Title: Software Evaluation
1Software Evaluation
2Apple Learning Series
The Apple Learning Series is a collection of kits
that contain educator evaluated software and
model student projects that have been correlated
to select state and national standards. And
because teachers are also learners, each kit
comes with an online professional development
course that demonstrates the features of the
software and provides examples of how each can
enhance student learning.
-Apple Computer
3Apple Learning Series
- This software is intend for all grades K-12.
- Offers many resources, step-by-step guides, and
related student projects. - Offers interaction with learning and children by
including game software that follows curriculum
4Carmen Sandeigo Word Detective
- This is a program found on the software for
curriculum levels 3-6. - Carmen San Diego Word Detective, is one of the
game oriented educational programs.
- It offers interaction as well as educational
context. - With this particular program you have to install
it. - There is a step-by-step guide to installation of
these programs.
5Overview of Carmen Sandiego from the Professional
Development Guide Unless the students help,
Carmen Sandiego will turn all words into
gibberish! Thus begins the challenge that
students face when exploring Carmen Sandiego Word
Detective. The student becomes an agent in search
of Carmen. By breaking a series of codes,
students get closer to solving the mystery... and
to improving their spelling and vocabulary! To
break the codes, students engage in a series of
phonics games, use an interface called the
CyberCom 2000 to receive messages, navigate to
other parts of the program, store decoded words,
and hide information for future use.
6Carmen Sandiego Word Detective.
- Carmen Sandiego Word Detective is a challenging,
interactive program that covers writing skills
such as parts of speech, sentence structure, and
punctuation. - Its graphics and sound effects keep the children
interested in what is going on rather then the
fact that they are learning.
7The Rainforest at Risk
- The Rainforest at Risk is just an example of a
student project that a teacher came up with from
using Carmen Sandiego and the Apple Learning
Series software for curriculum 3-6. - To check this wonderful project out, click on the
title at the top.
8Apple Learning Series
- My suggestion to anyone interested in using this
software, is to go through the Professional
Development Guide and learn how you can install
it as well as use it to your advantage with
current spelling words, grammar techniques, etc.
9Apple Learning Series3-6 Curriculum
- Key Features
- Price for software
10NETS vs. Apple Learning Series
- Basic Operations and concepts is utilized with
this software due to the amount of research and
computer time put into the programs. - With frequent use of this software students will
develop positive attitudes towards technology as
well as collaborative working skills.
- Technology productivity tools are utilized with
many of the student projects as well as the
programs in this software. Such as Carmen
Sandiego and The Rain Forest at Risk. - In some of the programs students are required to
communicate to other students via email or
internet. That is using technology communication
- In all of the student projects found on this
software, the students were required to do
research on the web, organize and plot the data
on the computer. The technology research tools
standard is met. - Technology problem-solving and decision-making
isnt addressed as much as the other standards in
this software. Other then critical thinking,
there is minimal technology problem solving done.
13Where to find this Software
- If this software interest you, you can find it at
the Teachers College rooms 211b, or 406 at Ball
State University. - I highly recommend adopting it for yourself so
you can take full advantage of all the programs
it has to offer.
14Summary of my Review
- I reviewed this software as being a curriculum
oriented software tool that aids in all grades
and covers a vast amount of content at the same
time as meeting all the NETS requirements. It
allows the kids to work as a group, individual or
as a whole class. Its easily installed and you
can navigate you way through it without any
problems. A young child should be able to use it
whenever they want without the help from an
adult. Its graphics are wonderful and its
programs are entertaining.