Title: Photoabsorption and photoionization
1VUV Photochemistry with Synchrotron Radiation,
Daresbury, 11th September, 2003
Photoabsorption and photoionization of reactive
Stefano Stranges Department of
Chemistry University of Rome La Sapienza
- introduction (SR features ..)
- Photoabsorption and Photoionization of free
radical - and transient molecules (LPL - _at_ GAS PHASE,
3ELETTRA Synchrotron Laboratory (Trieste, Italy)
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53rd generation synchrotron radiation features
- ? tunable source over a wide energy range
? high photon flux and resolution used
- high degree of polarization,
- CPL (POLAR) and LPL (GAS PHASE beamline)
? time structure time resolved experiments
6radical and transient free molecules
high photon energy resolution AND flux photon
band pass lt intrinsic broadening
(core-hole lifetime) high
photon flux --gt heavily diluted samples
(highly reactive gas
phase species)
7detailed spectroscopic studies of core and
inner-shell processes in radical and transient
species CS (S2p) O3 (O1s)
OH (O1s) CH3 (C1s)
8 CS (X 1S) ground state electronic
structure (1s)2 (2s)2 (3s)2 (4s)2
(1p)4 (5s)2 (6s)2 (2p)4 (7s)2
(3p)0(8s)0 Ryd S 1s C 1s S 2s S
2ps S 2pp
S (2p) inner-shell excited states S 2ps
-gt3p 1P?, 3P S 2pp -gt3p 1S?, 3S, 1S-, 3S-,
1D, 3D??????????? (8 electronic Terms)
Selection rules in LS coupling DS0
????????DL???0, ?1 S?????S ?????????DL??0 (q0
?) ?parallel transitions (DMj 0) S ? P
????????DL? 1 (q90?) perpendicular
transitions (DMj 1)
9CS sulphur L-edge absorption
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11FC analysis adopting the PCI line shape by van
der Straten (Z.. Phys. D8 (1988) 35)
MF splitting 50 meV SO splitting 1.18 eV
adiabatic IE values for the S(2p-1) states
2S 171.38 eV (v 0)
2P3/2 171.43 eV (v 0)
2P1/2 172.58 eV (v 0)
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14OH in situ generation
H NO2 --gt OH NO (rate constant 69.3 x
1012 cm3 mol-1 s-1)
OH OH --gt H2O O ( 1.14 x 1012 cm3 mol-1
s-1) O OH --gt O2 H ( 20 x 1012 cm3
mol-1 s-1)
studies OH ( XPS, XAS ) 1s2 2s2 3s2 1?3
OH (X 2P) OH (O1s-1 3,1P )
15? XPS O1s-1 OH ( 1,3 P?)
16? XAS O1s-1 OH ( 2???)
S. Stranges et al., JCP, 116 (2002) 3676
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18Direct observation of intermediate species (OH,
2S) formed in femtosecond dissociation processes.
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21flash pyrolitic source
22CH3 C K-edge absorption
23(A1, A1, E, E) , ?sym strech, ?sym BOPL
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25i) O 2p--gtns, 2p--gtnd (3D, 3P, 3S) Rydberg
states converging to the second ionic state
26Possible perspectives
- 3D-Electron-Ion Momentum Coincidence
- HR PES ( ion coincidence detection)
27- Photoabsorption and ionization of free radical
and transient molecules - (LPL - _at_ GAS PHASE, POLAR)
- - GAS PHASE RT M. Alagia, R. Richter ...
- - Dr. M. Lavollee (CNRS, LURE, Orsay, FR)
- - Prof. N. Kosugi, UVSOR, IMS Okazaki, Japan
(CS) - - Prof. P. Decleva, G. Fronzoni (OH), Univ. of
Trieste (Theory) - - Prof. J.M. Dyke, Prof. J.B. West (ARPES, CIS)
- Financial support
- - University of Rome,Dip. of Chemistry (MIUR
grants) - - INFM (National Institute for Physics of Matter)
- - CNR (Italian National Research Council)
- - Sincrotrone Trieste (ELETTRA Synchrotron