Title: The Application Process
1The Application Process
- Vicky Buller Sue Ellis
- North Western Deanery
2Routes to Registration(After 2 year transitional
- NVQ Level 3 in Oral Healthcare awarded by
National Examining Board for Dental Nurses - National Certificate awarded by the National
Examining Board for Dental Nurses - National Certificate awarded by National
Examining Board of Dental Surgery Assistants (Pre
1994) will not be acceptable after the
transitional period
3CPD Requirements
- All Dental Care Professionals will have to
demonstrate CPD - This is not further education there is a
difference - North Western Deanery have portfolios
- Hours not yet clarified
- Practice visits/personal development plans enable
us to develop CPD programme
4Registration Details Page 3(true copy)
- Evidence Required
- Valid Passport (photo required)
- Valid driving licence (photograph required)
- Valid ID Card
- If you cant provide the above
- Passport size photo signed by character
Identity referee - Birth Certificate
- Adoption Certificate
- You must have photocopies certified
- Must be done by GDC registrant or someone who is
entitled to practise Law in their country - If name change must send either original or
certified copy of marriage certificate or
statutory declaration confirming name change
6I Certify that I have seen the original Document
and this is a true copy Signature Name Title A
ddress GDC Registration Number
7Health Character Page 5(Character Identity
- Referee must follow guidance notes
- Various people can do this (see notes) including
dentist - Must have known you for 1 year
- Cannot be member of family
- Is only valid for 3 months
8Health Certificate Page 6
- New guidelines issued in November 2006
- Form A or Form B
- Can be completed by dentist who employs the
applicant if they have worked in dental practice
for over 12 months. - Cannot be same person as character ref
- Certain conditions must be declared (see guidance
notes) - Only valid for 3 months
- May include medical
- May be a fee to pay
9If you work in a clinical environment you must
- Be immunised against
- Hepatitis B
- TB
- Provide original certificates
10Health CharacterSelf declaration Page 7
- Must complete all sections
- All information will be confidential
- You must declare any convictions
- You may be required to have CRB check in future
- GDC will be notified of any future convictions
- You must be aware of GDC Standards for Dental
11Dental Nurse with qualification Page 8
- Only complete section 3A OR 3B
- It will show on register which one you have
registered with - If you are a trainee but will qualify before 30th
July 2008, wait until then
12Dental Nurse with experience Page 8
- Grand parenting
- 4 years full time or part time equivalent in last
8 - See table in guidance notes
- Referee must have direct personal experience of
your work - Can be same referee as character Identity
13Dental Nurse with experience competencies Page 9
- Access to Registration
- Between 2 4 years full time (or part equiv)
- Referee can sign tick boxes
- If you have done ART programme
- True or certified copies of all certificates
- Verification statement signed completed
- Application form signature
- Someone who has had direct experience of your
work for last 6 months
14Dental nurse with experience Competencies
- If you have worked in more than one practice and
have accrued your experience from more than one,
you must photocopy the relevant page and have it
signed twice - Alternatively, the certifying registrant may be
happy with word of mouth or personal knowledge
15Additional Titles
- If you have additional DCP titles - include
original or certified copy
- First payment 72.00
- Additional titles 10.00
- Returning of original documents 10
17Thank You
- Sue Ellis 07852310511
- Vicky Buller 07940299434