Route Efficiency Clustering
  • If c is an ancestral cluster of x, x simply
    determines the set of neighbors to which it will
    distribute the cost advertisement but does not
    update its forwarding information and cost
  • Before distributing the cost ad for c to y, x
    must verify,
  • i ? j to prevent propagation of detailed
    routing info outside of that cluster
  • The next hop in xs forwarding table entry for c
    is not y to prevent formation of routing loops.
  • Reduces the amount of routing info received and
    retained by each node from O(N) to O(mCmax) for a
    m-level hierarchical control structure of nested
  • Cmax max number of level-i clusters, over all
    i, contained within a level-(i 1) cluster

Route Efficiency Clustering
  • If each level-i cluster contains the same number
    of level-(i 1) clusters, for 0 lt i ? m, the
    amount of forwarding info at each node mN1/m
  • If m is large, the route costs may be
    significantly larger than true minimum-cost
  • Results of analysis of the quasi-hierarchical
    approach are,
  • Number of entries in a nodes forwarding table is
    minimized when the number of level-i clusters in
    each level-(i1) cluster equals e and when the
    number of levels in the clustering hierarchy
    equals ln N ? forwarding table contains elnN

Route Efficiency Clustering
  • For any arbitrary source and destination, the
    difference in lengths between route produces by
    quasi-hierarchical routing and the true
    minimum-hop path tends to zero as N ? ?, under
    the following ideal assumptions.
  • ? All level-i clusters contain the same of
  • (i 1) clusters, for 0 lt i ? m
  • ? Each level-i cluster contains the minimum-hop
  • between two nodes resident in that cluster
  • ? The diameter of any level-i cluster does not
  • exceed bnv c, where n of nodes in the
  • cluster, 0 ? v ? 1 indicates the
    connectivity of
  • the cluster, and b, c are positive

Route Efficiency Clustering
  • Some analysis results indicate that, m ? 4,
    substantial reductions in forwarding table size
    is achieved with only a small increase in route
    length over the true minimum. (results are valid
    within the context of the 3 ideal assumptions and
    2 unrealistic assumptions
  • ? All links have equal capacity
  • ? Traffic rates between any 2 nodes are
  • Minimum-Cost Paths
  • Quasi-hierarchical routing cannot guarantee
    near-minimum-cost routes, ex.,
  • di1 cluster is the lowest-level ancestral
    cluster of both the s0 and d0
  • di is the level-i ancestral cluster of d0 but not

Route Efficiency Clustering
  • Quasi-hierarchical routing yields the minimum-hop
    route from di1 to di and the minimum-hop route
    from di to di-1 and so on
  • This value is not necessarily the minimum-hop
    path to d0 unless i 1
  • It has been shown, that in worst case, the route
    produced by quasi-hierarchical routing can exceed
    the true minimum-hop path by a factor of 2m 1

Route Efficiency Clustering
  • A modification to the closest entry routing that
    enables any source to obtain the minimum cost
    route to any destination node has been proposed
  • Source determines the minimum-cost route to each
    border node of the destinations level-1 cluster
    using closest entry routing
  • Source queries each border node for the cost of
    its minimum-cost route and
  • Determines the critical border node node for
    which the sum of costs of the minimum-cost routes
    from the source to itself and from itself to the
    destination is the minimum over all border nodes
    of the destination's cluster

Route Efficiency Clustering
  • The added cost of queries and responses from
    border nodes of a destination cluster is the
    expense and it is recommended for use on virtual
    circuit forwarding networks where the cost can be
    amortized over the network
  • In worse case, the of queries required is
    O(Bm), where B is the max of border nodes for
    any cluster and thus may be impractical for
    networks with many levels or border nodes

