Title: AGAVE:
- Access Grid Augmented with Virtual Environments
- Dan Sandin,Jason Leigh
- Kyoung Shin Park ,Yong-joo Cho
- Jonas Talandis, Natt Mintrasak
- Electronic Visualization Laboratory
- University of Illinois At Chicago
3Three Essentials of Virtual Reality
- 1. Surround vision
- Get close to the screen
4Three Essentials of Virtual Reality
- 2. Stereo
- 2 Display screens
- Multiplexing
5Three Essentials of Virtual Reality
- 3. Viewer-centered perspective
- First redefinition of perspective since the
6Three Essentials of Virtual Reality
- 3. Viewer-centered perspective
- Tracking
7Virtual Reality Displays
8Virtual Reality Displays
9Virtual Reality Display for the AG
- ElsieDesk
- Front projected
- passive stereo
- Large audience
10Virtual Reality Display for the AG
- ElsieDesk
- Similar Tech to AG
- Two LCD projectors for Stereo
- Front Projected on
Special Screen - Inexpensive Glasses
11Virtual Reality Display for the AG
- Compatible with current AG
in non-Stereo.
12Two Ways to Share on the AG
- Share images (bit maps)
- Share control information
13Two Ways to Share on the AG
- Share images (bit maps)
- Same as speaker images
- Has similar defects
- Is relatively easy to implement
- especially if the computer has video out
- Cannot do Stereo or Viewer Centered Perspective
14Two Ways to Share on the AG
- Share images (bit maps)
- The Heart Demonstration
15Two Ways to Share on the AG
- Share control information
- Uses CAVElib and CAVERNsoft
- The CAVE application runs on each node, either on
a VR display or a normal computer - Nodes subscribe to a server that shares state,
avatar and database information.
16(No Transcript)
17Two Ways to Share on the AG
- Share control information
- Uses CAVElib and CAVERNsoft
- Supports VR
- stereo, viewer centered perspective
- Better Performance for complex images
- Supports AG as a peer in Tele-Immersive
18Two Ways to Share on the AG
- Share control information
- Uses CAVElib and CAVERNsoft
- Problems
20For More Information