Title: Charlie Salamone
1Wind Generator Basics
- Charlie Salamone
- Cape Power Systems Consulting
- Presented at the Northeast Sustainable Energy
Associations Wind Project Development Strategies
for New England Workshop - 3/7/06
- Physical interconnection guide
- Typical wind unit and utility characteristics
- Informal utility meeting
- Information to ask about
- Do your homework
- Energy Balance Analysis
3Physical Interconnection Guide
Typical transmission voltages range from 115 kV
to 345 kV
Large plants must interconnect to the
transmission grid (generally 20 MW or larger)
Typical distribution voltages range from 69 kV
to 4 kV
Small units (less than 20 MW) can connect to the
distribution system through a step up transformer
or (for much smaller units) through a customer
service connection
Typical supply voltages range from 480 v to 120 v
4Physical Interconnection Guide
- Output ranges
- Many units available on the market with outputs
ranging from 100 watts to 3.6 MW - Output voltages range from 12 volts dc (battery
charging units) to 480 volts ac - Units with output voltages of 240 volts ac are
usually best for customer service connections - Typical interconnection
- components
5Informal Utility Meeting
- NOT required but can be helpful
- Conducted before any formal meetings or studies
are performed - Will provide an overview of the process and
economics involved - What to ask
- Interconnection requirements and procedure
description - Type of supply being provided (I.e. voltage,
transformer size, shared or single customer
connection) - Availability of hourly use data in electronic
format - Electrical facilities in close proximity to
facility - Rates and tariffs applicable to generators
(particularly stand-by rate information) - Options for utility to purchase excess power
- Options for sale of excess power into market
6Informal Utility Meeting
- What to expect
- Specific information concerning the process and
your service - General information concerning timeframes and
interconnection costs - Very general information concerning near by
facilities and their capacities
7Informal Utility Meeting
- What not to expect
- Dont expect any information to be binding or
guaranteed - Dont expect any specifics concerning viability
of an interconnection point or associated costs - Dont expect any advice or recommendations
concerning excess energy sales - Dont expect any information that would require
studies or analysis - Dont expect any recommendations concerning unit
sizes, designs or construction requirements
8Do Your Homework
- Energy use versus energy output might be a simple
calculation if you lived in Aruba - Wind blows between 10 and 15 mph 24 hrs/day
almost all year long - A 600 kw wind turbine could expect to produce
3,942 mwh annually (500x8760x.90) and reduce
demands by at least 500 kw. - US sited units arent quite so easy
9Energy Balance Analysis
- Analysis that estimates energy costs and savings
for a prior year based on actual customer use
data and publicly available wind data along
with a bunch of assumptions. - Customer use data
- Use data is usually available from utility on an
hourly basis for an entire year in spreadsheet
format - Some data manipulation is required to format data
into a monthly billing quantity compatible layout - Billing rates and monthly billing cycle dates are
also needed
10Energy Balance Analysis
- Typical customer load profile data
11Energy Balance Analysis
- Publicly available wind data
- Does not replace the need for site specific
meteorological data - May be used as a very general proxy for required
data prior to more in-depth analysis - Public sites where information on wind generation
can be found - http//seaboard.ndbc.noaa.gov/Maps/northeast_hist.
shtml - http//cdo.ncdc.noaa.gov/ulcd/ULCD
- http//www.uwig.org/
- http//www.awea.org/faq/index.html
- http//www.ibew.org/articles/05journal/0509/p14_wi
12Energy Balance Analysis
- Wind power generation calculation is highly
complex but some simplifications can be made - Translation of wind data into energy output will
be required (this is the toughest part) - Once data has been converted it can be merged
with use data to derive an approximation of - Energy use reduction and avoided energy costs
- Demand reduction and avoided demand charges
- Excess energy production and sales value
13Example Wind Data Results
14Energy Balance Analysis
- Results can provide a high level estimate of
economic benefits versus costs of wind unit
installation for your use characteristics - Will only provide an indication of whether a more
detailed analysis is worth the time and expense
15Results of Analysis