Title: Kerr Neilson
1Kerr Neilson Platinum Asset Management AFSL
221935 Morningstar Conference 11 June 2008
2(No Transcript)
3US and Chinese Consumption as a of GDP
Source IMF, Macquarie Bank
4Emerging Economies and G7 Share of Total World GDP
Emerging Economies
Source IMF, Macquarie Bank
5US Equity PE and Inflation
Trailing PE x
Headline CPI
Source Morgan Stanley
6World, G7, Emerging and Developing Economies
annual change in GDP
Emerging and Developing Economies
Source IMF, Macquarie Bank
7Investment Share of GDP
Developing Asia
Eastern European
Latin America
8Equity Risk Premia
Emerging Markets/Developed Markets Earnings Yield
Source JPMorgan, CEIC
9US and Australian Corporate Profits as a of GDP
Source CSFB, Asianomics
10Energy/Agriculture Index
Source Barry Bannister, Stifel Nicholas
11Inflation and Food Weightings
- Inflation ( yoy) Food Weighting
- Current 2007 average in CPI ()
- Argentina 8.9 8.8 31.3
- Russia 14.3 9.0 40.2
- Saudi Arabia 10.5 4.1 27.7
- Indonesia 10.4 6.4 23.9
- China 8.5 4.8 33.6
- India 7.4 4.9 26.9
- Thailand 7.6 2.2 16.2
- Brazil 5.9 4.1 20.6
- Mexico 4.5 4.0 22.7
- France 3.1 1.5 16.4
- Germany 3.0 2.3 11.4
- Italy 3.6 1.8 16.5
- Japan 0.8 0.1 25.9
- United Kingdom 3.0 2.3 10.2
- USA 3.5 2.5 13.9
Source CEIC Data Company Limited, Haver
Analytics, IMF WEO data
12Vietnam CPI Inflation
Source CEIC Data
13Vietnam Stock Index
Source Bloomberg
14US unsold inventory of existing homes
Source National Association of Realtors
15US owners equity as a of household real estate
Source Fed Reserve
16PIF Performance (value of 10,000 invested since
inception to 31 May 2008)
Platinum International Fund
MSCI AC World Index
(compound pa, to 31.5.08)
3 mths 1 yr 3 yrs 5 yrs
Since Inception International Fund
-2 -9 7 9
15 MSCI All Country World Net
Index 4 -14
6 7 6
Source Platinum, MSCI
17Platinum International Fund portfolio (as at 31
May 2008)
Short 29 stocks and indices
Source Platinum
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