Title: Employee Engagement and Job Matching
1Employee Engagement and Job Matching
Steve Martinez, M.A. Management Consultant
maximizing workforce performance
2The Bad News on Engagement
Source The New Employee/Employer Equation, The
Concours Group and Age Wave, 2004
3The Bad News on Engagement
Source The New Employee/Employer Equation, The
Concours Group and Age Wave, 2004
4What Matters to Young Workers
- Comprehensive benefits package (19)
- Workplace that is enjoyable (13)
- Work that enables me to learn and grow (12)
- Comprehensive retirement package (10)
- Work that is personally stimulating (10)
- Flexible work schedule (10)
- 10 percent more in total compensation (8)
- Two additional weeks of paid vacation (7)
- Work that is worthwhile to society (6)
- Flexible workplace (5)
Source The New Employee/Employer Equation Survey
5What Matters to Mature Workers
- Comprehensive retirement package (16)
- Comprehensive benefits package (14)
- Work that enables me to learn and grow (13)
- Work that is personally stimulating (12)
- Workplace that is enjoyable (11)
- 10 percent more in total compensation (8)
- Flexible work schedule (8)
- Work that is worthwhile to society (7)
- Flexible workplace (6)
- Two additional weeks of paid vacation (5)
Source The New Employee/Employer Equation Survey
6Poor Producers Bottom 16
Average Producers 68
Superior Producers Top 16
Source The validity and utility of selection
methods in personnel psychology Practical and
theoretical implications of 85 years of research
findings Psychological Bulletin, Sept 1998,
Vol. 124, No. 2, pp 262-274.
7Why does this matter?
- Unskilled / Semi-skilled
- Average produce 19 more than Poor-producers
- Superior produce 19 more than Average
- Superior produce 38 more than Poor-producers
- Skilled
- Average produce 32 more than Poor-producers
- Superior produce 32 more than Average
- Superior produce 64 more than Poor-producers
- Management / Professional
- Average produce 48 more than Poor-producers
- Superior produce 48 more than Average
- Superior produce 96 more than Poor-producers
Source The validity and utility of selection
methods in personnel psychology Practical and
theoretical implications of 85 years of research
findings Psychological Bulletin, Sept 1998,
Vol. 124, No. 2, pp 262-274.
8A small company with
- 50 Unskilled / Semi-skilled Workers
- 25 Skilled Workers
- 10 Managers
9Cost of Average vs. Superior Performers
Your cost if all in this category average
Average Salary?
Your cost per Average
X 0.19
X 0.32
X 0.48
Total Exposure if all average (total i ii
Percentage of salary investment at risk
10Here is what you see when you hire and promote
11Here iswhat you get!
12Selection Process
HistoryRésumé,Past Employment, Education,
Background Check
InterviewGut Feeling,Appearance,Personality
Assess Job Matching
13When do people perform at a superior level?
14Information for hiring Superior Performers
Good Hire
Background Check
Personality Behaviour
Mental Abilities
Interests Motivators
Job Matching
Sources Professor Mike Smith, University of
Manchester, August 1994 John E. Hunter and
Ronda F. Hunter, Validity and Utility of
Alternative Predictors of Job Performance,
Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 96, No.1, 1984, p.
90 Robert P Tett, Douglas N. Jackson, and
Mitchell Rothstein, Personality Measures as
Predictors of Job Performance A Meta-Analytical
Review, Personnel Psychology,Winter 1991, p.703.
Michigan State Universitys School of Business.
15Good Match
16Questionable Match
17In these days of Talent Wars, the best way to
keep your stars is to know them better than they
know themselves -and then use that information to
customize the career of their dreams
- Timothy Butler James Waldroop
- Job Sculpting Harvard Business Review
- September-October 1999
18Steve Martinez, M.A. Management Consultant
maximizing workforce performance steve_at_talentum.u
s www.talentum.us Strategic Business Partner of