Route Efficiency Clustering
  • Link-State Routing
  • Nodes generate, distribute, and use hierarchical
    link-state info
  • Level-1 nodes flood its link state to all other
    nodes in the cluster in the form of link costs to
    all of its neighbors
  • All nodes can generate minimum-cost routes to all
    other nodes within the cluster using Dijkstras
    SPF algorithm
  • Each gate (border node) generates minimum-cost
    routes to all other gates (in the cluster) using
    intracluster link state
  • Each gate generates link-state (costs over
    virtual links to neighboring gates within the
    same cluster and in adjacent clusters connected
    via direct links)

Route Efficiency Clustering
  • Gates flood this link-state to all other gates in
    all level-1 clusters
  • All gates have enough info to generate
    minimum-cost routes to all other gates
  • Gates flood their clusters with the minimum-cost
    to all other clusters
  • Nodes can determine next hop on the minimum cost
    route to any destination cluster
  • Route may not be the minimum-cost path since
    there is no means for a source to discover the
    minimum-cost routes connecting gates of the
    destinations cluster to the destination node

Route Efficiency Clustering
Route Efficiency Clustering
  • Hybrid Schemes
  • SURAN Survivable Adaptive Networks A DARPA
    program (tactical packet radio networks) for
    which the control structures consists of a
    three-level hierarchy of nodes, clusters, and
  • One scheme suggested for SURAN is a hybrid of the
    distance-vector and link-state routing schemes
  • Each node uses distance-vector to determine the
    next hop on the minimum-cost route
  • Destinations outside of its cluster, the
    distance-vector routing info is partially derived
    from link-state exchanged between clusters and
  • Border nodes flood interconnectivity information
    in the form of link-state which is used to
    compute minimum-cost routes to any cluster or
    supercluster within its supercluster or network

Route Efficiency Clustering
Route Efficiency Clustering
  • Focal Nodes
  • Help to guide nodes in making forwarding
  • Permit more direct routes when available
  • This makes the focal nodes seldom visited
  • Regional Node Routing
  • Each level-k cluster (k-region) contains one or
    more k-regional nodes (except for the top level,
    m-region does not contain any nodes)
  • A node is both a 0-region and 0-regional node
  • A k-regional node is also an i-regional node for
    each i-region in which it resides, for 0 ? i ? k
  • Each k-regional node is affiliated with one
    (k1)-regional node in its ancestral (k1) region
  • ? address expressed as the concatenation of
  • pairs of region and regional node labels
    for its
  • ancestral regions and finally the nodes

Route Efficiency Clustering
Route Efficiency Clustering
  • A node may affiliate with more than one regional
  • Each node in a region, k, distributes
    distance-vector routing info throughout the
    nodes (k1)-region but no further
  • A source will consult its forwarding table for a
    reachable node with an address with the longest
    match with the destinations address before
    forwarding a packet
  • If no match is found, the packet is discarded
  • If multiple entries have the longest match, the
    lowest cost route is selected
  • If multiple entries have the lowest cost, a route
    amongst these is selected at random

Route Efficiency Clustering
  • The selected regional nodes, r, address is added
    to the packet to be used for forwarding decisions
  • The packet is forwarded to the next hop
  • Each of the remaining nodes, x, that receive the
    packet repeats the same steps as the source and
  • Each node uses information about r to select a
    forwarding table entry for an appropriate
    regional node r
  • If r ? F (set of regional nodes in xs forwarding
    table and exhibit longest address matches with
    lowest cost routes), x selects r r and
    forwards to the next hop
  • If r ? F, x selects r as the source selected r
    if the address match between r and the
    destination is at least as long as that of r and
    the destination and the address of r is replaced
    by r in the packet
  • Otherwise, the packet is discarded

Route Efficiency Clustering
  • The route produced is not necessarily the
    minimum-cost route but is comparable to the
    closest entry route
  • If a region is partitioned, a packet may be
    traversed through an alternate regional node,
    provided that the node is at least as close as
    the current but unreachable node
  • Landmark Routing
  • Each level-i landmark, x, consists of all nodes
    that are within a radius of ri(x) node hops from
    x, 0 lt ri(x) ? ri and ri is the max radius
    permitted for the level-i cluster
  • Each level-m landmark has a radius that is at
    least as large as the diameter of the network
  • Each node is a level-0 landmark
  • More than one level-i landmark is also a
    level-(i1) landmark, 0 ? i lt m and for each, y,
    ri1(y) gt ri(y)

