Title: Regional Labour Market Profiles
1Regional Labour Market Profiles
- NWT Bureau of Statistics
- January 31, 2006
2Brown Bag Series 2006-07
- This is fourth in a series of analytical
presentations that will be undertaken in 2006-07
by the Bureau of Statistics on behalf of ECE. The
planned topics are - Labour Supply in the NWT
- Employment income patterns
- Barriers to labour market entry
- Regional Labour Market Profiles
- Forecast occupation demand
- A profile of older workers in the NWT
- Current and past presentations are available on
the Bureau of Statistics website at
3Presentation Outline
- Regional Labour Market Profiles
- Demographics
- Education
- Labour Force Characteristics
- Employment Type and Patterns
- Conclusions
6Percent of All Persons, 2005
- 46 of NWT residents live within the Yellowknife
7Percent of Persons by Age, 2005
8Percent of Persons by Ethnicity, 2005
10Educational Attainment, 2004
- The majority of the South Slave and Yellowknife
Areas have high school or greater while the
opposite can be said for the Tlicho Area.
11Detailed Educational Attainment, 2004
- The pattern of higher education is the same
across the regions with the Yellowknife Area
having the highest proportion of university
degrees at 25 of the population 15 and over. - 37 of the South Slave population 15 and over
have diplomas or other certificates. The
Certificates diplomas include everything from
accounting designations to two-week certificates.
12Percent of Persons with High School or Greater,
1989 and 2004
13Labour Force Characteristics
14Percent of Persons by Labour Force
Characteristics, 2004
15Employment Rate by Region, 2004
- The overall employment rate for the NWT stood at
67.8 in 2004, ranging from 37.3 in the Tlicho
to 79.8 in the Yellowknife Area.
16Historical Employment Rates, 1989 to 2004
- Employment rates across all regions have
increased over time with the exception of the
Yellowknife Area where the rate remains steady.
From 1989 to 2004, the employment rate in the
Tlicho increased from 26.6 to 37.3.
17Employment Rate by Highest Level of Schooling,
18Employment Rate by Ethnicity, 2004
- The employment rate for aboriginal persons is
consistently lower across all regions compared to
the rate for non-aboriginal persons.
19Employment Rate for those with High School or
Greater by Ethnicity, 2004
- The gap in employment rates narrows significantly
between aboriginal and non-aboriginal persons who
have high school or greater.
20Employment Rates by Gender, 2004
21Total Labour Supply, 2004
- More than 5,000 individuals make up total labour
supply - 72.8 of these live outside of the Yellowknife
Area - Just over half the total labour supply would like
a job, but are not actively looking
22Percent of Labour Supply by Gender, 2004
- Outside the Yellowknife Area, there are more men
than women in the labour supply - Women only account for 40 of the Dehcho labour
23Labour Supply by Highest Level of Schooling, 2004
- In most regions, a large portion of the labour
supply is comprised by those with less than high
school education
24Percent Labour Supply Willing to do Rotational
Work, 2004
- Large portion of the labour supply are willing to
due rotational work.
25Employment Type and Patterns
26Percent of Employed Who Worked 26 Weeks or More,
1999 2003
- Most regions have experienced an increase
- Tlicho rate has doubled closing the gap with
other regions - impacts of diamond mines.
27Percent Employed by Selected Industries, 2004
- Employment by industry can vary across regions.
- Largest industry employer in Tlicho is Mine, Oil
Gas Construction
28Skill Level of Work, 2004
- In general, most work involves a high or medium
level of skill - A higher portion of work in Tlicho involves a low
skill level
29Average Employment Income by Region, 2004
- Areas with higher skilled jobs appear to have
higher income levels
30Further Information
- http//www.stats.gov.nt.ca
- or 1-888-STATSNT (782-8768)