Title: CS 325
1CS 325
- Unix Programming Environment
- and
- Windows Programming
- with Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC)
2Lecture 7
- Today
- Iterator design pattern
- Inheritance
3Useful string functions
- The operator concatenates two strings
- Compare strings using lt, lt, , gt, gt
- strn references char n, so does str.at(n)
- Str.length() returns the length of the string
- str.find(substring) finds substring
- str.find(char) finds character
- find( ) returns stringnpos (a constant, perhaps
-1) if not found - int fooa.find('z')
- if (foo stringnpos) not found
4Design Patterns
- Patterns and Pattern Languages are ways to
describe best practices, good designs, and
capture experience in a way that it is possible
for others to reuse this experience. - Big concern of 325 is scaling up your software
skills - Must be able to
- Read and understand other implementations
- Build classes that are able to be used in a
variety of applications - Our first design pattern
- An iterator for lists
5The Iterator Design Pattern
- Programs using container classes need to be
able to look at all the elements in the container - Consider a LIST class
- Want to be able to print all the items
- Want to be able to find an item
- Want to be able to print all possible pairs of
items - Some of these could embed in LIST itself
- Others are more awkward to embed
- Dont know all possible ways to examine LIST
- Should processing List look different from
processing all elements of another container? - What if we move from a LIST to a STACK this
design pattern minimizes the affected code
6Iterator Assumptions
- Basic class exists for the container
- This class creates the underlying data structure,
and handles adding/removing from the container - A friend class is responsible for allowing
access to the elements in the container - Initialize the iterator
- Get the item the iterator currently points to
- Increment the iterator to the next item in the
list - Check to see if the iterator has reached the end
of the list
7Implementing the Iterator
- include ltiostream.hgt
- class Node int dataNode next
- publicNode() data(0), next(0)
friend class Listfriend class ListIter -
- class List Node head friend class ListIter
- publicList() head(0) void add(int e)
- class ListIter Node current
- publicListIter(List theList) current
theList.head int done(void) return current
0 int get(void) return current-gtdata
void next(void) if (current)
8Using the Iterator
- This program prints out all possible pairs of
items in the list. It uses two iterators to
control the two loops.
- void main(void) List aa.add(10) a.add(20)
a.add(30)ListIter y(a)while ( ! y.done() )
ListIter z(a) int b y.get() while ( !
z.done() ) coutltltbltlt" "ltltz.get()ltltendl z.ne
xt() y.next() -
9Using the Iterator
- template
- ltclass IT1, class IT2, class Eltgt
- / T1 and T2 are iterator classes
- Elt is the type of objects in containers beneath
T1 and T2, container types are unknown / - void example(IT1 it1, IT2 it2)
- Elt e1, e2
- it1.Reset()while ( y.HasMoreElts() )
it1.GetValue(e1) it2().Reset() while
(it2.HasMoreElts() ) it2.GetValue(e2) Print
(e1,e2) - it2.Next() it1.Next()
- All possible pairs
- Of items in two
- container. Two
- iterators control
- the two loops.
- template ltclass Egt
- void Print(E a, E b)
- cout ltlt
- altlt"\t"ltltb
- ltltendl
10Why do we need iterator pattern?
- Consider the process of reporting a set of
figures. Does the report change if the figures
are stored in a heap rather than a binary tree?
We can store figures in a list, stack, table,
red-black tree, vector, queue, dequeue, or any
other container. The process of finding the sum
or average is dependant on the container. - The iterator pattern lets us write reports based
on the reports needs rather than the container
the initial data was contained in.
11Consider 10 reports and 7 containers
- Data can be in any container depending where in
the process it is. Thus each report must be used
with each container. - 70 combinations
- 70 projects to code
- 70 projects to debug
- OR
- Write 7 iterators
- Write 10 reports based on iterator pattern
12Class Exercises
- Re-write the List Iterator code using templates.
- Write an iterator for the stack class
13Homework Exercises
- Add an output operator for CSList using the
iterator class so that you can print the list. - Can you generalize this so that it works on any
container? - consider
- template ltclass iter, class container, class eltgt
- Maybe not be able to use output operator this
way, could certainly define a generalized Print
function - template ltListIterltintgt, Listltintgt, intgt
- Print (Listltintgt theList)
- ListIterltintgt it(theList)
- while (it.HasMoreElts())
- cout ltlt it.GetVal() ltlt"\t"
- cout ltlt endl
14Object-Oriented Programming
- 3 major ideas in object-oriented programming
- Encapsulation (hiding/protecting data(cs124))
- Generalization (templates)
- Inheritance (next)
15Classes Inheritance
- Want efficient techniques to develop code
- Method 1 Templatesdefine a class generically,
can plug in any type of data that you want - Method 2 Inheritancetake an existing class and
add to it - Inheritance builds off of what already exists
- Why build from scratch?
