Title: Chapter 6: Electronic Structure and the Periodic Table
1Chapter 6 Electronic Structure and the Periodic
- Chapter Outline
- 6.1 Light, Photon 6.5 Orbital Diagrams of
- Energies, and Atomic Atoms
- Spectra 6.6 Electron Arrangements
- 6.2 The Hydrogen Atom in Monoatomic
Ions - 6.3 Quantum Numbers, 6.7 Periodic Trends in
the - Energy Level, and in the
Properties of - 6.4 Electron Configurations in Atoms
- Review of Structure of Atom
- (i) Atom has positively charged nucleus
which contains protons and neutrons. - (ii) The number of protons in the nucleus is
characteristic of the atoms of a particular
element. - (iii) The nucleus is surrounded by negatively
charged electrons.
3Introduction (Contd)
- In this chapter we will focus on electron
arrangements in atoms, paying close attention to
the relative energies of different electrons
(energy levels) and their spatial locations
(orbitals, orbital diagram). - The electron configuration and the orbital
diagram of an atom of an element can be decduced
from its position in the periodic table. - Using the periodic table, we can predict atomic
and ionic radii as well as ionization energy and
4Light, Photon Energies, and Atomic Spectra
- Light travels through space as a wave, which is
made of crests and troughs. There are two
characteristics of waves we will look at - a) Wavelength (?) The distance between two
consecutive crests or troughs, most often
measured in meters or nanometers (1nm 10-9m)
5Waves (Contd)
- b) Frequency (?) the number of wave cycles
(successive crests or troughs) that pass a given
point in unit time. Reported in hertz (Hz),
which is cycles/second.
6Speed of Waves
- The speed of a wave can be calculated from the
following equation - c ??
- Where c is the speed of light, 2.998 x 108 m/s.
7The Particle Nature of Light
- Max Planck and Albert Einstein shoed that light
was both a wave and a particle. The particles
that make up light are called photons. - The energy of a photon can be calculated as
follows - E h? hc/?
8Units of Energy
- The SI unit of energy is the joule (J). A joule
is a small quantity one joule of electrical
energy would keep a 10-W light bulb burning for
only 1/10 of a second. - Energy is often expressed in kilojoules (kJ).
- 1 kJ 103J
- The h in Plancks equation is called Plancks
constant. - h 6.626 x 10-34 J s
9Atomic Spectra
- Newton, in the 17th century, discovered that
visible (white) light from the sun can be
separated into its various colors using a prism.
The spectrum that is obtained is continuous it
contains all wavelengths from 400-700nm.
10Spectra of Elements in the Gas Phase
- If the light from a gas discharge tube containing
a particular element is passed through a prism,
only narrow colored lines are observed. This
pattern of lines emitted by elements is called
its line spectrum. - The line spectrum of an element is characteristic
of that element and can be used to identify it.
Not all the lines in a line spectrum are in the
visible region.
11Line Spectrum (Contd)
- The lines in a line spectrum indicate the
wavelength of the photon that was given off by
the element. Since these photons appears to have
discrete wavelengths, they must also have
discrete energies since - E h? hc/?
12Line Spectrum (Contd)
- The lines in the spectrum are produced when a
photon of energy is released. - This release of a photon coincides with the
movement of an electron from one energy level to
another. - It is from this observation, that it was
discovered that the electronic energy levels in
an atom are quantized.
13Energy Levels (Contd)
- In theory, it is possible to unravel all the
energy levels of an atom using its line spectrum.
14Line Spectrum of Hydrogen
15Energy Levels of Hydrogen
- UV(Lyman) Visible (Balmer) IR (Paschen)
- 121.53 656.28 1875.90
- 102.54 486.13 1281.80
- 97.23 434.05 1093.80
- 93.75 410.18 1004.93
- 93.05 397.01
16The Hydrogen Atom
- Niels Bohr was the first to deduce the electronic
structure of the hydrogen atom. He was awarded
the Nobel Prize in physics in 1922. - In his theory, Bohr assumed that a hydrogen atom
consisted of a central proton about which an
electron moves in a circular orbit.
17The Bohr Model
- He related the electrostatic force (attraction)
between the proton and the electron to the
centrifugal force due to the circular motion of
the atom. - Bohr was able to express the energy of the
electron in terms of the radius of the electrons
orbit. - Classical Argument Coulombs Law of
Electrostatic attraction and Newtons Laws of
18Bohrs Model (Contd)
- In order to move beyond this point, Bohr assumed
that the electron in the hydrogen can only have
certain definite energies. - Bohr developed the following equation
- En -RH/n2
- RH (Rydberg constant) 2.180 x 10-18 J
- n principal quantum number (n positive integral
193 Assumptions
- 1. Bohr designated zero energy as the point at
which the proton and electron are completely
separated. Energy has to be absorbed to reach
that point. In practical terms, the electron, in
all its allowed energy states, must have an
energy below zero (negative number).
