Employer Branding: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Employer Branding:


Adapted from the Bangkok Medical Center's Employer Branding Case Study ... creates a common theme so that staff can tell friends and family a similar story ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Employer Branding:

Employer Branding A Nedbank Case Study
  • Branding has become an integral element in our
    daily lives. From deciding which brand of soft
    drink to purchase, to which restaurant to visit
    or sports shoes to buy, branding plays an
    influential role in our decision making. With the
    power of branding so persuasive, it is no
    surprise it also plays a role in which company we
    choose to work for.
  • Source Hays Specialist Recruitment

The Power of Brands
  • Who would you like to work for?

Influence of Corporate Brand on Employer Brand
  • The strength of the corporate/ product brand has
    an immediate impact on the employer brand. An
    organisation with a weaker corporate/product
    brand will have to do a lot more work on its
    employer brand to attract and retain key talent.

People Brand Management
Employment Brand and its components
Source Corporate Leadership Council
What is Employer Branding?
  • Employment branding is the package of
    functional, economic and psychological benefits
    provided by employment and identified with the
    employing organisation
  • (Barrow, in Corporate Executive Board, 2001).
  • It communicates your identity as an organisation
    to others. It is the essence of what your
    organisation stands for and should typify the
    fundamental nature of the organisation.
    Essentially, it is the process of placing an
    image of being a great place to work in the
    minds of existing and prospective employees.

Employee Value Proposition
  • At the heart of employment branding is the
    employee value proposition
  • The compelling and unique value of what the
    organisation offers to the employee.
  • Brand images can be built around a variety of
    offerings, including a fun place to work, a
    place where people are invested in and a
    company that cares for people. Whatever the
    image projected by the employment brand, it must
    engage the hearts and minds of the target group.
    It should generate a vision of what is possible
    in this company the Whats in it for me?
    factor. It must also match the experience of
    existing employees
  • Source Ann Sherry, Put some branding Iron into
    Your Image, Business review Weekly (21 July

Brand Integration
Capital, leadership, vision, etc.
Perceived customer value
Product Brand
Attitude, discretionary effort, creativity,
enthusiasm, innovation, commitment, etc.
  • Its employees who make brands come alive for
    their organisations

Adapted from the Bangkok Medical Centers
Employer Branding Case Study
Why Focus on Employer Branding?
  • As skills shortages continue to test candidate
    sourcing and attraction strategies, and
    competition for the best possible staff remains
    high, the issue of employment branding continues
    to gain attention.
  • This war for the right talent is placing pressure
    on organisations to become an employer of choice.
  • In addition to this
  • Changing aspirations of employees.
  • Changing nature of the workforce.

Why Focus on Employer Branding?
  • Generational Theory
  • Different generations want different things and
    have different expectations of an employer of

Key Benefits of Employer Branding?
  • Recruiting the right people is essential for any
    business success and is a significant competitive
  • A strong employer brand will help to
    differentiate your organisation in the
    marketplace and attract the best people.
  • All businesses are unique, so by identifying and
    communicating your organisations employer brand,
    you are more likely to attract candidates who are
    an ideal 'fit'.
  • Employees with the right 'fit' or match to your
    company's culture will be more likely to thrive
    in your organisation and are likely to have a
    higher retention potential.
  • When used successfully, a strong employment brand
    should lower turnover and reduce hiring costs. It
    should also, by association, increase
  • A strong employer brand creates a sense of pride
    in people working for the organisation.

The Nedbank Context
  • Merger
  • Bringing together several organisations with
    different brands and cultures. Challenge to
    create an integrated organisation with one single
  • Retrenchments had a negative impact on staff
  • Period of poor financial performance following
    the merger.
  • Limited external recruitment, including graduate
  • Very limited advertising.

Damage to the employer brand negative impact on
our ability to attract and retain the right
Our New Organisation
  • A significant amount of time was spent on
    crafting the new vision. Staff were engaged in a
    series of strategy, brand and values workshops in
    order to gather their input and suggestions on
    the future direction that the organisation should
    be taking.
  • The new vision has been widely communicated
    across the organisation and all divisions are
    aligning their business plans to the vision.

Our Strategy
Launch of our New Corporate Brand
  • The new brand campaign was approved in mid 2005
    Make Things Happen.
  • In addition to our strategic direction, this
    gives people a clearer indication of what we
    aspire to and believe in.
  • Focus groups were run with branch staff and an
    internal brand campaign was launched.
  • Once staff had been informed, our external brand
    campaign was launched. This is an important
    factor in establishing presence and the
    associated familiarity with our brand.

