Title: Fiscal Rules Training
1University of Colorado at Boulder
2Boulders Contact at the SCO
- Roger A. Cusworth - 303.866.3891
- roger.cusworth_at_state.co.us
- To introduce the Fiscal Rules
- Find areas of concern
- Provide subject area contacts
- Website State Controllers Office -
www.colorado.gov/dpa/dfp/sco/rules /rules.htm
- Purpose To set forth policies for state
agencies concerning
- Internal controls
- Accounting policies
- Financial reporting
5Statutory Authority CRS 24-30-202
- (13a) The State Controller shall promulgate
fiscal rules to carry out the functions assigned
and the procedures prescribed in this section.
Such rules relating to the forms, records, and
procedures involved in financial administration
shall be binding upon the several departments,
institutions, including institutions of higher
education, and other agencies of the State and
upon their several officers and employees.
6Overview of the Fiscal Rules
- Applicability To all state agencies and
institutions of higher education, all employees
of the state to all funds in the executive
branch of state government. - Responsibility The chief executive officer of
each state agency is responsible for compliance
- Administrative hardship Written requests for
exemption submitted by agency CFO to the state
7Overview of the Fiscal Rules
- Hearing on December 2, 2003 on proposed changes
to Rules
- Rules adopted as a result of hearing should be
effective April 1.
- Visit SCO website to see proposed changes and
adopted Rules.
8Fiscal Rule Chapters
- 1 Accounting
- 2. Disbursement
- 3. Contracts
- 4. Capital Construction Projects
- 5 Travel
- 6 Cash
- 7 Budget
- 8 Reporting
- 9 Payroll
- Rule 1-1 Accounting Principles and Standards
CRS 24-30-202 (12)
- State follows Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles (GAAP) adopted by Governmental
Accounting Standards Board (GASB)
- All applicable statutory provisions shall be met
- CEO shall annually certified the system of
internal controls to the State Controller
- Rule 1-2 Use of the States Financial System
- COFRS is the official financial records of the
- Higher Education Institutions Approved stand
alone financial systems
- Rule 1-3 Access to the States Financial System
CRS 24-30-201
- Rule 1-5 System Security
- Controlled at Campus level for CU
- Rule 1-4 Automated Interfaces With the State
Financial System
- Must be approved by the State Controller
- PeopleSoft uses an automated interface to
transmit financial data to COFRS.
- Rule 1-6 Agency Accounting Systems
- New or replacement of stand alone financial
systems, developed or purchased, must be approved
by the State Controller
- Rule 1-7 Delegated Signature Authority
- State agencies identify and submit list of
persons authorized to sign or approve documents.
Mainly involves contracts and purchase orders
- Rule 1-8 Pre-Audit Responsibility CRS
- All accounting documents must be reviewed
(pre-audit) before they are recorded on State
Financial System (Includes PeopleSoft)
- Requires system of controls to reasonably ensure
transactions are accurate and conform to State
Fiscal Rules
- Rule 1-9 Reporting Theft or Embezzlement CRS
- Any suspected theft or embezzlement must be
reported to CEO
- Suspected theft or embezzlement in excess of
5,000 must be reported to SCO
- Rule 1-10 Capitalization of Equipment CRS
24-30-201 (k)
- Currently--useful life of more than 1 year and in
excess of 5,000
- For control purposes, agencies may capitalize
purchases less than 5,000.
