Title: Epidemiology and surveillance of fungal infections: an overview
1Epidemiology and surveillance of fungal
infections an overview
- David W. Warnock
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Atlanta, Georgia
2Public Health
- Focus on
- individual
- diagnosis
- treatment
- Focus on
- - population
- prevention
3The cycle of disease prevention
4The cycle of disease prevention
5The cycle of disease prevention
6The cycle of disease prevention
7Public health surveillance
- The ongoing systematic collection, analysis and
interpretation of information about a disease1 - The reason for collecting, analyzing and
disseminating information on a disease is to
control that disease 2 - Collection and analysis should not be allowed to
consume resources if action does not follow 2
1 Langmuir N Engl J Med 1963268182-92 2
Foege Int J Epidemiol 1976529-37
8The spectrum of public health surveillance
Case definition
Data collection
Sentinel surveillance
Passive surveillance
Syndromic surveillance
Population-based surveillance
Laboratory-based surveillance
Active surveillance
9Comparison of surveillance systems
- Active surveillance
- Investigator-initiated
- Dedicated staff needed
- Extensive case finding performed
- Extensive clinical and laboratory information
- Audits performed
- High cost
- Passive surveillance
- Provider-initiated
- No dedicated staff needed
- Limited case finding performed
- Limited clinical and laboratory information
- No audits performed
- Lower cost
10Number of reported cases of coccidioidomycosis
United States, 2007
Morbid Mortal Wkly Rep 2007 56 (no 53)
(published July 9, 2009)
11Mycotic diseases passive surveillance
- Healthcare providers feel no need to report
fungal infections since no immediate public
health action is required - Limitations of current diagnostic tests hinder
the development of case definitions - As a result these infections are under-diagnosed
and under-reported
In 2007, CSTE adopted a modified case definition
for coccidioidomycosis a single positive
serologic test for IgG is now adequate for
definition of a case
12Mycotic diseases surveillance case definitions
- A standardized case definition is needed to
perform reliable surveillance for a disease - In some diseases, a positive culture is
indicative of colonization rather than infection -
- Consensus case definitions for clinical trial
enrollment of immunocompromised patients are too
complicated for surveillance and not
generalizable to other patient groups
13Population-based surveillance
- Provides the most representative information on a
disease in the entire population of a defined
geographic location, and specific groups within
that population - All cases of the disease in the catchment area
are identified, but only cases among residents
are counted - Incidence is calculated as the number of new
cases occurring in a defined time period divided
by the total population - Active population-based surveillance to determine
trends in disease incidence is expensive to
conduct, and difficult to sustain for long periods
14Incidence of Candida bloodstream infections(per
100,000 population)
7.1 1998-2000
7.1 1992-1993
6.0 1998-2001
24.0 1998-2000
25.0 2008-2009
8.7 1992-1993
14.0 2008-2009
Diekema et al. 2002 Hajjeh et al. 2004 Kao et
al. 1999
15Incidence of Cryptococcus gattii infection
British Columbia, Canada
Average incidence 19992006 Vancouver Island
2.8 cases per 100,000 Mainland 0.65 cases
per 100,000
Cases per 100,000 population
Source BC Centre for Disease Control 2007
16Estimated population-based incidenceof Candida
bloodstream, by race
Atlanta, GA, and San Francisco, CA 1992-1993
Cases per 100,000 population
Connecticut, and Baltimore, MD 1998-2000
Kao et al. 1999 Hajjeh et al. 2004
17Population-based surveillanceCohort studies
- In cohort studies, the population is defined as a
particular group of individuals (e.g. persons
with AIDS or transplant recipients) -
- Adequate follow-up is essential to determine the
presence or absence of infection and therefore
inclusion as a case of disease or non-case - These studies are most useful when only a subset
of the population is at risk for a particular
disease - Information is more broadly representative than
reports from single centers
18Incidence of invasive fungal infections after
stem cell transplant, 2001-2006 (TransNet)
12-month cumulative incidence ()
Kontoyiannis et al. 2009 submitted for
19Incidence of invasive aspergillosis after
allogeneic stem cell transplant, 2001-2005
Overall incidence 1.6
12-month cumulative incidence ()
Transplant center
20Sentinel surveillance
- Conducted at selected medical centers or sites,
rather than in the entire population of a
geographic location - Total burden of disease in the general population
cannot be estimated, but useful for diseases
where the at-risk population is captured - Less expensive and easier to perform than
population-based surveillance
21Sentinel surveillance
- Hospital are good sites for sentinel surveillance
of invasive fungal infections because good
denominators are available - Useful for monitoring trends in incidence of
particular pathogens and infections, species
distribution, and antifungal drug resistance - Site selection can be biased, so information may
not be representative of the general hospital
22Incidence of Candida bloodstream infections (per
10,000 hospital admissions)
Sweden 3.2
Canada 4.0
France 2.0
United States 8.0
Spain 5.3
Italy 3.8
Brazil 24.9
Australia 2.1
Almirante et al. 2005 Colombo et al. 2005 Chen
et al. 2006 Hajjeh et al. 2004 Laupland et al.
