Module 9: Quantum Theory and The Electronic Structure of Atoms - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Module 9: Quantum Theory and The Electronic Structure of Atoms


Bohr made significant contributions to the understanding of atoms, including the ... In orbital diagrams, orbitals are represented by lines and electrons are ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Module 9: Quantum Theory and The Electronic Structure of Atoms

Module 9 Quantum Theory and The Electronic
Structure of Atoms
  • By Alyssa Jean-Mary
  • Source Modular Study Guide for First Semester
    Chemistry by Anthony J. Papaps and Marta E.

Electromagnetic (EM) Radiation
  • Electronic transitions - associated with
    absorption OR emission of electromagnetic
    radiation, most of which cannot be seen, with
    only the radiation that is in the visible region
    of the electromagnetic spectrum being seen.

Electromagnetic (EM) Radiation Wave Nature
  • Wave nature of EM radiation
  • EM radiation travels in waves through space at
    the speed of light (c), where c 3.00 x 108m/s
    OR 3.00 x 1010cm/sec
  • Wave components
  • Crest top part of the wave
  • Trough bottom part of the wave
  • Wavelength (?) distance between peaks of
    consecutive waves (i.e. distance from crest to
    crest or trough to trough)
  • Units m, cm, OR Å (Angstrom), where 1 Å
    10-10m 10-8 cm
  • Frequency (v) the number of waves that pass a
    particular point in 1 second
  • Units Hertz (Hz) cycles/sec 1/sec sec-1
  • Wave equation v c / ?

Electromagnetic (EM) Radiation Particle Nature
  • Particle nature of EM radiation
  • Einstein discovered that the photoelectric
    effect, which is when electrons are ejected from
    the surface of a metal when light shines on it,
    can be explained by postulating that light has
    both wave and particle properties. When light is
    a particle, it is known as a photon. Thus, since
    light has both a wave nature and a particle
    nature, it has what is called wave-particle
  • Plancks Equation, which gives the energy of a
  • E hv h (c / ?)
  • In this equation
  • E energy, with units of J (Joule) OR erg
  • h Plancks constant 6.63 x 10-34 Jsec OR
    6.63 x 10-27 ergsec
  • v frequency, with units of sec-1
  • c speed of light 3.00 x 108m/s OR 3.00 x
  • ? wavelength, with units or m, cm, OR Å

Examples Using the Wave Equations
  • Example 1 If the wavelength of a light wave is
  • What is its frequency?
  • What is its energy in J?
  • What is its energy in erg?
  • Example 2 If the energy of a light wave is 6.66
    x 10-20J,
  • What is its frequency?
  • What is its wavelength in cm?
  • What is its wavelength in Å?

Electromagnetic Spectrum
  • Electromagnetic spectrum different forms of
    light arranged in a particular order according to
    their energy, frequency, and wavelength
  • The visible region of the EM spectrum (violet to
    red) 4000-7000 Å, OR 400-700 nm, OR 4.00 x
    10-77.00 x 10-7 m

The Wave Nature of Electrons
  • L. de Broglie predicted that a particle that has
    a mass (m) and a velocity (v) should have a
    certain wavelength associated with it
  • ? h / (mv), where h Plancks constant
  • This equation shows that wavelength and mass
    wavelength and velocity are inversely
    proportional to each other, so, if either the
    mass or the velocity of a particle increases, its
    wavelength decreases

An Example Using L. de Broglies Equation
  • Example 1 If a particle with a mass of 6.33 x
    10-26 is travelling at 3.00 x 108 cm/sec, what is
    its wavelength in cm?

The Bohr Atom, Quantization of Energy, Atomic
Spectra 1
  • Bohr Model of the atom assumes that electrons
    revolve around the nucleus of an atom in circular
  • Quantization of energy When an atom is excited,
    an electron is promoted from a lower energy level
    (i.e. orbit) to a higher energy level (i.e.
    orbit). This electron absorbs a definite (i.e.
    quantized) amount of energy. When the electron
    falls back to its original, lower energy level,
    exactly the same amount of energy that it
    absorbed by moving from the lower energy level to
    the higher energy level is emitted.
  • This idea is illustrated in the picture below.
    Here, n is the principal energy level or orbit.
    As n increases, the energy levels or orbits get
    closer to each other.
  • the maximum number of electrons per level max
    e-/level 2n2
  • For n 1, max e- 2(1)2 2 for n 2, max e-
    2(2)2 8 for n 3, max e- 2(3)2 18 for
    n 4, max e- 2(4)2 32
  • The Bohr Model of the atom only predicts the
    correct electronic structure for the first 18

The Bohr Atom, Quantization of Energy, Atomic
Spectra 2
  • Emission (i.e. bright line) spectra When the
    electrons in an atom are exited to higher energy
    levels by passing an electric current through a
    gas in a vacuum tube at a very low pressure, the
    light that the gas emits, which is due to the
    electrons falling back to their original energy
    levels, can be dispersed by a prism into distinct
    lines. Each line corresponds to light with a
    specific wavelength, frequency, and energy, an
    thus, a specific color. The lines obtained are
    referred to the emission spectrum of the element,
    and each element has its own unique emission
  • In addition to using a prism to separate the
    light into different wavelengths, a diffraction
    grating can be used. In a diffraction grating,
    the wavelengths that are the least energetic are
    bent the most, which is opposite from a prism.

The Bohr Atom, Quantization of Energy, Atomic
Spectra 3
  • J. Balmer discovered that the wavelengths of
    various lines in the hydrogen spectrum can be
    related mathematically by the following empirical
  • 1 / ? (R)(Z2)((1/ni2) - (1/nO2))
  • Here, ? wavelength in m or cm R Rydberg
    constant 1.097 x 107 m- 1.097 x 105 cm- Z
    atomic number ni inner energy level no
    outer energy level
  • This equation can only be used for any
    hydrogen-like species (i.e. species that contain
    only one electron (He, Li2, etc.)
  • 1 / ? (R)(Z2)((1/ni2) - (1/nO2))
  • Here, ? wavelength in m or cm R Rydberg
    constant 1.097 x 107 m- 1.097 x 105 cm- Z
    atomic number ni inner energy level no
    outer energy level

An Example Using the Bohr Atom, Quantization of
Energy, and Atomic Spectra
  • Example 1 Draw a diagram for the structure of
    Aluminum-27 which indicates the number of
    protons, neutrons, and electrons present, with
    the electrons arranged in their principal energy
  • Example 2 If an electron in a sample of Li2
    goes from energy level 3 to 1,
  • What is its wavelength in cm?
  • What is its wavelength in Å?
  • Is this transition in the visible portion of the
    EM spectrum?
  • What is its frequency in sec-1?
  • What is its energy in J?
  • What is its energy in erg?

Quantum Mechanical Picture of the Atom
  • Bohr made significant contributions to the
    understanding of atoms, including the still
    unchallenged idea that the energy of an electron
    in an atom is quantized, but, he did not give a
    complete description of the electronic behavior
    in atoms, such as the emission spectra of atoms
    with more than one electron or the dual nature of
  • The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is one
    important consequence of this dual nature matter.
    It states that it is impossible to determine
    accurately both the momentum, which is mass
    multiplied by velocity, and the position of an
    electron (or other very small particles)
    simultaneously. To extend this principle, both
    the energy and position of an electron cant be
    known accurately at the same time. When this
    principle is applied, it shows that electrons do
    not orbit the nucleus in a well-defined path as
    Bohr thought, because if they did, the position
    of electrons could be more precisely determined
    using the radius of the orbit as well as their
    momentum (i.e. their kinetic energy) at the same
  • Quantum mechanics is a highly mathematical branch
    of chemistry/physics that treats small particles
    as waves. It came out of a search to describe the
    behavior of submicroscopic particles, since these
    particles were found to not obey the laws of
    classical mechanics. Using a complex mathematical
    treatment, Schrödinger formulated an equation
    that describes the behavior and energies of
    submicroscopic particles. The Schrödinger
    equation requires advanced calculus to solve.
    This equation includes both the particle behavior
    (in terms of mass) and the wave behavior (in
    terms of a wave function that depends on the
    location in space of the small particles) of
    these small particles.

Quantum Mechanical Picture of the Atom Basic
Ideas of Quantum Mechanics
  • Atoms and molecules can exist only in certain
    energy states. If an atom or molecule changes its
    energy state, it will emit or absorb just enough
    energy to bring it into the new energy state (the
    quantum condition).
  • The energy lost, or gained, by an atom as it goes
    from higher to lower, or lower to higher, energy
    states is equal to the energy of the photon that
    is emitted, or absorbed, during the transition.
  • Since a particle can behave as a wave, many of
    the concepts and mathematical equations from wave
    theory are used.
  • The allowed energy states, which are called
    orbitals of atoms and molecules, can be described
    by sets of four numbers, which are called quantum
  • Since the exact energy of these orbitals can be
    calculated, the exact position of the electron is
    not known, a consequence of the Heisenberg
    Uncertainty Principle.