- Find something similar, expand on it
- Examples
- Window
- Account
- What types of things do we obtain from our
parents? - Attributes
- Behaviors
- What is a class composed of in general?
- Data (attributes, data members)
- Operations upon that data (behaviors, member
functions, methods) - When a class inherits from another class, it
inherits the attributes and behaviors (data
members and methods) from its parent class
- Can define attributes and behaviors for a general
class, then inherit and refine those attributes
and behaviors to fit a more specific case. - Existing class (yours or not yours) may do most
of what you want, but you want to extend it
without having to redo what has already been done - Parent general
- Child - specific
18Inheritance Basic terminology
- Inheritance extension of an existing class to
provide necessary/new functionality and promote
reuse - Base Class existing class to be reused (parent)
- Derived Class class that inherits attributes and
behaviors of some base class (child, subclass) - A derived class can also become a base class of
another derived class
19"Is A" vs "Has A" Relationships
- Has a
- Deals with construction
- This room has a door
- A List has a Node pointer
- CSQueue has a CSList
- CSStack has a CSVector
- Is a (Inheritance)
- A square is a rectangle
- An equilateral triangle is a triangle
- A lab is a room
- A savings account is a bank account
- Can define XQueue is a CSList
- Can define XStack is a CSVector
20Natural Hierarchies
Equilateral Triangle
21Class Exercises
- Think of derived classes (specialized,
extensions) for the following draw hierarchy.
Decide what data members and methods would be in
base classes and the extra data members and
methods should be added to derived classes - class person (in a university setting)
- class account (financial)
- class list (single-linked list)
22private, public w/ inheritance
- Public any public member of the base class can
be seen by a derived class - Private any private member of the base class
cannot be seen by a derived class - Need Public so derived class can see members
(else inheritance isnt inheritance) - Need Private else we lose the idea of
encapsulation - So
- Note member may refer to either attributes or
members (data or functions)
23protected section
- There can also be a protected section in a base
class. - This section can be seen by a derived class with
the is a property - This section cannot be seen by other classes
with a has a property - ie
- Treated as public for purposes of inheritance
- Treated as private everywhere else
24Basic Syntax more to come
- class BaseClass
- //members methods
- class DerivedClasspublic BaseClass
- //new members methods
- //override methods
25Classes Inheritance
- Want efficient techniques to develop code
- Method 1 Templatesdefine a class generically,
can plug in any type of data that you want - Method 2 Inheritancetake an existing class and
add to it - Inheritance builds off of what already exists
- Dont build from scratch
- Find something similar, expand on it
26Consider a class Pair
- class Pair
- int x
- int y
- public
- Pair( ) x(0), y(0)
- Pair(int a, int b) x(a), y(b)
- void setX(int a) x a
- void setY(int a) y a
- int getX(void) return x
- int getY(void) return y
- friend ostream operatorltlt (ostream,
const Pair)
- Stores two integers
- Methods for
- Setting values
- Retrieving values
- Friend operator for output
27Now want to build a new class
- Triple stores three integers
- Need methods to set values
- Need methods to retrieve values
- Need friend operator for output
- Dont want to repeat code unnecessarily
- Solution build on (inherit from) Pair class
- Simply add additional functionality to that class
- Terminology
- Base class (original class)
- Derived class (augments, specializes base class)
28Building the class Triple
- class Triple public Pair
- int z
- public
- Triple( ) z(0)
- Triple(int a, int b, int c)
- Pair(a, b), z(c)
- void setZ(int a) z a
- int getZ(void) return z
- friend ostream operatorltlt
- (ostream, const Triple)
- class Pair
- protected
- int x
- int y
- public
- Pair( ) x(0), y(0)
- Pair(int a, int b) x(a), y(b)
- void setX(int a) x a
- void setY(int a) y a
- int getX(void) return x
- int getY(void) return y
- friend ostream operatorltlt (ostream,
const Pair)
29What Happened?
- Started with Pair to create Triple
- Added word protected to Pair
- Needed for visibility (explain shortly)
- Class Triple built on top of Pair
- public Pair implies we are building off of Pair
- Inherited functions getX, getY, setX, setY
- Just needed to define setZ, getZ
- Needed to define new output operator
- Old one does not work for triple
- //outside of class
- Pair one
- Triple two
- Triple three(3,4,5)
31Class Exercises
- The file on the web site has the Pair and Triple
classes in them. Build on this to define a new
class Quadruplet that contains four integers. - Use all three of these classes in a main program
(set values, print them out).
