Title: Pattern Recognition in the MEG Drift Chambers
1Pattern Recognition in the MEG Drift Chambers
- Presented by
- Matthias Schneebeli
- on behalf of the MEG collaboration
- Introduction to the experiment
- Discussion of the pattern recognition algorithm
- Results of the pattern recognition
3Decay topology
m ? e g
Main background m ? e nn g
radiative decay
- m ? e g signal very clean
- Eg Ee 52.8 MeV
- qge 180º
- e and g in time
Good energy resolution Good spatial
resolution Excellent timing resolution Good
pile-up rejection
4The MEG Detector
- Solenoidal magnetic spectrometer
- LXe for efficient g detection
- Drift Chamber for Positron detection
- Timing Counter for time measurement
5COBRA Magnet
Constant bending radius
Quick sweep-out
- Constant Bending RAdius(COBRA) positron
spectrometer - Special graded B field
- - Constant projected bending radius for
monochromatic positron independent of
emission angle - -gt Easily define momentum window
- - Quick sweep-out of positron
- -gt Stable operation of chamber system in high
rate muon beam
6Drift chamber
- 16 radial chambers with two planes of wires
- Staggered cells measure both position and time
- He C2H6 gas to reduce multiple scattering
- Vernier pattern to determine z coordinate
Field Wire
Sense Wire
sz 1cm
sz 200mm
7MC Hits
Cyan line mc track Blue line rec track
Red line mc signal track
Green circle mc hit circle Black circle rec
hit circle
8MC Track
Cyan line mc track Blue line rec track
Red line mc signal track
Green circle mc hit circle Black circle rec
hit circle
- Find all hits belonging to a track
- Calculate the drift time for each hit
- Fit a track through the hits
t1, t2, t3, t4 measured tdi ti t3 tx
drift time of earliest hit tdrift_i tdi tx
10PatRec Algorithm
- Kalman filter
- Implemented but too slow (1 Hz)
- Only used to fit pre-selected hits
- Customized PatRec algorithm
- no B-Field
- no material
- List of hits belonging to a track
- Drift distance for each hit
- Track seed for kalman filter
11Find Clusters
- Combines every 2 hits in a chamber which fulfill
- Hits in same plane
- ?z lt 0.2cm z0.02cm
- cell_1-cell_2 1
- Hits in different plane
- ?z lt 0.6cm z0.046cm
- cell_1-cell_2 2
12Find Track Seed
- Find a track seed
- Find 3 clusters in consecutive chambers which
fulfill - z-zproj lt 0.6cm z0.046cm
zproj z1 ?z01l12/l01
13Calculate Drift Time
Find drift time
- Find smallest hit time of hits in the seed,
define as t0
- Calculate a track circle by using wire
position/xy hit points
- Calculate 2 xy points for each hit using t-xy
- Choose best combination of xy hit points and
calculate deviation from track
- Decrease t0 and repeat steps ii to v until the
minimal deviation is reached
radius t1-t0
14Extrapolate Track
- Extrapolate track
- Look in the next chambers for additional clusters
or single hits which fulfill - zproj z lt 0.6cm z 0.053cm
- Calculate a new track circle including new
cluster/hit - Check deviation ??r lt 0.4 cm
- Add additional hits
- Add hits to clusters for tracks which made more
than 2 hits in a chamber
15Reconstructed Track
Cyan line mc track Blue line rec track
Red line mc signal track
Green circle mc hit circle Black circle rec
hit circle
16Reconstructed Track
Cyan line mc track Blue line rec track
Red line mc signal track
Green circle mc hit circle Black circle rec
hit circle
17Reconstructed Track
Cyan line mc track Blue line rec track
Red line mc signal track
Green circle mc hit circle Black circle rec
hit circle
18Reconstructed Track
Cyan line mc track Blue line rec track
Red line mc signal track
Green circle mc hit circle Black circle rec
hit circle
- Compared hits found during
- track finding with mc hits and
- mc tracks.
- Statistics for signal tracks
- correctly found 96
- 1 hit missed 1
- 2 hit missed 2
- not found 1
Error in drift time calculation 4.3ns
10 times faster than kalman filter
- We presented a pattern recognition algorithm for
the MEG drift chambers - Only MC studies
- Will be tested on the beam data at the end of
this year