Zero Knowledge Proofs. 20 Years after its Invention - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Zero Knowledge Proofs. 20 Years after its Invention


Randomized computations play a central role in the definition of ZK. ... We typically view verifier as an adversary that is trying to cheat. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Zero Knowledge Proofs. 20 Years after its Invention

Zero Knowledge Proofs.20 Years after its
  • Author
  • Oded Goldreich
  • Dept. of CS Applied Mathematics,
  • Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel.

Presented by Mr. Sameer Seth
  • Zero Knowledge Proofs are proofs that are both
    convincing and yet yield nothing beyond the
    validity of the assertion being proved.
  • We will survey the main developments regarding
    Zero - Knowledge , starting from the basic
    definitions and reaching the most recent and
    sophisticated results in this area.

  • Introduction
  • The Basics
  • Preliminaries
  • Interactive Proofs Argument systems
  • Computational Difficulty and One Way functions
  • Definitional Issues
  • The Basic Definition
  • Variants
  • Universal Black Box Simulators
  • Honest Verifier vs. General Cheating Verifier
  • Statistical Vs. Computational ZK
  • Strict Vs. expected probabilistic Polynomial

  • Introduction
  • Advanced Topics
  • Composing ZK Protocols
  • Sequential Composition
  • Parallel Composition
  • Concurrent Composition ( With Without timing )
  • ZK Proofs in other models

  • They are fascinating because of their seemingly
    contradictory definition and extremely useful
  • They are typically used to force malicious
    parties to behave according to a predetermined
  • Typical applications of ZK Proofs are
  • Preservation of security under various forms of
    protocol composition
  • Use of Adversary program within proof of security.

Basics (Definition)
  • The ZKP is formulated by saying that anything
    that is feasibly computable from a ZKP is also
    feasibly computable from the assertion itself.
    Variants on the basic def. are
  • Consideration of Auxiliary inputs.
  • Mandating of universal and black box
  • Restricting attention to honest verifiers
  • The level of Similarity required for simulation.
  • Zero Knowledge proofs exist for any NP-set,
    provided, One way functions exist for that set.

Example of ZK Proof system
  • Modern Cryptography is concerned with the
    construction of efficient schemes for which it is
    in feasible to violate the security feature.
  • The computations of the legitimate users of the
    scheme ought to be efficient whereas violating
    the security feature ought to be infeasible.
  • Efficient computations are commonly modeled by
    computations that are polynomial time in
    security parameter. The polynomial bounding the
    running time of the legitimate users strategy
    is fixed and typically explicit.
  • Randomized computations play a central role in
    the definition of ZK. We allow the legitimate
    users to employ randomized computations. This
    brings up issue of success probability typically
    we require legitimate users to succeed with
    probability 1 ( or very close to 1 ) and
    adversaries to succeed with negligible
  • A Rare event should occur rarely even if we
    repeat the experiment for a feasible number of

  • We consider negligible as any function,
  • A N ? 0,1
  • That vanishes faster than the reciprocal of any

Interactive Proofs and Argument System
  • The standard notion of static proofs will not do,
    because static ZKP exist only for sets that are
    easy to decide. Whereas we are interested for
    arbitrary NP-sets.We will use the notion of an
    Interactive Proof. Here the proof is a (multi
    round ) randomized protocol for two parties
    verifier and prover, in which prover wishes to
    convince verifier of the validity of given
    assertion. Both Completeness and soundness
    conditions should hold with high probability.
  • The verifier has to be probabilistic polynomial
  • If the assertion is false, the verifier must
    reject with Noticeable probability, no matter
    what strategy is being applied by prover.

Interactive Proofs
  • Definition
  • An IP system for a set S is a two party game,
    between a verifier executing a probabilistic
    polynomial time strategy and a prover which
    executes a computationally unbounded strategy ,
  • Completeness For every x belongs S the verifier
    V always accepts after interacting with the
    prover P on common input x.
  • Soundness For some polynomial p, it holds that
    for every x not belonging to S and every
    potential strategy P, the verifier V rejects
    with probability at least 1/p(x), after
    interacting with P on common input x.
  • Computational Soundness error can be reduced by
    sequential repetitions, but it cannot be always
    reduced by parallel repititions.

Computational Difficulty and One Way Function
  • Most positive result regarding ZK Proofs are
    based on intractability assumptions.
  • Defn. of One Way functions.
  • A function f 0,1 ? 0,1 is called one
    way if the following two conditions hold.
  • 1. Easy to evaluate There exists a polynomial
    time algorithm A such that A(x) f(x) for
    everyx belongs 0,1 .
  • 2. Hard to invert For every family of
    polynomial size circuits Cn , every
    polynomial p, and all sufficiently large nPr
    Cn (f(x)) (- f -1(f(x)) lt 1/p(n)where
    probability is taken uniform over all possible

Basic Definition
  • An interactive strategy A is ZK on the set S if,
    for every feasible strategy B, there exists a
    feasible computation C s.t. the following
    probability ensembles are computationally
  • 1. ( A,B )(x) output of B after interacting
    with A on common input x and
  • 2. C(x) the output of C on input x.

  • Universal and black box simulation
  • Further strengthening of definition is obtained
    by requiring the existence of a universal
    simulator, denoted C that is given the program f
    the verifier as an auxiliary input that is in
    terms with definition, one should replace C(x,z)
    by C(x,z, (B)), where ( B) denotes the
    description of program B.
  • Therefore we effectively restrict the simulation
    by requiring that it be a uniform function of the
    verifier program.

