Title: Normal Distributions
1Normal Distributions
Motivation from FAPP red-sample size 100 taken
1000 times blue-sample size 1493 taken
1000 times note that the shapes are
similar are members of the family of
curves called normal curves.
2Normal Distributions
A normal curve assigns probabilities to outcomes
as follows The probability of any interval of
outcomes is the area under the normal curve
above that interval.
3Normal Distributions
Recall that the mean and median of a skewed
distribution are not equal. The mean lies
further toward the long tail than the
median. The mean of a normal distribution,
however, lies at the center of symmetry of the
normal curve.
Normal curves have the special property that
their spread is completely measured by a single
number, the standard deviation.
The 1st quartile mean - 0.67(s) The 3rd quartile
mean 0.67(s)
4Normal Distributions
FAPP 68-95-99.7 Rule for Normal Distributions
5Central Limit Theorem
- A sample mean or sample proportion from n trials
on the same - random phenomenon has a distribution that is
approx normal - when n is large.
- The mean of this normal distribution is the same
as the mean - for a single trial.
3. The standard deviation of this normal
distribution is the standard deviation for a
single trial divided by square root of n.
6Application of Central Limit Theorem
- COMAP, For All Practical Purposes, 5th ed