32Derived classes
- Inherit from the base class
- Members
- Methods
- Extends the base class in some way
- Additional members
- Additional methods
- Both additional members additional methods
- Can also "override" methods (change
functionality, redefine, etc)
33Public, Private Protected
- Up until now, only mentioned public private
parts to a class - public visible to users (outside world)
- private cannot be seen (except by friends)
- C actually has three levels of protection
- private only the class (and friends) can see
- protected class subclass (and friends) can see
- public everyone can see
34Class Exercises
- Change the protected data in Pair and Triple to
private. - What happens?
- Can I still declare objects of type Triple and
Quadruplet? - What methods still work for Triple?
- setX, setY, setZ, getX, getY, getZ
- What methods still work for Quadruplet?
35Constructors and Inheritance
- Since a derived class builds off its base class
- To instantiate an object in a derived class
- Initialize base-class members (base constructor)
- Initialize derived-class members (derived
constructor) - Derived class constructor always calls the
constructor of its base class first - If no constructor exists for derived class,
default system constructor for derived class
calls base-class default constructor
36Class Exercise
- class Pair
- protectedint x int y
- publicPair( ) x(0), y(0) cout ltlt "Pair 1"
ltlt endl Pair(int a, int b) x(a), y(b) - cout ltlt "Pair 2" ltlt endl
- class Triple public Pair int z
- publicTriple( ) z(0) cout ltlt "Triple" ltlt
endl Triple(int a, int b, int c) Pair(a, b),
z(c) cout ltlt "Triple 2" ltlt endl Triple(int
a) Pair(), z(a) - cout ltlt "Triple 3" ltlt endl
- What is the output of the following program?
- void main(void) Pair aTriple bPair
c(1,2)Triple d(3,4,5)Triple e(6)
37Another inheritance example
- Dynamically-allocated linked list of integers
- Add integers to front of list
- Node class contains the actual data
- Extend this class to a doubly-linked list
- Have a set of forward links
- Have a set of backward links
382 pointers in our node class
- class Node
- int data
- Node next // forward pointer
- Node last // backwards pointer
- public
- Node( )
- Node(int e) data(e)
- friend class List
- friend class DoubleLinkList
39Base List Class (forward only)
- class List
- protected
- Node head
- public
- List() head(0)
- void add(int e) Node pnew Node(e)
p-gtnexthead headp - void Print(void) Node p head while (p)
cout ltlt p-gtdata ltlt " " pp-gtnext cout ltlt
40Derived List Class
- Allows you to traverse forward backward
- Change add routine (override base version)
- Change print routine
- Prints forward then Prints backwards too.
- No new methods, just re-define existing methods
to work in this context
41Derived List Class
- class DoubleLinkList public List
- protectedNode tail
- publicDoubleLinkList() tail(0) void
add(int e) //left for youvoid Print(void)
Node p head while (p) cout ltlt p-gtdata
ltlt " " pp-gtnext cout ltlt endl p
tail while (p) cout ltlt p-gtdata ltlt " "
pp-gtlast cout ltlt endl - //And there are even better ways
42Class Exercises
- Add an output operator for CSList using the
iterator class so that you can print out the
list. - The file on the web site has the Pair and Triple
classes in them. Build on this to define a new
class Quadruplet that contains four integers. - Write a reverse list iterator for either the
doubly linked list or for your project1 code. - Use these classes in a main program (set values,
print them out).
43Another Inheritance Example
- Class for Stacks
- Static-sized stack (maximum of ten elements,
stored in an array) - Separate iterator to print out the stack
- Define a reversible stack where you can reverse
the elements in it (reverse method) - Any new data members needed?
- Any new methods needed?
- Any difference in output (can we still use
StackIter as a friend)?
44Original Stack Configuration
- class StackIter int current, max, ptr
- publicStackIter(Stack s) current0
maxs.top ptr s.data int done(void) if
(current ltmax) return 0 else return 1
int get(void) return ptrcurrent void
next(void) current
- class Stack
- protectedint data10int top
- publicStack() top -1 void push(int e)
datatop e int pop(void) return
datatop-- friend class StackIter
45RStack and part of main routine
- RStack rr.push(10) r.push(20) r.push(30)
r.push(40)StackIter si2(r)while ( !
si2.done() ) cout ltlt si2.get() ltlt "
" si2.next()cout ltlt endlr.reverse()Stack
Iter si3(r)while ( ! si3.done() ) cout ltlt
si3.get() ltlt " si3.next()cout ltlt endl
- class RStack public Stack
- publicvoid reverse(void)
- // need code here
- friend class StackIter
46Class Exercises
- Write the reverse function for our reversible
stack class. The code for the example
(everything except for the reverse function
itself) exists on the web