Title: Input USPINL to ISC Toulouse 26 June 06
1ISO TC 184/SC4 Meeting Toulouse, 26 - 30 June
2006 Netherlands input ISC Session
Paul van Exel Director Stichting USPI-NL USPI
Association for Process Power
Industry www.uspi.nl
- Implemented new organisation 2005,2006
- Alignment and critical mass
- ISO15926 implementation
- As-Built practice
- PELC 2006
- Alignment data integration USA/EU/ASIA
- Wilmington agreement Aug 2005
- The Hague follow up Jun 2006
3PELC 2006 Plant Engineering Lifecycle Conference
- Wednesday 7th June 2006, The Hague, WFCC
- Program
- 4 workshops on a major theme
- Procurement
- Design Engineering
- Ops Maintenance
- Data Integration
- Each workshop
- 1 hr industry views, 1 hr solution provider views
- 45 minutes brainstorm, conclusions ands actions
- Information market with representation of
Solution providers, - Speakers Corner
- Short presentations in corner of Information
market New suite, personal views - Break out sessions
- e.g. Industry solution vendor
- Support from industry e.g. Orchid, trade
associations, consortia - 120 participants, relatively high level
4PELC 2006 Procurement
- Key questions raised
- Why isnt the NATO codification system -eOTD more
widely accepted / implemented in industry? - Does standardisation eliminate innovation?
- How challenging is the management and
responsibility of the Data WareHoude and Data
QA/QC of an EPS project? - Many pieces of the puzzle exist, (dictionaries /
classifications / catalogues) but how can we
harmonise these elements to one complete
soultion? - Is the ERP software connected to the world of
standards? - Conclusions
- Some people still scared of Standardisationbut
what is really meant by standardisation is meta
data standardisation - There is no de-facto standard for products in our
industry, or for different business processes
touching product data within even one enterprise - Standardisation can save tinme in a project, by
capturing docvumentation earlier in the EPC
rpoject, and resuing it for future projects - In the current materials shortage climate,
concurrent EPC project execution requires
standardised working methodologies in materials
management - Currently, top down enforcement of vendor data is
still needed to ensure use of at least enterprise
standards, if not national or global - We saw a use cazse of a major operator utilising
a commercial product based on standards with
demonstrated major savings in time and money
5PELC 2006 Design and engineering
- Conclusions
- Many existing IT tools have good functionality
but they need to work better in collaboration
mode i.e. to support large projects where the
execution is pread accross more than one center - Industry needs guidance on ISO15926
- Lifecycle solutions must recognise that different
organisations and cultures are involved in the
life cycle - Industry needs to give better guidance to IT
suppliers about priorities for development of new
tools and/or functionality - There is more scope for standardisation of design
accross industry, for example, European piping
specifications which are consistent with PED
6PELC 2006 Data integration
- Get aligned and form a critical mass
- 15 companies aligned in a press release after a
workshop 8/2005 (Dupont) - Migration of ISO 13584 into ISO 15926 is an
issue (Audience) - PRINDEX is an enterprise project for finnish
pulppaper defining product - data exchange formats PaperIXI (Pöyry)
- Standards communities still act in silos
(Shell) - The message to IT providers is not clear yet
- Aveva, Bentley, Intergraph committed to ISO
15926, we also need the SAPs and Maximos, who
serve the O/O market as tool providers! (Areva) - Communicate real O/O business cases
- client lacks understanding for need of a 3D/
data model (Pöyry) - EPC benefits from improved productivity, but O/O
benefits from increased facility uptime (Dupont) - not possible! (Shell)
7PELC 2006 Data integration
Progress in small realistic steps Ideal
technical solution is good. Better is what can be
delivered in near future, simple lists, examples
(Shell) Some practical instructions would be
good, how to use the WIP (work in progress)
database on ISO 15926 (Audience) Technology is
not all, consider the human factor (Pöyry) We
drive a cultural change (Areva) ?
Communication is key Get equipment suppliers
involved 80 of data originates from equipment
suppliers, but theres little participation from
their side (Dupont) Get equipment suppliers
involved (Keynote Henk Koese, ABB Lummus)