Title: Cellular Phones
1Cellular Phones By Kyle Kaneko-Tokuda
2Cellular Phones
- Agenda
- Introduction
- History
- Current News
- Future of Cellular Phones
- Summary Conclusion
Essential tool
4Cellular Phones
- Agenda
- Introduction
- History
- Current News
- Future of Cellular Phones
- Summary Conclusion
- Beginning of the mobile phone
- Capabilities
6Cellular Phones
- Agenda
- Introduction
- History
- Current News
- Future of Cellular Phones
- Summary Conclusion
7Current News
8Cellular Phones
- Agenda
- Introduction
- History
- Current News
- Future Plans
- Summary Conclusion
9Future Plans
OKAO Vision Face Recognition Sensor
10Cellular Phones
- Agenda
- Introduction
- History
- Current News
- Future Plans
- Summary Conclusion
11Summary Conclusion
Never-ending Growth
12Questions or comments? Thank you!
13 AppleInsider. 17 June 2007. AppleInsider. 25
April 2007 http//www.appleinsider.com/articles/0
6/07/17/iphone_ipod_messenger_clues_i n_latest_ipo
d_software.html. CNet Asia Reviews. 23 April
2007. CNET Networks, Inc. 25 April 2007
603,62007630,00.htm. CXOtoday.com Business News
for Technology Buyres. 10 March 2005. ITNation
India Pvt. Ltd. 20 April 2007 http//www.cxotoda
So on_Recognize_You/551-2895-907.html. Search
Marketing Standard. 14 December 2006. Search
Marketing Standard, Inc. 25 April 2007
12/mobile-friendly-site- should-you-bother.html.
Tech Blog Latest Tech Gadget News. 2006.
Techblog.com. 25 April 2007 http//www.techeblog
.com/index.php/tech-gadget/feature-worlds- most-ex