Title: Cyber Media Events
1 FEEDBACK ANALYSIS Dataquest E-Gov Summit 2007
March 1st, 2007 Intercontinental Park Royal New
2How would you rate the Sessions ?
3How would you rate the Overall DQ E-Gov Summit
4According to you,which are the hot segments/areas
on which group discussions are required?
- e- Gov in public Service, Law Order and
Education - Technologies for rural connectivity
- Security issues in Wi- Fi implementations
- Uniformity in NeGP e-Gov Application Across the
Country / State - Strategies for NGN
- Centering of budget allotment at state level
- Computerization of Land records of the country
- e- Gov in Rural India, Payments e-procurment
5How would you rate the Sponsor Presentations ?
6Please tick the sponsors you want more
information from.
7Would You like to attend the Dataquest e-Gov
Summit in 2008 as a-
8Mention two suggestions to make Dataquest E-Gov
Summit 2008 more effective?
- Presentation on users experience of e- Gov
services - Focus on business process re-engineering case
- End user should be part of discussion of panelist
- More Focus on Rural Connectivity and citizen
centric Service - Introduce openwork soft technologies and putting
them on web. - Make available e-map of India free or part basis.
- These Should be better time management and a
better kit may be supplied to be all delegate - Interaction of Technical people with decision
makers. - The awards ceremony be in last e- Gov summit of
the 4 or keep awards ceremony as another event - Instead of one whole day event, this can be
broken in two half days with more examples of
case studies and also some proposal on
application of e- Gov in public service
9Current IT needs Challenges faced by your
- Crime has become borderless, data integration
Response time - Computerization of whole admin process, web based
application to develop. - PAN India secure data-transfer
- Implementation of National e-gov plan
- Building a Productivity Knowledge portal
- e-procurement
- Awareness center in the organization on IT
- Wan, Storage, security
10Your role in the purchase of IT or Telecom
Products Services.
11Approx. Current Year IT Spend ( in Rs. Crores).
12Thank You
Each mountain climbed makes us better climbers
for the mountains in our future - Todd