- 5,000 threshold does not apply to other types of
fixed assets
- Rule 2-1 Propriety of Expenditures CRS
24-30-202 (2)(14)
- Standards of Propriety
- Official state business only
- Reasonable and necessary under the circumstances
- Rule 2-2 Commitment Vouchers
- No disbursement of state funds unless supported
by commitment voucher
- Purchase orders or contracts shall be used as
commitment vouchers to support disbursement of
funds for goods or services costing more than
5,000 - Must be encumbered
- 2-2 Continued
- Approved Commitment Vouchers
- State contract
- Purchase Order
- Approved travel authorization
- Advice of employment, or
- Any other transactional document prescribed by
the State Controller
- 2-2 Continued
- Items not requiring a purchase order
- Payroll
- Financial aid or tuition assistance programs
- Water, gas, electric local/long distance
telephone service including pagers and cell
- Dues, membership fees, subscriptions, conference
- Postal, delivery charges, messenger charges
- Routine internal services provided by state agency
- 2-2 Continued
- Items not requiring a purchase order
- Intra-agency or intra-institution purchases
- Payments from a state program to qualified
- Reimbursements to state employees for moving
- Or any other specific situation as determined by
the State Controller to be exempt
- Payments on copier rentals if based on per copy
- 2-2 Continued
- Vendor Agreements
- May have contradictory terms and conditions
- should never be used in lieu of a state contract
or purchase order.
- May be used as an attachment or exhibit to a
state contract or purchase order.
- Order of precedence clause always define state
terms and conditions as controlling first, body
of state agreement second, and attachments and
exhibits last - State employees do not sign vendor agreements
when they are used as an exhibit to a purchase
order or state contract
- Vendor Agreements
- Individuals authorized by the CFO or the
procurement officer may execute vendor agreements
not exceeding 5,000 if all of the conditions
outlined in this fiscal rule are applied to the
agreement - On-line vendor agreements are subject to the same
reviews and approvals that are required for other
state commitment vouchers
- Purchase order terms and conditions are subject
to the rules contained in this chapter of the
fiscal rules
- Rule 2-2 Continued
- Encumbering of Commitments
- An amount reserved on the state financial
system or an approved state agency accounting
system to meet a formal obligation of the state,
which should precede the recording of the
expenditure and the actual disbursement of funds.
- Rule 2-3 Receiving reports
- Prepared for all goods services
- Exceptions Personal services /or adequate
system of controls
- Rule 2-4 Purchase discounts
- Timely payment to take advantage of purchase
- Rule 2-5 Interest Payment on Delinquent
- Delinquent payable assessed interest as required
by CRS 24-30-202(24)
- 45 days if no other written agreement
- Rule 2-6 Interagency Purchases Payments
- Payment within 30 days
- Pay with ITs in lieu of warrants
- Disputed charges and payments
- Rule 2-7 Official functions and training
- Official function Function hosted by the CEO or
representative, attended by guests and/or
employees and held for official state business.
- Training function Meeting, conference hosted by
a state agency, attended by customers or
employees and held to enhance staff knowledge or
educate customers. Written agendas, study
materials and presenters are involved. - Limited to reasonable and actual cost
- Rule 2-8 Miscellaneous Compensation and Other
Benefits CRS 24-2-103
- Benefits Defined Any pecuniary or material
advantage provided by the state to an employee
other than salary, incentives, awards, retirement
benefits, insurance benefits and travel and
non-travel reimbursements
- Rule 2-8 Continued
- Employees should not receive any benefit unless
it is provided by statute or fiscal rule
- Monetary allowances may not be given in lieu of
benefits except by statute or approval of the
state controller
- When statutes provide allowances, the CEO of each
agency establishes the specific expenses covered
- Incentive awards not deemed a benefit
- Honorariums
- During working hours remit to State
- Own time with no cost to state may keep
- Other Benefits
- Clean air transit benefit
- Events sponsored by state agencies
- Meals
- Other Benefits
- Instructional courses/Job related training
- State owned housing/Temporary housing
- Uniforms
- Bookstore discounts
- Exception - Higher Education
- Housing for CEO
- Voluntary separation agreements for exempt
- Rule 2-9 Moving Relocation
- CRS 24-50-134
- Not reimbursed when solely for personal reasons
- Only applicable to employees in State Personnel
- Moving expenses shall be authorized by the CEO if
the move of residence is caused by a change in
assignment, a promotion or another reason related
to employee duties. - Not applicable to new hires
- Rule 2-10 Procurement Card
- Enrollment required for all state agencies and
- Used for goods and services
- May be used for purchases greater then 5,000
CU limit of 4,999
- Commitment vouchers still required
- Preaudit still required
- Rule 2-10 Continued
- All instances of suspected fraud or abuse must be
reported to the State Controller
- Used in place of open charge accounts
- Proposed Rule Change - 500 threshold on
reporting fraud or abuse
37 Contracts
- Rule 3-1 State Contracts
- State agencies must determine that the contract
is within the intent of the appropriation, the
contract is necessary, and most economical,
efficient means used - State agencies are responsible for assuring that
all constitutional and statutory requirements
have been met
- Accepted business practices generally do not
allow for advance payments
38Brain Teasers
39 40(No Transcript)
41What should we pack?
