Title: Military Technology
1Military Technology
2Leave the Generals Alone
- A continuation of political activity by other
means. - Carl von Clausewitz
3Athena and Ares
- Athena goddess of Wisdom
- Usually portrayed as warrior
- Represents rational, purposeful action
- Ares god of War (Combat)
- Represents irrational action for own sake
- Represents brutality of combat
4Pre-gunpowder castles in Europe
- High curtain walls - defense against scaling
- Walls could be thin - curtain walls
- Crenellations - shields for archers
- Machicolations - "bay windows"
- Round towers
- Strong defensive advantage
5Typical Pre-Cannon Fort, 1200s, Istanbul
6Pre-Gunpowder Fort, Turkey
7Bronze Cannon, Istanbul
8Early Mortar, Germany
9Wooden Cannon, Germany
10Cannons and Castles
- Early firearms crude and weak (1300's)
- By 1400's, firearms were more powerful
- Curtain walls thickened, often faced with timber
or earth - Crenellations and Machicolations removed
(voluntarily or by cannon fire) - Moats widened
11Iron Cannonballs
- Iron is twice as dense as stone and doesnt
shatter as easily. - Iron cannonballs caused early cannon to burst due
to the higher pressures in the barrels - By 1450, better gunpowder and metallurgy made
iron cannonballs usable
12Iron Cannonballs
- Curtain walls replaced by lower earthen
structures - Round towers modified to triangular to remove
"dead spot," then to arrowhead shape or
"Oreillon." - Final result by 1500 - "star fort."
13The Blind Spot
15Star Fort
16From Castle to Fort Wurzburg, Germany
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20Fortification, Vatican
21Star Fort
22Fort McHenry, Maryland
23Fort Monroe, Virginia
24The Arms Trade, 1500
- Freelance engineers often went from town to town
designing forts - Same engineers were frequently hired in wartime
as consultants by attackers.
25Fortified Town, Holland
26Fortified Town, Nicosia, Cyprus
27Fort Pulaski, Georgia
28Fort Pulaski, Georgia
29Cannon are no Use if They Dont Hit Anything
- Gunners Quadrant, 1537
- Triangulation-Frisius, 1533
- Plane-table, 1551
- Cross-staff for elevation
- Theodolite - Leonard Digges, 1571, first
efficient surveying instrument horizontal and
vertical circles.
30Artillery Survey Tools, 1700
31Stimuli to map-making
- Artillery technology
- Henry VIII seizes church lands, 1536 - stimulus
to surveying in England - Copper engraving makes better map printing
possible - Christopher Saxton - national atlas of England,
1579 - first in W. Europe. - Maps often made for military purposes, frequently
32Feeding the Troops
- Early Armies subsisted by foraging for food
- Problems with local population (Even in WWII
there were famines in Holland and Greece caused
by Nazi requisition of food supplies) - Impractical with large armies
- Armies had to keep moving because they exhausted
local food sources
33Napoleon offers prizes for better food
- Nicholas Appert, ca. 1800. Put food in champagne
bottles, boiled - In 1810 he was awarded a prize of 12,000 francs
on condition he publish his method - British introduce metal cans
- Cans in use by 1812 for military and exploration
34Cans Become Widespread
- Cans on sale in shops by 1830. Originally
upper-class status symbols. (A single can cost
2/3 of a week's rent on a house) - No can openers yet! Cans had to opened with a
chisel. - Nobody knew yet why the process worked
35The First Modern War
- The U.S. Civil War (1861-1865)
36Technological weapons and innovations
- Telecommunications
- Photojournalism
- Aerial observation (Balloons)
- Submarines (C.S.S. Hunley)
- Steam and iron-clad ships
- Railroads
- Rapid-fire weapons
37C.S.S. Pioneer, New Orleans
38C.S.S. Hunley
39Other Modern Elements
- War of maneuver rather than pitched battles
strategic planning - First major war in which balance of power
described in terms of technology - War telescoped 19th century into four years
- Early battles would have been familiar to
Napoleon, - Ended with W.W.I style trench warfare.
40- I fear our people do not yet realize the
magnitude of the struggle they have entered upon,
nor its probable duration, and the sacrifices it
will impose upon them... Their the Union's
resources are almost without limit...They have
also a navy that in a little while will blockade
our ports and cut us off from the rest of the
world. They have nearly all the workshops and
skilled artisans of the country....We have no
ships, few arms, and few manufacturers. We will
not succeed until the financial power of the
North is completely broken, and this can occur
only at the end of a long and bloody war. The
conflict will be mainly in Virginia. She will
become the Flanders of America before this war is
over...I wish I could talk to every man, woman
and child in the State now, and impress them with
these views. - ---Robert E. Lee
41The Civil War
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44The Last Ancient War
45WWI Technology quite advanced
- Radio
- Airplanes
- Tanks
- Chemical Weapons
- Machine Guns
- Submarines
- Radio
46Total failure to revise tactics to meet new
- Mass charges against machine gun fire.
- Feeling that one more push or more willpower
would earn victory. - Allies lost more men on the Somme in one day than
U.S. lost in Korea. - Desperate attempts by soldiers in field to
redefine old concepts of courage and valor. - Cavalry charges
- Static trench warfare