Title: Electronic Steering Control An Application of MINERVA and Hydra
1Electronic Steering Control(An Application of
MINERVA and Hydra)
- Laura A. Campbell, James Vanderhyde
- Advisor Dr. Betty H.C. Cheng
- Software Engineering and Network Systems Lab
- Michigan State University
This work has been supported in part by NSF
grants EIA-0000433, CDA-9700732, CDA-9617310,
CCR-9633391, CCR-9901017, and DARPA grant No.
F30602-96-1-0298 managed by Air Forces Rome
Laboratories, Eaton Corporation, and a Motorola
doctoral fellowship.
2Using MINERVA and Hydra
Analysis results
Analysis tool
Diagram reports
Analysis reports
Hydra can automatically generate formal
specifications for a number of target languages,
including Promela, the input language for the
SPIN model checking analysis tool.