- issue issue
- issue issue
- issue issue
- issue issue
- issue issue
- Rule 5-1 Travel CRS 24-30-202 (26)
- Benefit to the State
- Most economical means
- Authorized by approving authority
- Required Authorizations
- In-state--prior authorization may be required
- Out-of-State--prior authorization by chief
executive officer or delegate is required
- International--prior OK by CEO and Governor or
delegate except for Higher Ed, then CCHE
- No Cost to the State--prior authorization by
approving authority
- Advances - Current
- Approved by approving authority and CFO or
- Travel card 500 or less
- From the state if more than 500 or no travel
- Maximum 1,500 CRS 24-30-202 (20.1)
- Repayment within 60 days of authorized travel
- Advances Proposed Changes
- Advance limits being taken out of Rule
- Reimbursement
- Only for period of time to accomplish state
- Not for expenses included in other fees paid by
the state i.e. conference meals
- Exception airline meal not adequate and
additional meal costs incurred
- Reimbursement Rates - Lodging
- Actual cost of reasonable accommodations
documented by receipts
- Limited to cost of commercial lodging
- May be required to use approved or designated
- Reimbursement Rates - Transportation
- Cost equivalent of the most cost beneficial
method to accomplish state business
- Drive in lieu of flying
- Cost benefit analysis
- Receipts required for airline tickets not
purchased directly by the state
- Reimbursement Rates - Meals
- Per diem based on federal rates
- May claim less based on actual cost, but not
- Updated annually, use Fiscal Rules not federal
- Calculation of international rates
- Percentage based on base rate
- Quarters of the day
- 50/50 or 75 on day of travel
- What best suits your agency needs?
- Proposed Fiscal Rule Rate Changess
- Base rate increasing from 30 to 31. Breakfast
and lunch increased by .50.
- High cost rates increasing by 1 for each level
- Reimbursement Rates Meals
- Are receipts required? Executive Order
- Current Rule No Receipts required
- Proposed Rule Possibilities
- Receipts for reimbursements greater than 25.
- Only for the amount greater than 25
- Receipts for full reimbursement amount
- No change to current rule
- Other Reimbursable Travel Expenses
- Tips other than for meals
- Commercial transportation--receipts required over
- Camping site fees--receipts required over 25
- Parking fees--receipt required for single fees
over 25
- Registration fees--receipts required
- Rental car--receipt required
- Other Reimbursable Travel Expenses
- Telephone, fax, etc. (Business use)
- Toll road charges
- Travelers checks or State Travel Card transaction
charges--receipt required over 25
- One personal phone call per day not to exceed 1
- Non-Reimbursable Travel Expenses
- Alcoholic beverages
- Entertainment expenses
- Personal expenses for the benefit of the
- Political expenses
- Travel insurance
- Traffic fines and traffic tickets
- Exceptions
- Allowances for members of statutory boards or
- In accordance with statutory provisions
- May be paid actual and necessary expenses
- Child care to non-family members may be paid
- Allowances for state job applicants
- At the discretion of the CEO, may be reimbursed
the same as employees
- Exceptions
- Allowances for travel by the Governor
- Allowances for travel not solely for state
- Expenses allocated between official business and
personal/political reasons
- If lower rates are obtained because of the
personal addition to the trip, they apply to the
business portion, too
- Documentation of the allocation must accompany
the reimbursement request
- Exceptions
- Allowances for travel not paid by the state
- Invitations may be accepted if approved by the
approving authority
- Allowances for travel w/ spouse, friends, etc.