20Assumptions (Contd)
- 2. Ordinarily, the hydrogen atom is in its
lowest-energy state, referred to as the ground
state, for which n 1. When an electron absorbs
sufficient energy, it moves to a higher excited
state. In hydrogen, the first excited state is n
2. - 3. When an excited state given off energy as a
photon of light, it drops back to a lower energy
level. The electron can return to the ground
state or to a lower excited state.
21Assumptions (Contd)
- The energy of the photon evolved is equal to the
difference in energy between the two states - ?E hv Ehi Elo
- In hydrogen, the Balmer series involves from
transitions to level n 2 from higher levels.
The lyman series involves transitions to n 1.
22Quantum Mechanical Model
- When Bohrs work was extended to a two electron
system (helium), the errors associated with the
calculated energies rises to 5 vs 0.1 for
hydrogen. - This led to the abandonment of the idea that the
electron moved around the nucleus in a
well-defined orbit at a fixed distance.
23Quantum Mechanics (Contd)
- De Broglie suggested that if light could show the
properties of particles as well as waves, then
perhaps an electron could also act as a wave.
24Differences Between Quantum and Classical
- Quantum mechanics differs from Bohrs Model in
the following ways - 1. The kinetic energy of an electron is inversely
related to the volume of the region to which it
is confined. As the electron moves closer and
closer to the nucleus, the electrostatic energy
decreases (becomes more negative). If this were
the only factor, the electron should radiate
energy and fall into the nucleus. However, the
kinetic energy is increasing at the same time,
b/c the electron is with in a smaller and smaller
25Differences (Contd)
- 2. It is impossible to specify the precise
position of an electron in an atom at a given
instant. We can neither describe in detail the
path an electron takes about the nucleus. All we
can do is estimate the probability of finding an
electron in a certain region.
26Schrödingers Equation
- Schrödingers equation takes the form of a
differential equation to express the wave
properties of electrons. - This equation can be used to solve for the
amplitude (height), ?, of the electron wave at
various points in space. - ? is known as the wave function
27Wavefunction (Contd)
- The square of the wave function, ?2, is directly
proportional to the probability of finding the
electron at a particular point. - e.g. If ?2 is twice as large at point A then
point B, then the probability of finding the
electron at point A is twice as great then
finding it at point B
28Wavefunction (Contd)
- An electron cloud diagram illustrates how ?2
varies moving out from the nucleus. - The color fades moving out from the nucleus in
any direction (value of ?2 drops
proportionately). - The electron distribution can also be shown by
drawing the orbital within which there is a 90
chance of finding the electron. - In the case of hydrogen, the orbital is
spherical (probability is independent of
29Quantum Numbers, Energy Levels, and Orbitals
- There are many solution for ?, each associated
with a set of numbers called quantum numbers.
There are 3 quantum numbers, given the symbols n,
l, and ml. A fourth quantum number, ms, is
needed to completely describe an orbital. - A wave function corresponding to a particular set
of three quantum numbers is referred to as an
atomic orbital. - Orbitals differ from each other in shape, energy,
and spatial orientation of their electron cloud.
30First Quantum Number, n
- n represents the principal energy level. The
energy of the electron increases as n increases
(and the electron is found urther out from the
nucleus). - n 1, 2, 3, 4.
31Second Quantum Number, l Sublevels (s, p, d, f)
- Every principal quantum level has 1 or more
sublevels, denoted by l. The quantum numbers n
and l are related l can take on any value from 0
to a maximum of n 1. - l 0, 1, 2, ., (n 1)
- e.g. n 1, l 0
- n 2, l 0, 1
- In general, in the nth principal quantum level,
there are n different sublevels.