Quantum Numbers (n, l, ml, ms)
  • There are 4 quantum numbers. These numbers
    describe the electronic arrangement, or
    electronic configuration, of atoms in space
  • Principal Quantum Number (n) main energy level
    that an electron occupies
  • n is a positive integer (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.),
    and it represents shells in the Bohr atom (i.e. 1
    K, 2 L, 3 M, 4 N, etc.)
  • Angular Momentum, Subsidiary, or Azimuthal
    Quantum Number (l) specific kind of atomic
    orbital (sublevel) that an electron occupies
  • l is a whole number (i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.), and
    it is always 1 less than n. Also, it represents
    different kinds of sublevels (i.e. 0 2, 1 p,
    2 d, 3 f, etc.).
  • For example
  • if n 1, l can only 0, which corresponds to
    sublevel s, so there is only one sublevel
    (sublevel s) in the first energy level
  • If n 2, l can be 0 or 1, so it corresponds to
    sublevels s and p, so there are two sublevels
    (sublevels s and p) in the second energy level
  • Magnetic Quantum Number (ml) spatial
    orientation of atomic orbitals i.e. how many
    distinct regions of space (atomic orbitals) are
    associated with a specific sublevel
  • ml is whole number that ranges from -l,0,l.
  • For example, if l 1, which corresponds to the
    sublevel p, ml -1, 0, 1, which means there are
    three distinct regions of space (atomic orbitals)
    associated with the sublevel p
  • Electron Spin Quantum Number (ms) the spin of
    an electron (either spin up or spin down) and the
    orientation of the magnetic field produced by
    this spin.
  • ms ½. This shows that each atomic orbital can
    have only 2 electrons, one with ms ½ and the
    other one with ms -½.
  • Pauli Exclusion Principle no two electrons in
    an atom can have the same 4 quantum numbers

Permissible Values of the Quantum Numbers (n, l,
ml, ms) n 1 to 4
Examples Using Quantum Numbers
  • Are the following permissible or not permissible
    sets of the four quantum numbers?
  • (0, 1, 1, -½)
  • (3, 2, -2, ½)

Orbital Diagrams Quantum Numbers 1
  • In orbital diagrams, orbitals are represented by
    lines and electrons are represented by arrows,
    with the orbitals being labeled using a number,
    which represents the principal quantum number
    (n), and a letter, which represents the
    subsidiary quantum number (l).
  • See below for an example using 2p orbitals
  • The 2 represents n 2
  • Since n 2, l can be 1 or 0, but since it is p,
    l 1
  • Since l 1, ml can be -1, 0, or 1, which means
    there are three kinds of p orbitals, so there are
    three lines, with, by convension, the first line
    representing the most negative value of ml and
    then decreasing the negative value until the last
    line, which represents the least negative value
    of ml
  • Since each orbital (i.e. line) can hold a maximum
    of 2 electrons, two arrows are drawn on each
    line, one facing up (ms 1/2) and one facing
    down (ms -1/2)

Orbital Diagrams for n 1 to 4
Atomic Orbitals
  • An orbital is a region in which there is a high
    probability of finding the electron. Remember
    that each orbital in an atom can hold a maximum
    of two electrons. If all of these atomic orbitals
    are taken together, they appear as a diffuse
    cloud of electrons.

Electronic Configuration
  • Electronic configuration electronic arrangement
    (i.e. the arrangement of electrons) of an atom
  • Every electron in an atom has a position is space
    that is defined by the principal energy
    level/shell the sublevel/subshell or orbital
    that it occupies
  • For example, 1s2, where
  • the number in front (1 in this case) represents
    the principal energy level/shell, which is always
    a whole number (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7)
  • the letter (s in this case) represents the
    sublevel/subshell or orbital, which can be s, p,
    d, or f
  • the superscript number (2 in this case)
    represents the number of electrons present in
    this principal energy level/shell and
    sublevel/subshell or orbital.
  • Each orbital can hold a maximum of 2 electrons
  • Since orbital s has 1 different type, it has a
    max. of 2 x 1 2 electrons
  • Since orbital p has 3 different types, it has a
    max. of 2 x 3 6 electrons
  • Since orbital d has 5 different types, it has a
    max. of 2 x 5 10 electrons
  • Since orbital f has 7 different types, it has a
    max. of 2 x 7 14 electrons

Electronic Configuration The Energies of
Orbitals 1
  • Aufbau Principle electrons will fill the lowest
    energy atomic orbital available first
  • The below picture illustrates this order

Electronic Configuration The Energies of
Orbitals 2
  • The below picture gives the electronic
    configuration, or electronic arrangement, of the
    type of orbital occupied last

Electronic Configuration The Energies of
Orbitals 3
  • The larger the principle energy level, the
    further away the electron is from the nucleus. If
    electrons have the same principal quantum number,
    their proximity to the nucleus follows the order
    s, p, d, f, meaning that those in s are closest
    to the nucleus, and those in f are further away
    from the nucleus. The closer an electron is to
    the nucleus, the less energy it has, and thus,
    the harder it is to be removed from the atom.
  • For example, to remove a 3s electron from an
    atom, more energy is needed, than to remove a 3p
  • Orbitals that have the same n and l, but
    different ml and ms are degenerate, meaning that
    they have the same amount of energy.