Employer Branding Objectives
  • One of our deep green aspirations is to become a
    great place to work- the employer brand unpacks
    and defines this so that it resonates with our
    existing staff, and also appeals to prospective
    new staff members
  • The employer brand creates a common theme so that
    staff can tell friends and family a similar story
    about what it is like to to work for Nedbank we
    want our staff to become ambassadors for Nedbank
  • Through consistent positive stories, the employer
    brand builds and positively shapes the publics
    image of the organisations culture, work
    practices, management style and growth
  • The employer brand supports our talent attraction
    and retention goals and will help us to win the
    war for talent

Our Methodology
Internal Research
  • Data was gathered from a number of staff surveys
  • Barrett Culture Transformation Tool
  • Nedbank Staff Survey
  • Employment Equity Survey
  • Snapshot Preference Ranking Survey
  • Suggestion boxes on what makes Nedbank a great
    place to work.
  • Structured interviews were conducted with a
    random selection of new employees (maximum of 6
    months tenure).
  • A turnover analysis was conducted in order to
    gather intelligence on who was leaving the
  • Exit interview data was analysed.
  • Telephonic interviews were conducted with people
    who had left to determine their actual reasons
    for leaving.
  • Interviews were held with the members of the
    Group Exco - required EVP to deliver on the
    business strategy.

External Research
  • Structured interviews were conducted with a
    number of our preferred supplier recruitment
  • We participated in a number of external surveys/
    research initiatives in order to get an
    indication as to how our employer brand is
    perceived in the market and our positioning as an
    employer of choice. It also helps us to
    benchmark our people management practices against
    other organisations so that we can ensure
    continuous improvement.
  • Deloitte Best Company to Work for in SA
  • Magnet Graduate Survey
  • Corporate Research Foundation Best Companies to
    Work for in SA.

Understanding our Offering, the Brand, Strategic
and Transformation Objectives
  • Review of business strategy transformation
    objectives to determine our future offering the
    type of people required to take the business into
    the future.
  • Brainstorming sessions held within HR to map out
    the HR Offering and to determine what makes us a
    great place to work from a people management
  • Data gathered on all CSI programmes and the value
    thereof to prospective employees (key link to our
  • Continuous engagement with the brand team to
    determine the intent behind the brand and the
    call for action required to deliver on the brand
  • Corporate identity, look and feel

The Employee Value Proposition
  • Essentially the research revealed what attracts
    people to Nedbank, why people like working for
    Nedbank and what they think that we should aspire
    to as an employer.
  • The research also helped us to articulate our
    understanding of talent.
  • Trend analysis conducted across all forms of
    research culminating in a proposed EVP.
  • The EVP has nine key dimensions, each of which is
    described in detail in order to ensure that there
    is a consistent understanding of what we mean by
    each dimension.
  • Once the draft EVP was articulated, it was tested
    in a series of focus groups with different
    categories of employees (generations, tenure,
    race gender groupings)

Packaging the Employer Brand
  • Brand agency was presented with the EVP and asked
    to come up with ideas for a packaged employer
    brand that flows as an extension of our corporate
  • In reviewing the EVP one clear message stood out
    Great things begin with great people.
  • Everything we do in terms of our people
    management practices now needs to have a common
    look and feel.
  • Consistent image for HR initiatives.
  • HR-related websites
  • Print material, etc.

The Challenge Ahead
  • Several components of our EVP are aspirational
    we now need to make these come alive in order to
    base our branding on the truth ensure that
    experiences measure up to the employer brand.
  • Internal soft launch
  • We do not want to tell our people how great
    Nedbank is, instead we want them to feel and
    experience it.
  • Communication of the employer brand and the EVP
    to all HR people, communications people and line
  • Need to actively work on all components on our
    EVP. Steercom to be setup in order to share
    ideas and learnings across clusters.
  • Weave the employer brand into internal
    communications, HR-related websites and
  • Once we are happy that sufficient work has been
    done internally, only then will we go external
    with our employer brand.

Monitor Evaluate
  • EVP is an ever evolving concept and needs to be
    continuously reviewed for relevance resonance.
  • Monitor the EVP through
  • staff surveys,
  • interviews (new hire and exit interviews)
  • focus groups
  • turnover analyses
  • participation in employer of choice research
  • continuous engagement with preferred supplier
    recruitment agencies.
  • engagement with graduates

Key Learnings
  • Work closely with the marketing/ brand team.
  • Work closely with internal communications team.
  • Every HR professional and line manager has a role
    to play in driving the employer brand and making
    the EVP come to life education is critical.
  • Key to define what talent means to your
    organisation, so that the employer brand is
    relevant and acts as a key attraction/retention
    factor the EVP cannot appeal to everyone.

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