Title: Higgs Physics at LHC
1Higgs Physics at LHC
Andrey Korytov (for ATLAS and CMS
2Introductory remarks
- Focus of the talk on the discovery reach
- Discovery statistical significance Sgt5
- Channels for which discovery is possible at
Lintlt30 fb-1 - (2 yrs at low luminosity L21033 cm-2 s-1)
- Cross sections
- CMS NLO K-factors (dynamic K-factors for some
analyses) - ATLAS mostly LO (LO is often more conservative
than NLO) - CMS Physics Technical Design Report, v.II, is
out in June - First public presentation
- Full detector simulation and offline
reconstruction - Rigorous study of systematic errors for many
analyses - ATLAS relatively recent updates, where available
3SM Higgs discovery signatures at L30 fb-1
- Colored cells detailed studies available
- YES sure discovery in the appropriate range
of masses at L30 fb-1
4Standard Model Higgs H?gg
- Backgrounds
- prompt gg
- prompt g jet(brem g, p0?g)
- dijet
- Analysis
- Cut-based
- PT, isolation, Mgg
- events sorted by em shower profile quality
- Optimized
- loose cuts and sorting
- event-by-event kinematical Likelihood Ratio
- bkgd pdf from sidebands, signal pdf from MC
- Systematic errors folded in
CMS dMgg lt 1
5Standard Model Higgs H?WW?2l2n
Signal Region Control
- Backgrounds
- WW, tt, Wt(b), WZ, ZZ
- gg?WW (box)
- Analysis
- cuts
- e/m kinematics, isolation, jet veto, MET
- counting experiment, no peak
- background from a control sample
- signal 12ltmlllt40 GeV
- control sample memgt60 GeV
- reduce syst. errors pay stat. penalty
- systematic errors are folded in
6Standard Model Higgs H?ZZ?4l
- Backgrounds
- tt, Zbb, ZZ
- Analysis
- KNLO(m4l)
- cuts
- e/m kinematics, isolation
- cuts can be flat or m4l-dependent
- distinct m4l peak
- control samples
- sidebands (low statistics, shape is not trivial)
- Z-peak (Z and ZZ production are similar)
- muon reconstruction and isolation cut
efficiencies derived from data - full treatment of systematic errors
CMS H?4m
7Standard Model Higgs qqH, H?WW?2l2n
Signal Region Control
- Backgrounds
- tt, WWjj, Wt
- Analysis
- 2 high pT leptons MET
- 2 forward jets (b-jet veto)
- central jet veto
- counting experiment, no peak
- background from data
- Signal all cuts
- Control sample no lepton cuts
- Result
- better than inclusive WW (!!!)
8Standard Model Higgs qqH, H?tt
- Backgrounds
- Zjj, tt
- Analysis
- two forward jets, central jet veto
- two leptons (e, m, t-jet)MET
- tt ?lnn lnn
- tt ?lnn t-jet
- mass(l l or t-jet pTmis)
- despite 3 or 4 ns present, works quite well in
collinear approximation
ATLAS 30 fb-1
9Difficult (impossible) channel ttH, H?bb
SM Higgs ttH, H?bb
30 fb-1
- careful study of systematic errors in the Physics
TDR - syst error control at sub-percent level is needed
- does not appear feasible...
10Standard Model Higgs Summary
NLO cross sections Systematic errors included
- Benchmark luminosities
- 0.2 fb-1 exclusion limits will start carving
into SM Higgs x-section - 1 fb-1 discoveries become possible if MH170 GeV
- 10 fb-1 SM Higgs is discovered (or excluded) in
full range
11MSSM Higgs bosons h, H, A, H
- SUSY stabilizes Higgs mass
- 2 Higgs field doublets needed
- Physical scalar particles h, H, A, H
- Properties at tree level
- fully defined by 2 free parameters MA, tanb
- CP-even h and H are almost SM-like in vicinity
of their mass limits vs MA hmax and Hmin - large tanb
- enhances coupling to down fermions
b and t are very important! - suppresses coupling to Z and W
- CP-odd A never couples to Z and W
- decays bb, tt (and tt for small tanb)
- H strongly couples to tb and tn
- all Higgs bosons are narrow (Glt10 GeV)
- Loop corrections
- gives sensitivity to other SUSY parameters
- mhmax scenario most conservative LEP limits
12MSSM Higgs boson h, H, A production
h H
h H
- x-sections are large, often much larger than SM
(dotted line) - bb(h/H/A) production is very important
13MSSM Higgs SM-like signatures
- better detector simulation
- systematics included
- contours recessed
- no systematics included
CMS 2003 CMS 2006
14MSSM Higgs heavy neutral H, A
- production in association with bb (especially
good at large tanb) - bb-decay mode (80) is overwhelmed with QCD
background - tt-decay mode (20) is the next best
- mm-decays (0.1) allow for direct measurement
of G - better detector simulation (i.e. more realistic)
- systematics included
- contours recessed (low MA band, qqH, moved to
SM-like Higgs plot)
CMS 2003 CMS 2006
15MSSM Higgs H
- Heavy H (Mgtmt)
- production via gg ? tbH ? bjjbtn
- and gb ? tH ?
