Title: Update, IHE-J Endoscopy Committee Activity
1Update, IHE-J Endoscopy Committee Activity
22/04/2009 IHE Japan Endoscopy Committee
- Relationship between IHE-J JAHIS
- IHE document JAHIS document
- JAHIS Endo Data Exchange Protocol
- Transactions
- Endo Specific Transaction1
- Notification of the Report
Status - Endo Specific Transaction2 Pathology Order
- Current Activity
- Future Activity
3Relationship between IHE-J JAHIS
- JAHIS (Japanese Association of Healthcare
Information Systems Industry) is one of member
groups that established IHE-Japan. - JAHIS/IHE-J studied the contents of IHE Endoscopy
Vol?(Transaction) after publishing Vol?( trial
implementation version). JAHIS/IHE-J determined
to proceed HL7 part of IHE Endoscopy as JAHIS
data exchange protocol. Ver1.0 has been published
last summer.
4IHE document JAHIS document
ltIHE Endoscopygt
IHE Endoscopy Vol? Profile
IHE Endoscopy Vol? Transaction
ltJAHIS Endo Data Exchange Protocolgt
HL7 Part
JAHIS Endo Data Exchange Protocol Ver1.0
We categorized the scope of IHEVol?from technical
point of view and determined to complete each
part one by one.
Order Transaction
Execution Data Transaction (Billing)
5JAHIS Endo Data Exchange Protocol
?Patient Information notification
?Patient Information notification
?Endoscopy notification
?Endoscopy order
?Endoscopy result query
Image Status etc.
?Patient Information Query
?Endoscopy order query
?Patient arrival notification
?Observation report status notification
?Observation report notification
Message Definition Message Type Trigger Event Event Type
1) Patient information query QRY? ?ADR Patient query A19
2) Patient information notification ADT? ?ACK Admit/visit notification A01
2) Patient information notification ADT? ?ACK Transfer a patient A02
2) Patient information notification ADT? ?ACK Discharge/end visit A03
2) Patient information notification ADT? ?ACK Patient goes on a leave of absence A21
2) Patient information notification ADT? ?ACK Patient returns from a leave of absence A22
2) Patient information notification ADT? ?ACK Cancel admit/visit notification A11
2) Patient information notification ADT? ?ACK Cancel transfer A12
2) Patient information notification ADT? ?ACK Cancel discharge/end visit A13
2) Patient information notification ADT? ?ACK Cancel leave of absence for a patient A52
2) Patient information notification ADT? ?ACK Cancel patient return from a leave of absence A53
2) Patient information notification ADT? ?ACK Update patient information A08
3) Endoscopy order query OSQ? ?OSR Query for order status Q06
Message Definition Message Type Trigger Event Event Type
4) Endoscopy order (HIS-EIS) OMG? ?ORG General clinical order O19/O20
5) Endoscopy notification (EIS-PACS/REPORT) OMI? ?ORI Imaging order O23/O24
6) Endoscopy result query QRY? ?ORF Query for results of observation R02, R04
7) Patient arrival notification (EIS-HIS) ORU? ?ACK Unsolicited transmission of an observation message R01
8) Observation report status notification (REPORT-EIS) MDM? ?ACK Original document notification T01
9) Observation report notification (REPORT-HIS) MDM? ?ACK Original document notification and content T02
9Endo Specific Transaction1 Notification of the
Report Status
Observation Report Complete!
ADT/Order Information
10Endo Specific Transaction2 Pathology Order
- Original Idea
- Endoscopy to have Order Placing function
How many OP in the system?
What if HIS to place a path-order?
- Current Idea
- Endoscopy Department System has no OP.
- HIS to place a Path-Order
- HIS generates a Path-Order on the observation
report that Report system provided. - JAHIS is also studying Path-Order protocol.
11Endo Specific Transaction2 Pathology Order
Here is a Label Printer
Sending Observation Report to notice OP for
Pathology Order
12Current Activity
- We are studying to establish execution
information exchange (for billing) as JAHIS Endo
data exchange protocol Ver2.0 - Defining Z segment for execution data
- Japanese insurance system is complicated and
requires not only Diagnosis Code and Procedure
Code, but also Complementary Procedure Code and
Material information. - Z segment to be sent to HIS by OMI message.
- For US and EU, OBR-13 and OBR-44 may be used as
ICD and CPT code container.
13Current Activity
- Messaging Route
- Report???EIS???HIS
- Route ? should be optional, route ? should be
required so that the system allows user to enter
execution data from either EIS or Report.
14Future Activity
- Completion of JAHIS Endo Data Exchange Protocol
Ver2.0 - Completion of IHE Endo Vol? Vol?
- Including Lower GI (Currently Upper GI only)
- Refining Endo Profile for conectathon
- Completion of Vol? within the scope of HL7.
- Attending IHE-J annual Connectathon from Endo
domain - Connectathon is the event where venders together
check interoperability. - Not only Endoscopy system vender but HIS vender
to implement IHE Endoscopy.
15Thank You.