- No reimbursement for person traveling with a
state employee
- No benefit for lower rates received because of
- Documentation of the official business portion
must accompany the travel voucher
- Exceptions
- Allowances for travel within a single day
- No lunch is allowed
- Approving authority may allow breakfast/dinner
- Departure before 500AM return after 800 PM
- Meals are taxable
- Allowances for travel by leased or privately
owned aircraft
- Leased aircraft need authorization of Colorado
State Patrol
- Private aircraft need authorization of Risk
- Exceptions
- Allowances for travel by private automobile
- Reimbursed for business miles when authorized by
approving authority
- Reimbursement rate - .28/.32 CRS 24-9-104 (2)
- Four wheel drive only allowed when required by
weather, terrain, etc.
- Travel to temporary work location
- Allowances for travelers furnishing their own
lodging and meals
- Special per diem rate may be negotiated
- Cannot exceed the normal per diem rate
- Rule 6-1 Cash Receipts and Deposits CRS
- Deposits must be timely
- If not before, on the last working day of the
- Rule 6-2 Change Funds and Petty Cash Funds CRS
24-30-202 (20.1)
- Petty Cash
- Cannot exceed 2,500
- Incidental expense
- Rule 6-2 continued
- Change funds
- Making change
- No expenditures may be made from a change fund
- Written approval required from the State
- May be delegated to the department controller
- Rule 6-3 Imprest Cash Accounts and Bank
Accounts CRS 24-75-202 and 24-36-103
- Doesnt apply to University of Colorado
- CU Policy Approval of CU Treasurer and Board of
- Rule 6-4 Entertainment Expense Bank Accounts
(Higher Ed only)
- Provides for the entertainment of officials and
dignitaries by a higher education institution
- Governing Board authorized to create
- All Expenditures for the benefit of the state
- Only deposits to reimburse the account
- No other types of expenditures.
- Rule 6-5 State Treasury Loans and Advances
- Applies to CU, but monitored at the Governing
Board level
- Rule 6-6 Refunds and Reimbursements CRS
24-30-202 (12)
- Incidental and non-recurring refunds may be
credit to the object code it was charge if it is
received in the same year
- Refunds received in subsequent fiscal year are
recorded as miscellaneous revenue
- Exceptions Capital construction, Federal funds,
contracts grants
- Rule 6-6 continued
- CU Policy Credit expenses for all refunds
regardless of year because of federal cost
- Rule 6-7 Checks Returned for Insufficient Funds
CRS 24-30-202 (25)
- Reasonable charges for NSF checks
- Rule 6-8 Federal Cash Management CRS
24-22-107(6), CRS 24-30-201, CRF Part 205
- Draw federal funds as near to their use as
- Rule 7-1 Cash and Custodial Funds
- Doesnt apply to Higher Education
- Rule 7-3 Budget Rollforwards
- Rule 7-4 Overexpenditures
- Monitored at System Level not at Campus level
- Rule 8-1 Financial Statements CRS 24-30-201(d)
- Approval by the SCO
- Reconciled to COFRS
- Must follow GAAP
- Rule 8-2 Quarterly Financial Reporting
- Requires revenue and expenditure accruals
- Clearing suspense accounts
- RULE 8-3 Cost Allocation Plans
- Establishes State of Colorado requirements for
preparing indirect cost rate proposals indirect
cost plans and accounting for indirect costs.
- Two levels of plans
- Institution indirect cost plan
- Statewide indirect cost plan
- Rule 9-1 State Payroll System
- Rule 9-2 Direct deposit
- Dont apply to CU
- Rule 9-3 Pay for terminating employees
- Rule 9-4 Overpayments
- Work with campus HR department
76A parting thought
- What is the beginning of eternity, the end of
time and space the beginning of every end and
the end of every place?