Title: Shape Deposition Manufacture of Mesoscale Robotic Devices
1Shape Deposition Manufacture of Mesoscale Robotic
- Sean Bailey
- Stanford University
- Pontedera, Italy
- June 11, 2002
- Who am I?
- Initial biomimetic robotics work
- Recent animal work
- What I want to doin Pontedera
- Summary
- Professor Dario and everyone else here
- Pietro and Lisa
- Mark Cutkosky
4Who am I?
5Common Themes
- Robotics
- Intelligence
- Animal/artificial
- Structures
- What I am not
- Manufacturing expert
- Controls/AI expert
- Biologist/Neuroscientist
6Common ground with other projects
- Next generation of neuroscience and clinical
tools - MiTech (aka CRIM)
- Cesares grippers (soft materials, sensors)
- Intestinobot, spinal cord probe
- Neuro-prosthetics (neural interface)
- Sensorized hands
- Percro
- Robotic-human interaction with embedded sensing
7Shape Deposition Manufacturing
- Layered manufacturing technology
- Deposit and shape materials
- Better surface finish
- Arbitrary geometries
- Embedded components
- Low requirements for deposition
- Polymers, metals
- Well-suited for mesoscale
- Gap between machining and lithography
- 3D assemblies with features on 1-100 m scale
Early work
8Biomimetic Inspiration
- Bob Full (UC Berkeley)
- Passive mechanical properties dominate
- Compliance
- Damping
- Sprawled posture
- Feedforward motor signals open loop control
Early work
9The Sprawl Family
- Biomimetic mapping
- Kinematics
- Compliance
- Built a series of robots
- Sprawl (video)
- Mini-Sprawl (video)
- Sprawlita (video)
Early work
Early work
11Biomimetic Locomotion?
- Locomotion dynamics
- Energy profiles, ground reaction forces
- Differences, but what does it mean?
- What is the animal trying to regulate while it
is running? - What, how fast, and in what way
- Sensor and adaptation schemes for robotics
Early work
12Animal Experiments
- Paradigm
- Environment-modifying computer in the loop during
natural behaviors - Running naturally, perturb, look for changes (in
actively controlled parameters) - Why cockroach?
- Excellent runner
- Relatively simple nervous system easy to
interpret EMG
Watson and Ritzmann, 1998
Cockroach EMG
Recent work
13Animal Experiments
Kugle setup
Force-displacement actuator
Universal joint (aka candle)
EMG electrodes (50mm silver wire)
Cockroach (Blaberus discoidalis)
Kugle (hollow foam on air bearing)
14Animal Experiments
Recent work
15Animal Experiments
EMG recording electrodes in extensor tibia
Recent work
16Preliminary Results
- Animal data is hard to interpret
- Running is inherently irregular what is
One Stride
Recent work
17Preliminary Results
- Changes are apparent
- Quantify? Validate?
Stride Period
Recent work
18Biomimetic Structures
- Amazing actuators
- Passive mechanical properties
- Heavily sensorized
Recent work
19Biomimetic Structures
- In fact, begs the question of why not just use
the animal instead of trying to rebuild it - Makes sense in some cases, but
- Animals have more constant needs
- Engineered devices are more convenient, flexible
in other ways precision, non-biological tasks,
Recent work
20What I want to do while Im here
- Make SDM more 3D currently 2 ½ D
- Shape soft materials
- 3D wiring
- Inter-layer embedded components
- Anything else interesting
- Cool machines focused ion beam
- Neuroscience medical device projects
In Italia
21Shape Soft Materials
- Right now,
- Shape clear stuff (70D shore)
- Plane white stuff (90A shore)
- Squeegy blue stuff (10A shore)
- Shaping attempts
- Failure during machine
- Poor surface finish
- Cooling shrinks part, and releases
- Ideas
- High speed (material damping)
- Localized freezing (liquid nitrogen jets) and
global warming
In Italia
223D Wiring sheets vs. bundles
- Flexible circuits (sheets, 2 ½ D)
- Limited aspect ratio
- Constant aspect ratio
- Stiff traces
- 3D placement of sensors
- Vias!
- Want more flexibility (bundles, 3D)
- Flexures
- Aspect ratio changes
- Higher density
- Compliant traces
exit point at top of fingertip
In Italia
233D Wiring sheets vs. bundles
- Component connections
- Die-packaged ICs
- Ideas
- Electroplating (Localized? Electroless?
Sputtering?) - Conductive inks/polymers (in situ SDM circuits)
In Italia
24Inter-layer Embedded Components
- Cross layer boundaries
- Actuators, sensors
- Wiring
- Fibers (for strength)
- Need protection from
- Encapsulation
- Shaping
- Current methods are hacks
- Thin channels, dams, spacers, hiding, protective
sacrificial material (wax) - Ideas
- Selectively removable materials (from
lithography) - Selectively permeable materials (sponges)
In Italia
- Interests
- Previous work
- Activities here
- Interest in finding out more about other
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