Title: DMAC Modelers Caucus Status Report
1DMAC Modelers CaucusStatus ReportRecommendat
- Steve Hankin, Chair, Modelers Caucus
211 members
- Steve Hankin, convener/DMAC ST
- John Wilkin -- coastal physical modeler --
Rutgers University/RA - Rich Signell, coastal physical modeler -- USGS
-- rsignell_at_usgs.gov - Frank Bub -- operational ocean modeling --
NAVO -- frank.bub_at_navy.mil - Frédréique Blanc -- International GODAE data
manager -- CLS,Space oceanography Division /
Direction Océanographie Spatiale -- fblanc_at_cls.fr - Ashwanth Srinivasan -- data assimilation
modeler/data manager -- ltasrinivasan_at_rsmas.miami.e
dugt - V. Balaji -- modeling frameworks/metadata/grids
-- NOAA/Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory --
ltV.Balaji_at_noaa.govgt - Eoin Howlett -- software developer/GIS --
Applied Sciences Associates -- ltehowlett_at_appsci.co
mgt - CJ Beegle-Krause -- disaster
management/trajectory modeling -- NOAA/HAZMAT --
ltCj.Beegle-Krause_at_noaa.govgt - Ben Domenico -- data tools and formats --
Unidata -- ltben_at_unidata.ucar.edugt - Tim Pugh -- Ocean/Marine Forecasting
(international) -- Australian Bureau of
Meteorology Research Centre -- tpugh_at_ves.com
3IOOS, DMAC Modeling
- The 3rd IOOS subsystem
- Observing subsystem
- Modeling
- A focus on modeling to support IOOS goals
- coastal/regional processes and management
- biological and ecological models
- navigation, health and safety, disaster
response, security - climate
4Why a Modelers Caucus?
- Address the data management needs of modelers
- Provide guidance to ensure priorities are set
that reflect modeling considerations, too (often
5You may recall
- 11 members Federal, academic, international,
global, coastal, physical, (biological)
- Last DMAC-ST meeting we developed a laundry list
of modeling data management issues. A starting
6Our immediate task Develop a modelers data
management issues list (maybe a white paper?)
- Established email list serve
- Established Wiki (labor intensive)
- Have held 3 telcons (7am to 9pm)
- Editing via Wiki and email
81. CF (Climate and Forecast) Conventions
- The IOOS modeling community has identified the CF
conventions as vital to model interoperability.
CF should be supported and advanced as rapidly as
feasible. Critical areas in need of extensions to
CF are - 1. unstructured (finite element) grids and
nested grids (critical to coastal modeling) - 2. Geospatial datums (critical to GIS
interoperability with applications) - 3. Nested grids
9730AM, 11 May Statement of Work Integrating
Unstructured Grids into netCDF COARDS CF
Standards - Workshop
- The goal of this work is to create a community
process for creating metadata standards for
unstructured grids added to the netCDF CF
(Climate and Forecast) metadata standards
102. Downscaling techniques
- Vital societal functions such as tracking of
hazardous waste spills, search and rescue, and
inundation prediction (storm surge, flood,
tsunami) require the ability to downscale basin
scale models as input into coastal and regional
models and these in turn as input into
operational decision support and decision support
tools. To support these capabilities requires
development of tools and techniques for - 1. Conditioning the outputs of global or other
large scale models - 2. Conditioning the outputs from multiple models
over neighboring domains as input for a single
problem domain
113. Models accessible to GIS
- DMAC needs to recommend standards, tools, and
best practices to achieve interoperability with
GIS systems and their users through the use of
the OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) WxS
standards (WMS- Web Map Service, WFS-Web Feature
Service, and WCS-Web Coverage Service).
124. Real-time notification
- DMAC real-time systems should provide
notification in real-time of both of data
availability (new data) and unavailability
(interruptions to data flow or changes in content
or format) situations.
135. Model metadata
- Richer and better supported metadata standards
are needed to describe model outputs. In
particular - 1. Model configuration.
- 2. Key model run parameters, including
initialization and boundary forcing. - 3. Certification (if certified, e.g. operational
quality for water level forecast). - 4. Validation level, studies and data sources.
- 5. Output QA/QC level
- 6. Forecast accuracy estimates.
146. Assimilation-friendly data
- The DMAC value-added product generation
capability should include assimilation-friendly
products of in-situ and remote sensed real-time
157. Model intercomparison
- In order to foster the rapid improvement of model
state estimation and forecast capabilities DMAC
should support collaboration/intercomparison
environments for model outputs
168. Uncertainty estimates
- There is a need for uncertainty estimates to be
provided with model products. This includes
developing a community consensus on how to
calculate uncertainty in individual 3D time
dependent models (beyond ensemble modeling).
179. Modeler Education/Outreach
- DMAC can assist the modeling community through
education and outreach to modelers that will
increase awareness of community standards, best
practices and tools available to modelers
18?? (10. Access Control) ??
- User authentication and authorization for data
access to observational and model data using
pull services like OPeNDAP