Title: Adventures In Calorimeter Assisted Tracking
1Adventures In Calorimeter Assisted Tracking
- Chris Meyer, Tyler Rice
- UC Santa Cruz
- October 16, 2007
- The goal is to put together a combination Track
Finding Driver for the central region of the
detector. This includes - VXD Cheating
- AxialBarrelTrackFinderZ
- GarfieldTrackFinder
- These are run through sequentially, eliminating
hits found on tracks after each step.
3VXD Cheater
- We started with code written by Eric Wallace
(formerly of UCSC) and modified it to cheat away
not only Tracker Barrel Hits, but Vertex Barrel
Hits as well. - All associated SimTrackerHits from MCParticles
originating within 2 cm of the origin are removed
from hit banks.
4AxialBarrel Z
- Code originally written by Tim Nelson (SLAC), it
takes three hit seeds from the Tracker Barrel and
attaches hits to find 4 or 5 hit Tracks. - Optimized for non-prompt tracks by Tyler Rice
(UCSC) Some improvements added (phi-region
check). - The code used was modified by Lori Stevens
(UCSC) introduced virtual segmentation and an
algorithm to check for linear z-consistency using
only end-position information from z-modules. - Z-Modules are user defined, changeable in the
- Written by Dima Onoprienko (KSU),
GafieldTrackFinder employs outside-in track
finding, beginning with EmCal Stubs. - Finds tracks with 3, 4 or 5 hits in Barrel
Detectors. - Also uses modular z information when finding
possible hits to attach to track. - Changes made to Garfield
- GarfieldTracks/Hits have associated MC truth
information - Virtual Z-Seg now customizable
6Whats a Good Track/Particle?
- Findable MC Truth Particle
- FINAL or INTERMEDIATE State Particles
- Charged
- Path Length 50 cm
- Pt 0.75 GeV
- Radius Origin
- cos ?
- Acceptable Reconstructed Track
- cos ?
- Pt 0.75 GeV
- Successfully Fit
7Whats a Good Track/Particle?
- Good Tracks
- Purity 0.8
- Associated MCParticle is findable
- Passes acceptable criteria
- Fake Tracks
- Purity
- Passes acceptable criteria
- Ignored Tracks
- Purity 0.8
- Associated MCParticle is UNfindable
- Purity is calculated strictly using Barrel Hits
(Calorimeter stub excluded from calculation)
8Initial Results
- Axial Barrel 4 hit Tracks, Garfield 3 Hit
Tracks - Z Pole qqbar Event
5 Hit Tracks
9Initial Results
- Axial Barrel 4 hit Tracks
- Z Pole qqbar Event
ABTFZ 4 Hit Tracks (Garfield Will Be Run Next)
10Initial Results
- Axial Barrel 4 hit Tracks, Garfield 3 Hit
Tracks - Z Pole qqbar Event
MCPs are those left after running AxialBarrel
11Initial Results
- Axial Barrel 4 hit Tracks, Garfield 3 Hit
Tracks - Z Pole qqbar Event
VERY Low Purity for Reasonable Segmentation
12What Are We Missing?
- If we change to 5 hit minimum for Axial Barrel
Purity is increased, but efficiency is decreased
(Tyler Rice presentation, 8/21/07). - The main concern is the inability of the
calorimeter to distinguish good 3 hit tracks from
fakes. - Can we reliably reconstruct tracks originating
outside the second Tracker Barrel layer? - SeedExtend Algorithm, Tyler Rice, Chris Meyer
- Since Barrel information is precise, make a helix
from 3 hit seeds (with seeds based on Tim
Nelsons code) then check for matching
calorimeter stubs (found using Dima Onoprienkos
NN Cluster Driver and EmCalStub Driver).
13Stub Matching
XY Miss Distance between Seed and Stub at
Calorimeter Face
14Stub Matching
Phi Difference between Seed and Stub at
Calorimeter Face
15Stub Matching
Curvature Ratio of Seed and Stub
16Cuts on Matching
- ZPole sidaug05 cuts for SeedExtender
- Seeds
- Phi Separation consecutive layers)
- Helix Stub Matching
- Base Difference
- Phi Difference
- Kappa Ratio ( (?seed - ?stub)/ ?seed )
- Note All values are absolute values
- Loop through list of stubs looking for possible
seeds to attach. - Calorimeter Stubs
- Refit stub to get better helix (base position,
base phi, kappa) - Use all CalorimeterHits, give more weight to
closest two, farthest two, and middle two - Tracking Seeds
- Only look at outer 3 tracking layers
- Require max phi-separation between any two hits
of 300 miliradians - If multiple matches are found, seed with smallest
phi difference from stub is used.
18Seed Extender
20 total Findable 3 Hit tracks. Binned by Radius
from Origin (mm)
Radius of Origin
19Seed Extender
12 Found 3 Hit tracks. Binned by Purity
Include stub as 4th hit in purity calculation
20Seed Extender
2 Found 4 Hit tracks. Binned by Purity (5th Hit
from Calorimeter assumed to be pure)
21Seed Extender
4 Fake 3 Hit Tracks. Binned by pt (GeV)
- ABTFZ and Garfield
- Efficient and Pure for 4 and 5 Hit Tracks
- Cant find 3 Hit Tracks
- Developed SeedExtend for 3 hit Tracks
- On Z-Pole events we get 60 efficiency for 3 Hit
Tracks - On Z-Pole events we get 70 purity for 3 Hit
Tracks - This can be optimized further by changing cuts,
but the optimization will depend on the physics
signatures (isolated signature vs. dense jet) - Plan to look at meta-stable SUSY signature
consulted with Jonathan Feng (UC Irvine) - With this in mind Chris Betancourt (UCSC) is
looking into ISAJET generation with Jonathans