bjjtn - H ?tn (H ?tb overwhelmed by bkgd)
- t?Wb?jjb
- backgrounds tt, Wt, Wjets
- Light H (Mltmt)
- production via gg/qq ? tt ? btnbln
- t? Hb, H ?tn
- t?Wb?lnb
- backgrounds tt, Wt, Wjjj
16Difficult (impossible) channels
MSSM Higgs H?tb
MSSM Higgs bb(H/A), (H/A)?bb
17MSSM Higgs bosons h, H, A, H
- Special benchmark points
- max stop mixing (mhmax)
- mh lt 133 GeV
- most conservative LEP limits
- no mixing
- mh lt 119 GeV
- gluophobic h
- gg?h is suppressed (topstop loop cancellation)
- mh lt 119 GeV
- MSUSY350 GeV
- small aeff (mix h/H)
- tt and bb-decays suppressed
- even for large tanb
- mh lt 123 GeV
- MSUSY800 GeV
- Loop corrections give sensitivity to the rest of
SUSY sector, more specifically to - stop quark mixing Xt
- squark masses MSUSY
- gluino mass Mg
- SU(2) gaugino mass M2
- higgsino mass parameter m
Suggested by Carena et al. , Eur.Phys.J.C26,601(2
18MSSM Higgs other benchmark points?
- ATLAS studies
- preliminary (no syst)
- vector boson fusion
- qq(h/H)
- h/H?tt, WW, gg
- caveat for small aeff decoupling from tt is
compensated by WW enhancement - all four special points are well covered at L30
19MSSM Higgs or SM Higgs?
- SM-like h only
- considerable area
- even at L300 fb-1
- Any handles?
- decays to SUSY particles?
- SUSY particle decays?
- measure branching ratios?
20MSSM Higgs or SM Higgs?
- Decays to SUSY
- h?c20c20?(2lc10)(2lc10)
- Signature
- Four leptons
- Large MET
- BR for different channels
- R BR(h?WW) / BR(h?tt)
- DRMSSM-RSM/sexpimental
Msleptons250 GeV
ATLAS 300 fb-1
21MSSM Higgs yet another twist
- ATLAS preliminary
- qqH, H?WW, tt
- bbH, H?tt, mm
- tbH and tH, H?tn
- CP-violation in Higgs sector
- complex couplings
- mass eigenstates H1, H2, H3 are mixtures of h, H,
A - production/decay modes change
- new benchmark point CPX (maximum effect)
suggested by Carena et al., Phys.Lett B495 (2000)
155 - new parameterization MH tanb
ATLAS L30 fb-1
- uncovered holes remain
- more studies needed
not excluded at LEP
- Standard Model Higgs
- expect to start excluding SM Higgs at L0.1 fb-1
- discoveries may be expected already at L1 fb-1
- SM Higgs, if thats all we have, is expected to
be discovered by the time we reach L10 fb-1 - MSSM Higgs
- nearly full (M, tanb) plane is expected to be
covered at L30 fb-1 - there is a serious chance to see only a SM-like
23P.S. Lessons from Tevatron
- Life may not be as rosy as our projections are
- in 2003, the exclusion of the SM Higgs with mass
MH115 GeV was expected to happen at L1.5 fb-1 - in 2005 and at L300 pb-1, one might expect to be
just x2.5 away from the SM Higgs x-section - in 2005, the limits were x50 above the SM Higgs
x-section - Lots of work go into Tevatron Higgs searches to
meet the goals - There are no reasons to believe that LHC will be
24Summary Slides
25SM Higgs
CMS 2003 CMS 2006
26MSSM SM-like Higgs
CMS 2003 CMS 2006
27MSSM H and A
CMS 2003 CMS 2006
28MSSM H- (old/new plots)
CMS 2003 CMS 2006