2005 Tortorano et al. 2004
23Administrative data as sources of information
- Hospital discharge and death records, based on
ICD codes, are widely available, and permit
application of common definitions to similar data
from different institutions, - Use of these data minimizes ascertainment bias
when investigators use diverse methods for case
finding - Helpful for investigating long-term trends in
disease incidence rates - Limitations include diagnostic errors,
inconsistent disease coding, and undetected
duplicate reporting of cases
24Comparison of the use of administrative data with
an active system for surveillance of invasive
aspergillosis in a single hospital, 2001-2005
- 64 of 1736 transplant recipients had ICD-9 codes
consistent with IA, triggering medical record
review 3 cases detected by other methods - 48 of 67 patients reviewed had other or no
infections, or had insufficient evidence to be
classed as proven or probable IA - 14 of 19 patients reviewed and classed as having
IA identified by both methods 3 identified by
active surveillance only 2 identified by ICD-9
code only
Chang et al. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiology
2008 29 25-30
25Incidence of zygomycosis in France based on
analysis of hospital records,1997-2006
Cases per 100,000 population
Bitar et al. Emerg Infect Dis 2009 15 1395-1401
26Disease registries as sources of information
- Provide useful information about clinical
details of rare fungal infections, or infections
occurring in special hosts, such as transplant
recipients - Limited value for public health surveillance
because meaningful and appropriate denominator
data are not available - Subject to ascertainment bias variable
participation or case finding leads to
unrepresentative results - Should not be interpreted as being representative
of broader populations
27FoodNet Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance
- Established in 1996 as a collaboration among CDC,
USDA, FDA, and state health departments - Conducts population-based, active surveillance
for laboratory-confirmed infections caused by 9
pathogens commonly transmitted through food - Campylobacter spp., Listeria monocytogenes,
Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., STEC O157, Vibrio
spp., Yersinia enterocolitica, Cryptosporidium
spp., Cyclospora spp.
2009 10 sites, 45 million persons, 15 of
28FoodNet trends E. coli O157 infections
Incidence per 100,000 population
National objective
Healthy People 2010 Objective 1.0 illness per
100,000 persons
29Estimating the burden of disease
- Most surveillance systems do not capture the
total burden of disease in a population - This is because the reporting of a case depends
on a number of steps the patient must visit a
doctor the doctor must collect a sample the
sample must be tested the pathogen must be
identified and the test result must be notified - The proportion of cases that are detected and
reported differs from disease to disease
30Food-related illness and death in the United
- Foodborne diseases cause 76 million illnesses,
325,000 hospitalizations, and 5000 deaths in the
United States each year
This article had been cited on 2350 occasions
through 9.21.09
Mead et al. Emerg Infect Dis 19995607-25
31Estimating the global burden of HIV-associated
- Literature search for studies reporting estimates
of incidence among HIV populations since 1996 - Median incidence for each UNAIDS geographic
region multiplied by the HIV population to
estimate number of cases - To estimate number of deaths, assumed a 3-month
case fatality rate - 9 in high-income regions
- 55 in low- and middle-income regions
- 70 in Sub-Saharan Africa
Park et al. AIDS 2009 23 525-30
32Estimated annual cases of HIV-associated
Eastern Europe Central Asia 27,200
Western Central Europe 500
North America 7,800
East Asia 13,600
North Africa Middle East 6,500
Caribbean 7,800
South South-East Asia 120,000
Sub-Saharan Africa 720,000
Latin America 54,400
Oceania 100
Global total 957,900 cases (range 371,700
Park et al. AIDS 2009 23 525-30
33Estimated annual deaths from HIV-associated
Eastern Europe Central Asia 15,000
Western Central Europe 45
North America 700
East Asia 1,200
North Africa Middle East 3,600
Caribbean 4,300
South South-East Asia 66,000
Sub-Saharan Africa 504,000
Latin America 29,900
Oceania 10
Global total 624,700 deaths (range 125,000
Park et al. AIDS 2009 23 525-30
34Estimated deaths in Sub-Saharan Africa from
cryptococcosis and other infectious diseases
WHO estimates
Excluding HIV AIDS
35In conclusion
- Similar burden of disease estimates need to be
developed for other fungal infections - These estimates would allow for comparison with
other diseases -
- These estimates would help set public health and
healthcare priorities, and determine resource
36Thank you for your attention
The findings and conclusions in this presentation
are those of the author and do not necessarily
represent the views of the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention