Title: Transformations
- Translation
- Translation and Rotation
- Rigid Motion (Euclidian Trans.)
- Translation, Rotation Scaling
2Inexact Alignment (slides by Prof. Haim Wolfson).
Simple case two closely related proteins with
the same number of amino acids.
Assume transformation T is given
Question how to measure an alignment error?
3Distance Functions
- Two point sets Aai i1n
- Bbj j1m
- Pairwise Correspondence
- (ak1,bt1) (ak2,bt2) (akN,btN)
(1) Exact Matching aki bti0
(2) Bottleneck max aki bti (3) RMSD
(Root Mean Square Distance) Sqrt(
Saki bti2/N)
4Correspondence is Unknown
Given two configurations of points in the
three dimensional space,
find those rotations and translations of one
of the point sets which produce large
superimpositions of corresponding 3-D
5Largest Common Point Set (LCP) problem
Given egt0 and two point sets A and B find a
transformation T and equally sized subsets A (a
subset of A) and B (a subset of B) of maximal
cardinality such that dist(A,T(B)) e.
Bottleneck metric optimal solution in O(n32.5)
C. Ambuhl et al. 2000
RMSD metric open problem
6Two instances of the problem
- Similarity of the two sets of atoms with known
correspondences - Aai , Bbi , i1,,n
- ai ?? bi
- Similarity of the two sets of atoms with unknown
correspondences - Aai , Bbj , i1,,n j1,,m
- ai(k) ?? bj(k) k1,,Kltn,m
7 Superposition RMSD
- Given two sets of 3-D points with known
correspondences - Aai , Bbi , i1,,n
- find a 3-D rotation R and translation T that
minimizes - D2minR,T Si Rai T - bi 2
- RMSDD / sqrt(n)
- A closed form solution exists for this task.
8Orthogonal Procrustes problem
- The Solution is based on Singular Value
Decomposition (SVD) of the correlation matrix A
of the points - Aij Sk ak ibk j
- where ak i is the ith component of the vector
ak - The solution involves eigenvalue analysis of a
correlation matrix of the points.
Guerra, V. Pascucci, 1999)
- Problem 1. Find a transformation T, if it exists
that brings A to within a given distance, say e,
of B, i.e. H(T(A),B) - Problem 2. Find the minimum Hausdorff distance
under a rigid motion - D(A, B) min t (t(A), B)
- where t is a rigid motion
10Hausdorff Distance
- Let A a1, a2, ..., am B b1, b 2, ..., bn
be sets of either points or segments. - Definition. (Hausdorff Distance)
- H(A, B) max (h(A, B), h(B, A))
- where the one-way Hausdorff distance is
- h(A, B) maxa minb r (a, b)
- where a (b) is a point of A (B) and r (a, b), is
a metric.
11Exact solution in 2D
- This problem is generally solved as a problem of
intersection of unions of disks in the
transformation space. - Time complexity O( m3 n3 log2nm) in R2