Title: Spatial Relations in Humans
1Spatial Relations in Humans
- How much space do we need?
- Dawn Getz
- Fall Ecology Project 12-7-98
- Purpose To investigate and calculate the
average amount of space a person requires to feel
unthreatened when in close proximity with other
- Topics of Discussion - Experiments -
Results - Conclusion
3Experiment 1 Victim Vs. Control
- Procedure Observe victim and control in an
isolated environment (library). Control and
victim are both sitting alone at separate tables.
Approach the victim and sit within 1/2 meter
(18 in.) directly beside them. Observe
reactions and record behavior. Compare behavior
data with that of the control.
4Results of Experiment 1
- Results were taken obtained from five different
subjects over the course of a month. Location of
experiment was varied to insure a diverse
selection of subjects.
5Conclusions from Experiment 1
- The most common reactions victims displayed is
increased muscle tension and awareness,
fidgeting, moving chair away from experimenter or
moving to another table. - The results of the graph are based on the
subjects reactions as compared to the control. - From this experiment, it appears evident that
most individuals feel threatened when others
enter within 18 inches of their body.
6Experiment 2 Invasion of Personal Space
- Procedure Using the estimate of personal space
from experiment 1, approached subjects and stood
within 5 inches of their body and asked them a
question that required a minimal conversation of
15 seconds. Mentally noted changes in behavior,
facial expressions, and posture. Noted the
individual distance that developed between myself
and the subject. Varied the subjects to include
a variety of categories including friends,
family(young and old), co-workers, significant
other, and strangers.
7Conclusions Experiment 2
Close Association
8Conclusions Continued
Limited Association
9Conclusions Continued
No Association
- Estimated distances
- City vs Rural experiments conducted in
Philadelphia and Ewing, Ky. - Age range 10-65
Average Personal Space Close Association
(20042321)?8 1.75
1.75 in 5 in 6.75 in Limited
Association (686612121812)?8 10
10 in 5 in 15
in No Association (2418121224301812)?8
18.75 18.75 in
5 in 23.75
12Observations and Discussion
Required amount of personal space affected by
amount of association with individual, gender and
height differences. Noticeable differences
between city and rural observations. Possible
cultural link. Research extensions vary gender,
investigate possible differences among age groups
13The End !!!