  • Honest Verifier Vs. General cheating verifier.
  • We typically view verifier as an adversary that
    is trying to cheat.
  • A weaker and still interesting notion of ZK
    refers to what can be gained by an honest
    verifier that interacts with the prover as
    directed with the exception that it may maintain
    a record of entire interaction. Although such a
    weaker notion is not satisfactory for a standard
    cryptographic applications, coz it yields a
    fascinating notion from a conceptual as well as
    complexity theoretic point of view.

  • Statistical Vs. Computational Zero Knowledge
  • Perfect Zero Knowledge PZK It requires that
    the two probability ensembles to be identical.
  • Statistical Zero Knowledge SZK It requires
    that these probability ensembles be statistically
    close ( Variation distance betn them be
  • Computational Zero Knowledge CZK It requires
    that these probability ensembles be
    computationally indistinguishable.
  • CZK is most liberal notion, and is the notion
    considered in definition.

  • Strict Versus Probabilistic Polynomial time.
  • Strict PPT There exists a bound on number of
    steps in each possible run of the machine
    regardless outcome of its coin tosses.
  • Expected PPT The standard approach is to look
    at the running time as a random variable and
    bound its expectation and an alternative
    treatment of this random variable is preferable.

Advanced Topics
  • The first question of ZK proofs refers to
    preservation of its security under various types
    of composition operations.
  • The main facts for ZK protocols are
  • ZK is closed under sequential composition
  • ZK is not closed under parallel composition, yet
    some ZK preserve their security when many copies
    are executed in parallel.
  • Some ZK proofs preserve their security when many
    copies are executed concurrently, but such a
    result is not known for constant round protocols.
  • For all 15 yrs. All known proofs of security used
    the adversarys program as black box and it was
    believed there is no use in having access to the
    code of adversarys program.
  • This property was refuted by a ZK argument that
    has important properties that are unachievable by
    black box simulation.
  • When we talk of composition of protocols, we mean
    that honest users are supposed to follow the
    prescribed program. That is the actions of honest
    users in one execution are independent of
    messages they received in previous executions.

Sequential Composition
  • In this case, the protocol is invoked (
    polynomially ) many times, where each invocation
    follows the termination of the previous one.
  • At the very least, security should be preserved
    under sequential composition, or else the
    applicability of protocol is highly limited.
  • Every protocol that is ZK ( Under definition ) is
    sequential Zero Knowledge.

Parallel Composition
  • In this case many instances of the protocol are
    invoked at the same time and proceed at the same
    pace. Here we assume a synchronous model and
    consider many executions that are totally
    synchronized so that the i th message in all
    instances is send exactly at the same time.
  • In the early days we interpreted parallel
    composition was mainly in the context of round
    efficient error reduction. Since then alternative
    ways of constructing constant round ZK proofs
    were found.
  • Interest in Parallel composition has died. In
    retrospect parallel composition helped to capture
    preservation of security.
  • Under standard intractability assumptions, every
    NP set has a constant round parallel ZK proofs

Concurrent Composition ( with without timing )
  • Concurrent composition generalizes both
    sequential and parallel composition. Here many
    instances of the protocol are invoked at
    arbitrary times and proceed at arbitrary pace.
    Therefore we assume asynchronous model of
  • When extensive multi party computations became a
    reality, it became clear that it is desirable
    that cryptographic protocols maintain their
    security under concurrent composition.
  • Thus two models are discussed in literature
  • Concurrent Composition in Asynchronous Model
  • Concurrent Composition in Timing model.

Concurrent Composition in Asynchronous model
  • In comparison to timing model the pure
    asynchronous model is simple and using it
    requires no assumptions about the underlying
    communication channels, however it seems harder
    to construct ZK proofs for this model.
  • Research has focused on determining the round
    complexity of concurrent ZK proofs of NP.
  • The current state of art is as follows
  • Under standard intractability assumptions, every
    language in NP has a concurrent ZK proof with
    almost logarithmically many rounds. Further more,
    ZK property can be demonstrated by black box
  • Though black box simulator cannot demonstrate the
    concurrent ZK property of non trivial proofs
    having significantly less than logarithmically
    many rounds
  • Recently it was demonstrated that black box
    simulator barrier can be bypassed for NP which
    maintain security as long as an a priori
    bounded number of executions take place

Concurrent Composition under timing model
  • This model was introduced by Dwork. They assumed
    that each party holds a local clock s.t. the
    relative clock rates are bounded by an a priori
    known constant and consider protocols that employ
    time driven operations.
  • The disadvantages of timing model are
  • The timing model consists of the assumption that
    talking about the actual timing of events is
    meaningful and of the introduction of time driven
  • The timing model assumption amounts to
    postulating that each party holds a local clock
    and knows a global bound denoted by pgt1 in the
    relative rates of he local clocks
  • But in out opinion these timing model are more
    reasonable, and are unlikely to restrict the
    scope of application.

Zero Knowledge in other models
  • Multi prover Interactive proofs
  • In the multi prover interactive proof, the prover
    is split into several entities and the
    restriction is that these entities cannot
    interact with each other.
  • Actually the formulation allows them to
    coordinate their strategies prior to interacting
    with the verifier but it is crucial that they
    themselves do not exchange messages.
  • Eg. Police interrogating with all the suspects
  • Strict Computational Soundness
  • The Prover s running time is monitored by the
    verifier that may run for a longer time, and the
    prover s utility is due to an auxiliary input
    that it has.
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