32Second Quantum Number (Contd)
- Sublevels are commonly designated by letters
rather than numbers. The letters used are s, p,
d, and f. - Quantum number, l 0 1 2 3
- Type of sublevel s p d f
- In designating a sublevel, a number is included
to indicate the the principle level as well. - e.g. 1s (n 1, l 0)
- 2p (n 2, l 1)
33Second Energy Level (Contd)
- For hydrogen, the energy of the electron is
independent of the value of l. For multielectron
systems, the energy is dependent on both l and n. - ns
34Third Quantum Number, ml
- Each sublevel contains one or more orbital, which
differ from each other by the value of the third
quantum number, ml. - ml determines the direction in space of the
electron cloud surrounding the nucleus. - For a given value of l, ml can have any integral
value including 0 between l and l - e.g. ml l, , 1, 0, -1, , -l
35Third Quantum Number (Contd)
- E.g. The electron in the hydrogen atom occupies
the 1s orbital in the ground state. - All s orbitals are spherical, they differ only
in size. As n increases, so does the radius of
the orbital - For a p sublevel (l 1), ml -1, 0, 1 that is
within a given p sublevel, there are 3 different
orbitals, often referred to as px, py, and pz. - In general, for a sublevel of quantum level l,
there are a total of 2l 1 orbitals.
36Fourth Quantum Number, ms
- The quantum number ms is assigned to electron
spin. An electron has magnetic properties that
correspond to those of a charged particle
spinning on its axis. Two spins are possible
clockwise or counterclockwise - ms can have one of two possible values ½ or
½ .
37Fourth Quantum Number (Contd)
- Electrons which have the same spin (ms) are said
to have parallel spins. Those that have
different values are said to have opposed spins.
38Pauli Exclusion Principle
- No two electrons may have the same set of four
quantum numbers. Suggested by Wolfgang Pauli in
1925. - What is the practical implication of this theory
in regards to the distribution of electrons
around the nucleus?
- Consider 2s orbital
- n 2 l 0 ml 0
- To satisfy the Pauli exclusion principle, the two
electrons must have different spins (values of ms)
40Capacities of Principal Levels, Sublevels and
- Summary of Quantum Number Rules
- I. Each principle level of quantum number n
contains a total of n sublevels. - II. Each sublevel of quantum number l contains a
total of 2l 1 orbitals - s sublevel (l 0) 1 orbital
- p sublevel (l 1) 3 orbitals
- d sublevel (l 2) 5 orbitals
- f sublevel (l 3) 7 orbitals
- III. Each orbital can hold two electrons, which
must have opposed spins.
41Allowed Sets of Quantum Numbers
- Table 6.3 The number of electrons in a sublevel
is found by adding up all the electrons in the
orbitals within that sublevel
42Electron Configuration in Atoms
- Electron configuration indicates the number of
electrons (using a superscript) in each sublevel
(orbital). - e.g. 1s22s22p5
- Note electron configurations assume gaseous
atoms in the ground state.
43Filling of Sublevels and the Periodic Table
- Figure 6.8 shows the periodic table and the
trends in electron configuration. - The atoms of elements in a group of the periodic
table have the same distribution of electrons in
the outermost energy level
44Trends In the Periodic Table
- I. Elements in group 1 and 2 are filling s
sublevels. - II. Elements in groups 13-18 fill p sublevels
- III. The transition metals fill d sublevels
- IV. The lanthanides and actinides fill f
45Orbital Diagrams of Atoms
- Electron configurations show the number of
electrons in each sublevel. - Orbital diagrams show how electrons are
distributed in orbitals. - Orbitals are represented by ( ), and electron
are represented by up and down arrows.
46Hunds Rule
- When several orbitals of equal energy are
available, as in a given sublevel, electrons
enter singly with parallel spins. - In all filled orbitals, the two electrons have
opposed spins. - In accordance with Hunds Rule, within a given
sublevel there are as many half-filled orbitals
as possible.
47Experimental Basis for Hunds Rule
- Hunds Rule was verified by doing experiments
with a variety of solids in a magnetic field. - Solids with unpaired electrons are attracted
into the field (paramagnetic) - Solids that are not attracted into the field
(slightly repelled)have no unpaired electrons
48Electron Arrangements in Monoatomic Ions
- In general, when electrons are added or removed,
they are done so from sublevels in the highest
energy level (typically s orbitals first). - Metals typically form cations that have a noble
gas configuration.
49Transition Metal Cations
- The transition metals to the right of Sc do not
form ions with a noble gas configuration. - Why?
- When transition metals form cations, the outer
most s electrons are lost first.
50Trends in the Periodic Table
- Atomic Radius decreases across from left to
right increase from top to bottom. - Ionic Radius Positive ions are smaller than the
atoms they are derived from. - Negative ions are larger than the atoms they are
derived from.
51Ionization Energy
- Ionization Energy is a measure of how difficult
it is to remove an electron from a gaseous atom. - Increases across the periodic table from left to
right. - Decreases down the periodic table.