Electronic Configuration Writing Electronic
  • To write electronic configurations, just follow
    the periodic table, until the element is reached

Examples of Writing Electronic Configurations
  • Write the electronic configuration for each of
    the following elements
  • Na
  • C

Electronic Configuration Writing Abbreviated
Electronic Configurations
  • When writing abbreviated electronic
    configurations, the electronic configuration of
    the noble gas (group VIIIA) previous to the
    element is replaced by the symbol of the noble
    gas enclosed in brackets. The rest of the
    electronic configuration remains the same.

Examples of Writing Abbreviated Electronic
  • Write the abbreviated electronic configuration
    for each of the following elements
  • P
  • V

Electronic Configuration Orbital Diagram for the
  • Remember that in orbital diagrams, orbitals are
    represented by lines and electrons are
    represented by arrows, with the orbitals being
    labeled using a number, which represents the
    principal quantum number (n), and a letter, which
    represents the subsidiary quantum number (l).
  • Since there is only 1 type of s orbital, it is
    represented by 1 line
  • Since there are 3 types of p orbitals, they are
    represented by 3 lines
  • Since there are 5 types of d orbital, they are
    represented by 5 lines
  • Since there are 7 types of f orbitals, they are
    represented by 7 lines
  • The following rules also need to be followed when
    writing orbital diagrams
  • An orbital can have a maximum of 2 electrons,
    with each electron having an opposite spin. This
    is Paulis Exclusion Principle, which, stated
    another way, is that no 2 electrons can have the
    same set of 4 quantum numbers.
  • All orbitals of a given sublevel (i.e. degenerate
    orbitals, orbitals with the same n and l) must be
    occupied by a single electron, having the same
    spin (spin up), before being paired.

Examples of Writing Orbital Diagrams
  • Write the orbital diagram for each of the
    following elements
  • Si
  • Co

Electronic Configuration Exceptions to
Electronic Configurations and Orbital Diagrams
  • The elements in groups VIB (Cr, Mo, and W, but W
    is actually not an exception to the rules) and IB
    (Cu, Ag, and Au) of the periodic table dont
    follow the rules given above.
  • Elements in VIB prefer to have sublevel d halfway
    filled, so one of the two electrons in 4s is
    taken to partially fill the last 3d orbital,
    leaving the 4s orbital with only 1 electron (i.e.
    partially filled).
  • Elements in IB prefer to have sublevel d
    completely filled, so one of the two electrons in
    4s is taken to completely fill the last 3d
    orbital, leaving the 4s orbital with only 1
    electron (i.e. partially filled).

Examples of Finding Electronic Configurations for
Elements with Exceptions to the Rules
  • Write the electronic configuration for each of
    the following elements
  • Cr
  • Cu

Electronic Configuration Electronic
Configuration of Ions
  • To write the electronic configuration of an ion,
    first write the electronic configuration for the
    neutral atom. Then,
  • if the ion is negative (an anion), add as many
    electrons to the last orbital(s) being filled as
    the charge on the ion indicates.
  • if the ion is positive (a cation), remove as many
    electrons from the least stable orbital(s) (i.e.
    the orbital(s) with the highest energy the last
    orbital(s)) as the charge on the ion indicates.
  • If the outermost electrons are in d orbitals,
    electrons are removed from the s orbital first
    and then from the d orbitals.
  • If the outermost electrons are in p orbitals,
    electrons are removed from the p orbitals first,
    then from the s orbital, and finally from the d

Examples of Finding the Electronic Configuration
of Ions
  • Write the electronic configuration for each of
    the following ions
  • O2-
  • Ca2
  • Fe3
  • Ga3

Electronic Configuration Paramagnetism and
  • Paramagnetic an atom or ion that has one or
    more unpaired electrons
  • Diamagnetic an atom or ion that has no unpaired

Examples of Determining Paramagnetism and
  • How many unpaired electrons do the following
    species have? Are they paramagnetic or
  • Cl-
  • N
  • Cr
  • Ga3

Electronic Configuration Isoelectronic Species
  • Species with the same electronic configuration
    are isoelectronic.

Examples of Finding Isoelectronic Species
  • Is Sc3 isoelectronic with Ca2?

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