Title: Experiences with the Implementation of Stayability EPD
1Experiences with the Implementation of
Stayability EPD
Wade Shafer American Simmental Association Bozeman
, MT
2Traits Impacting Stayability
- Fertility
- Survivability
- Structural Soundness
- Disposition
- Productivity
IT s In There!
3Does Increasing the Stayability of Your Cowherd
Improve Your Bottom Line?
4What is the Most Effective Way to Genetically
Improve Stayability?
5The Biology of Crossbreeding
A x B
Breed B
Non-additive gene action
Additive gene action
6Does a Stayability EPD Have Value?
Improving the additive component of Stayability
is like adding icing to the cake
7The Biology of Crossbreeding
A x B
Breed B
Non-additive gene action
Additive gene action
8The Biology of Crossbreeding
A x B
Breed B
Non-additive gene action
Additive gene action
9The Biology of Crossbreeding
A x B
Breed B
Non-additive gene action
Additive gene action
10The Biology of Crossbreeding
A x B
Breed B
Non-additive gene action
Additive gene action
11Does a Stayability EPD Have Value?
ASAs All-Purpose Index
- Bred to all-aged females
- Retain replacements
- Culls sold grade and Yield
- Straightbred AN cowherd
- Prices and costs based on 5-yr CattleFax average
Using a sire two standard deviations better for
Stayability (bottom to top third) improves your
profitability by 45/cow exposed
12Stayability EPD Checklist
- Is it an economically relevant trait?
13Challenges with Stayability
- Stayability is a lowly heritable trait expressed
late in life
- Breed association data tends to be less than
ideal for calculating Stay EPD
14Challenges with Stay low heritability trait
expressed late in life
I dont need an EPD to make progress in
stayability. I just send all my problem cows
to town.
15Challenges with Stay low heritability trait
expressed late in life
Without EPDs little if any progress is made in
low-heritability traits
16Challenges with Stay low heritability trait
expressed late in life
Without EPDs little if any progress is made in
low-heritability traits
low/med-acc EPD
17Challenges with Stay low heritability trait
expressed late in life
Without EPDs little if any progress is made in
low-heritability traits
high-acc EPD
18Challenges with Stay low heritability trait
expressed late in life
What good is an EPD that doesnt have much
accuracy until a sire is dead and gone?
Good Question!
19Challenges with Stay low heritability trait
expressed late in life
Current options
- Use the sure-bet old man
- Use several promising young bucks
Future developments
- Use all available information
- Move away from pass/fail grading
- Add indicator traits to model
- Gene markers
20Challenges with Stayability
- Breed association data tends to be less than
ideal for calculating Stay EPD
- Sketchypotentially biased
- May not be reflective of commercial culling
21(No Transcript)
22Traits Impacting Stayability
- Fertility
- Survivability
- Structural Soundness
- Disposition
- Productivity
- Color Pattern
- Polled/horned
- Popularity???
Its ALL in there!
23Challenges with Stay breed assoc. data tends to
be less than ideal
Current options
- Use common sense
- Use a few sure-bet old men
- Use several promising young bucks
Future developments
- Inventory-based reporting systems
- User-defined stayability
24Do Challenges Warrant Ignoring Stay?
I Dont Think So
The icing may need work, but it still adds a lot
to the cake