Route Efficiency Clustering
  • Distance-vector routing is used by each node to
    advertise its cost throughout level-j (highest
    level for which x acts as a landmark)
  • x includes a hop count of rj(x) to constrain
    propagation members of level-js cluster
  • Each node computes its own cost to x and
    decrements the hop count
  • If the decremented hop count gt 0, the node
    distributes the advertisement further with new
    hop count and route cost
  • A forwarding table is built by each node where
    each entry refers to a landmark and indicates the
    cost of the next-hop node on the minimum cost
    route to that landmark

Route Efficiency Clustering
  • The landmark hierarchy is the control structure
    comprised of the landmarks and associated
  • At level 0, any two clusters associated with
    neighboring nodes must overlap (r0(x) gt 0)
  • At level-m, all clusters must overlap since each
    level-m cluster covers the entire network
  • Address is a concatenation of landmark labels in
    descending order of level. The relationship
    among specified landmarks satisfies the following
    for 1? i ? m,
  • The level-i landmark lies within the cluster
    defined by the level-(i-1) landmark ensures
    that the level i landmark knows how to reach the
    level-(i-1) landmark in a destination address
  • The level-0 landmark lies within the cluster
    defined by each level-i landmark ensures the
    node can discover it own address

Route Efficiency Clustering
Route Efficiency Clustering
  • The forwarding table is used to find an entry for
    one of the landmarks specified in the destination
  • If no entries are found, the packet is discarded
  • Otherwise, if multiple entries are found, the
    entry with the lowest level among the landmarks
    is selected
  • See 4.10(a) and 4.10(b)
  • This scheme may increase the risk of packets
    indefinitely wondering the network (for landmarks
    that become unreachable)

Route Efficiency Clustering
  • Strict-hierarchical Routing
  • More robust than quasi-hierarchical schemes in
    the presence of changes in network state
  • Increase route costs and packet forwarding
  • Routing info is assembled by a representative of
    a level-i cluster, c
  • The cluster cost is computed
  • If c lies on the boundary of its level-(i1)
    cluster, directly linked neighbor level-j
    clusters are determined, j ? i 1
  • The routing info is distributed by c using either
    the distance-vector or link-state approach to all
    level-i clusters within the level-(i1) cluster
  • Using all information gained, c computes the
    minimum cost routes and next hop clusters from c
    to any other level-i cluster within the
    level-(i1) cluster and determines border
    clusters and their links

Route Efficiency Clustering
  • The representative of c distributes to all nodes
    within c, the route cost, next-hop cluster and
    cluster boundary info
  • The forwarding tables are identical to the
    quasi-hierarchical tables in terms of the number
    and type of entries. A couple of differences are
  • The next hop to c stored is always a cluster at
    level j ? i instead of a node (neighbor of x)
  • May need to consult up to 2m-1 forwarding table
    entries to determine the next-hop node to a
  • The cost to reach c from x is computed as the
    sum of individual cluster costs over all level-i
    clusters in the route from c to c. The cost to
    reach c for quasi-hierarchical routing is a true
    minimum since it is the sum of individual link
  • A node determines the longest match between the
    destinations address and the cluster entities in
    its forwarding table before forwarding

Route Efficiency Clustering
  • A Prototypical Scheme
  • Provides route stability for dynamically changing
    nodes and links
  • Minimum-cost routes and next-hop nodes are
    determined using distance-vector
  • A clusterhead responsible for generating and
    distributing routing info to all clusters in the
    supercluster is selected for each cluster (as in
    figure 4.11 above)
  • Each superclusterhead is also a clusterhead for a
    component cluster of the supercluster
  • Each clusterhead determines the connectivity and
    cost to each neighboring clusterhead (may not be
    within the supercluster)
  • The link-state is flooded to all clusterheads in
    its superclusterhead

