Title: ISOTC104SC4 N 160
ISO/TC104/SC4 N 160 - ISO/TC104/SC4
- Freight containers
- Identification and communication
- Report of the secretariat
- for the 13th meeting of SC4
- London, 11May 2005
2- Scope of SC4
- Standardization of freight containers
- visual marks
- location, encoding, design and size
- identification
- identity codes and marks,
- automatic container identification system,
- identification messages and related
communication - related container communications
- definitions, data elements, codes and
3 P members - participation
4 P members of SC4 Australia, Belgium, Canada,
China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland,
France, Germany, India, Israel, Japan, Korea
Republic, Malaysia, Netherlands, New
Zealand, Russian Federation, Singapore,
South Africa, Sweden, United Kingdom, USA
5 - O members
- Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Italy, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain - Liaisons
6- Structure of SC 4
- Chairman Dr. Christoph Seidelmann
- Email cseidelmann_at_sgkv.de
- Secretary Walter Sicks Email sicks_at_vda.de
7New work items of SC4
- Electronic seals
- Application requirements..................... N
129 - Environmental characteristics............. N 130
- Data protection..................................
.... N 131 - Sensor interface.................................
... N 132 - Message sets.....................................
.....N 133 - Physical layer...................................
......N 134
All NWIs proposed Jan 2004 All NWIs approved
May 2004
8New work items of SC4 continued
- ISO 6346 Coding, identification, marking
- Inclusion of 45-foot containers.............. N
135 -
- ISO 9897 CEDEX codes
- Revision and amendment of ISO 9897.... N 136
Both NWIs proposed Jan 2004 Both NWIs approved
May 2004
9Items at CD stage
- CD enquiry conducted December 04 - March 2005
- Result of CD enquiry
- ISO/CD 18185-1 APPROVED with comments
- ISO/CD 18185-2 APPROVED with comments
- ISO/CD 18185-3 APPROVED with comments
- ISO/CD 18185-7 APPROVED with comments
10Items at CD stage
- Comments received on
- ISO/CD 18185-1, -2, -3, -7 reviewed at the
meeting of WG2 on 19 April 2005 - Unanimous conclusions of WG2
- The changes to the CDs resulting from the
disposition of comments were not substantive. - - WG2 recommends that Parts 1, 2, 3, 7 be
advanced for balloting as Draft International
Standards (DIS) as reflected in the up-dated
drafts of WG2.
11Items at CD stage
- Revised CDs are now ready for
- registration and publication of DIS.
- Revised ISO/CD 18185-1, -2, -3, -7 forwarded
to ISO CS for DIS publication - on 2nd May 2005.
- ISO CS is requested to publish DIS with reduced
(2 months) voting period. - Waiting for confirmation from ISO CS.
12 Items at Working draft stage
WD 18185 Part 5 WG2 discussed and recommends to
SC4 that there would be no necessity to establish
a standard on sensor interface (18185 part 5)
considering that it will be a one-time read-only
electronic seal. SC4 to CONFIRM to delete work
item - 18185 Part 5.
13 Items at Working draft stage
- In progress in WG2
- 18185 Part 4 Data protection
- 18185 Part 6 Message sets for transfer between
seal reader and host computer
14 Items at Working draft stage
- WG 1
- Revision of ISO 6346 (inclusion of 45)
- WG 3
- Revision of ISO 9897 (amendments)
- Convenors are invited to report on progress made
15Overview of all SC4 relevant items in progress
JWG Craig Harmon, USA
WG2 Goh Hock Nguan, Singapore
WG3 J.Heerulff, DK
WG1 E.Brookes, UK
WI 10374 RF automatic identification
WI 18185 -1 E-seal WI 18185 -2 WI 18185 -3 WI
18185 -4 WI 18185 -5 WI 18185 -6 WI 18185 -7
WI 9897 CEDEX codes
WI 6346 Coding, identific. marking
WI 17363 Supply chain freight containers
16 Standards under periodic review
- ISO 9711-11990 Freight containers --
Information related to containers on board
vessels -- Part 1 Bay plan system - ISO 9711-21990 Freight containers --
Information related to containers on board
vessels -- Part 2 Telex data transmission - Result of enquiry Majority of SC 4 members
- CONFIRMS both Standards
- Indicates low priority
17ISO Directives update TMB decided to introduce 3
different timeframes for the development of IS
The SC has to decide at the beginning of the work
which of these timeframes applies.
18ISO Directives update 2 Projects will be
cancelled by CS
19Standards published by SC4
- ISO 63461995 Freight containers -- Coding,
identification and marking -
- ISO 9711-11990 Freight containers --
Information related to containers on board
vessels -- Part 1 Bay plan system -
- ISO 9711-21990 -- Part 2 Telex data
transmission -
- ISO 98971997 Freight containers -- Container
equipment data exchange (CEDEX) -- General
communication codes - ISO 103741991 Freight containers -- Automatic
20Meetings of SC4
1st meeting Berlin, Germany October 1990 2nd
meeting Tokyo, Japan May 1991 3rd meeting
San Francisco, USA February 1992 4th meeting
The Hague, NL November 1992 5th meeting
Copenhagen, Denmark June 1993 6th meeting
Purchase, USA October 1994 7th meeting
Hamburg, Germany June 1995 8th meeting
Yokohama, Japan October 1996 9th meeting
Beijing, China October 1997 10thmeeting Cape
Town, South Africa October 2000 11thmeeting St.
Petersburg, USA May 2003 12thmeeting Hamburg,
Germany May 2004