Route Efficiency Clustering
  • Costs from one clusterhead to a neighboring one
    can be
  • 1 to indicate intercluster connectivity only
  • of cluster hops to the neighboring
  • of hops to the neighboring clusterhead
  • Each clusterhead uses SPF to compute the minimum
    cost route and next-hop cluster to each cluster
    in its supercluster and to each neighboring
    supercluster in the network
  • Similarly, each super-clusterhead computes the
    minimum-cost route and next-hop supercluster to
    each supercluster in the network
  • Clusterheads and super-clusterheads do not play a
    central role in packet forwarding

Route Efficiency Clustering
  • Super-clusterheads distribute to all clusterhead
    in the supercluster info on the next-hop
    supercluster to any supercluster in the network.
  • This information is combined with its own to
    obtain the next-hop cluster to any supercluster
    in the network and distributes to each node in
    the network
  • Hybrid Scheme
  • Designed for the DARPA PRNet program (large
    tactical packet radio networks)
  • Strict-hierarchical granularity of forwarding
    table entries
  • Quasi-hierarchical granularity and propagation
    of routing information

Route Efficiency Clustering
  • Distance Vector Routing is used to generate the
    minimum-cost route and next hop to each node in
    the level-1 cluster and discover boundary nodes
    and their connectivity to neighbor clusters
  • Route cost is expressed as the number of node
    hops with the next hop being a neighbor node in
    the level-1 cluster
  • To route at other levels, global routing nodes
    provide routing information but do not play a
    role in packet forwarding (cluster
  • Global routing nodes at level-1 determine the
    minimum-cost route to level-1 clusters and next
    hops to global routing nodes (as it pertains to
    level-(i1), 0 lt i lt m)

Route Efficiency Clustering
Route Efficiency Clustering
  • The quasi-hierarchical routing procedure is
    performed with these differences,
  • Route cost is in terms of the of level-1
    cluster hops, therefore,
  • ? if x updates its cost to a cluster after
  • a cost advertisement from neighbor, z, x
  • its cost from x to z to be 0
  • ? if a global routing node, g, updates its cost
  • a cluster based on a cost advertisement
  • received indirectly from a global routing
  • g, in neighbor level-1 cluster, g sets the
  • from itself to g to 1

Route Efficiency Clustering
  • The next hop to the destination cluster is a
    global routing node in a neighbor level-1 cluster
    (not a neighbor node nor a cluster)
  • The forwarding table entries includes,
  • For each destination in the nodes level-1
    cluster contain the cost of the minimum-hop route
    (node hops) and the next-hop node along that
  • For each level-i destination cluster in the
    nodes level-(i 1) cluster, 0 lt i lt m, contain
    the minimum-hop route cost (level-1 cluster
    hops), the next-hop global routing node along the
    route, and the next-hop boundary node (level-1
    cluster) toward the global routing node
  • This scheme is considered less robust than the
    SURAN scheme for dynamic networks since changes
    in connectivity of level-1 clusters affect all
    nodes in the network not just nodes in the
    ancestral level-2 cluster

Route Efficiency Clustering
  • Link-State Routing
  • Two schemes (strict-hierarchical) designed to
    provide QoS routing for large dynamic networks
  • Common Features
  • Link-state approach is used to represent and
    distribute routing info at all levels of the
  • Routes are selected to satisfy individual users
    service requests given the limitations of the
    current state of the network
  • Forwarding can be either source-directed (route
    included in packet) or virtual-circuit
  • For sessions with many packets, virtual-circuit
    forwarding is preferred since the per-packet
    forwarding overhead is small and the cost of
    establishing the circuit can be amortized over
    all session packets
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