Governance and Accountability for the Management of Information in the GoC - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Governance and Accountability for the Management of Information in the GoC


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Governance and Accountability for the Management of Information in the GoC

Governance and Accountability for the Management
of Information in the GoC
  • Presentation to the IM Forum
  • January 30, 2003

Susan Wiggin (613-952-2663) Wiggin.Susan_at_tbs-sct.g Information Management Division GOL
Directorate, CIO Branch
Government is in the Information Business
  • All services provided to citizens, businesses and
  • internal clients are information-based
  • The provision of information is often the service
    itself weather, consumer gateway, research
  • Transactional services are defined by
    information What is the criteria for a specific
    grant? What is the process for applying for a
  • Transactional services also generate information
    When did someone file their taxes? Who approved
    this project?
  • Quality and timely information is a key to
    support program/service delivery and

Basis for Management of Information (MI)
Governance and Accountability
  • Requirements for managing information stem from
    Canadian legislative and policy requirements
  • Specifically related to an institutions mandate
  • Some 40 pieces of Government-wide legislation and
  • Some examples
  • Management of Government Information Policy
    includes accountability frameworks when
    information is shared
  • Communications Policy
  • Risk Management Policy
  • Privacy Impact Assessment Policy
  • Appropriation Acts
  • Financial Administration Act
  • Access to Information Act
  • Canada Evidence Act
  • Privacy Act, Regulations
  • Auditor General Act

The FMI describes MI accountabilities and
  • Government institutions
  • Line departments and agencies
  • Institutions with a special role (Cabinet, PCO,
    TBS, NA/NL, Statistics Canada, Communications
    Canada, PWGSC, PSC, Finance, Defence)
  • When working in partnership with each other,
    other governments and non-government
  • All persons Working for the GoC
  • Management of information governance and
    accountability should be an integral part of the
    overall institution governance and accountability

FMI Provides Information and Guidance
  • Overview of, and Links to Legislations,
    Regulations, Policies
  • Governance and Accountability Overview - an
    overview of management of information governance
    and accountability within a government-wide
  • Governance and Accountability in Government
    Institutions Guideline - management of
    information governance and accountability
    guidance for government institutions
  • Documents are available on the FMI web site

MI Governance and Accountability Overview
  • Management of information is subject to the same
    governance processes as that for
  • Citizens provide input/feedback
  • Parliament defines government priorities and
    approves legislation - provides program
    authorities and funds
  • Institutions account for results by providing
    information to Cabinet and Parliament
    Departmental Performance Reports
  • Central agencies and common service institutions
    provide policies and guidance
  • The Auditor General, Information Commissioner,
    Privacy Commissioner, Commissioner of Official
    Languages perform independent reviews, audits and
    report to Parliament

MI Governance and Accountability Overview
  • Defining the Terms
  • Governance Exercising authority to provide
    direction and to undertake, coordinate and
    regulate activities in support of achieving this
    direction and desired outcomes
  • Accountability The obligation to demonstrate
    and take responsibility for performance in light
    of commitments and expected outcomes
  • Responsibility Something that one is required
    to do as part of a job, role or legal obligation

MI Governance and Accountability Overview
  • Government institutions are
  • individually responsible for managing information
    in their custody, and
  • jointly responsible for the effective and
    effective management of information across the
  • All persons working for the GoC use information
    in performing their duties and have
    accountability and responsibility for the
    management of information.
  • Accountability and responsibility must be clear
    and governance processes in place to provide
    direction, coordinate activity, and oversee

MI Governance and Accountability Overview
  • Institutions are
  • Accountable for the quality of information in
    their custody and the effective use of
    institution and government-wide information
  • Responsible for
  • Ensuring quality information is available
  • Providing access to information subject to
    legislation, policy
  • Utilizing and managing information as a strategic
  • Ensuring MI considerations are included in
    institution plans and activities
  • Implementing and adhering to policies, standards,
    guidelines for the effective management of
  • Ensuring governance mechanisms are in place to
    assure results and compliance

MI Governance and Accountability Overview
  • All persons working for the GoC
  • Accountable for due diligence, quality results,
    efficiency of effort, and obedience to
    information legislation, policies as related to
    their responsibilities
  • Responsible for
  • Applying management of information principles,
    standards and practices in the performance of
  • Documenting activities, decisions
  • Identifying IM requirements and issues to IM
    specialists and IT personnel
  • Maximizing the use of information to support job
  • Protecting and enhancing information value
  • Addressing information needs of their immediate

FMI Provides Information and Guidance
  • Overview of, and Links to Legislations,
    Regulations, Policies
  • Governance and Accountability Overview - an
    overview of management of information governance
    and accountability within a government-wide
  • Governance and Accountability in Government
    Institutions Guideline - management of
    information governance and accountability
    guidance for government institutions
  • Documents are available on the FMI web site

MI Governance and Accountability in Government
Institutions Guideline
  • MI governance and reporting processes should be
  • Coordination through the Senior Executive
    responsible for the management of information on
    a portfolio basis, and institution-wide
  • Integration of MI requirements in program/service
    delivery plans and activities, and TB submissions
  • Establishment of MI performance measures for
    business activities and individuals
  • Periodic MI health assessments
  • quality of information
  • adherence to law/policies
  • maturity and effectiveness of MI practices
  • identify improvement priorities
  • Periodic independent assessments (internal audits)

MI Governance and Accountability in Government
Institutions Guideline
  • MI Resource Allocation, Training and Appraisal
  • Tools to support day-to-day activities and
    facilitate the management of information as a
    corporate resource standards, guidelines,
    systems, technology
  • IM specialists/advisors to provide expert advice,
    guidance, support
  • Training for all employees in support of MI
  • Sufficient time for all employees to fulfill
    their MI responsibilities
  • Assessment of all employees including deputy
    heads on their MI responsibilities - Employee
    Performance Appraisal, Departmental Assessments

MI Governance and Accountability in Government
Institutions Guideline
  • MI Policy and Framework
  • Institutions should
  • Have a clear, pragmatic, cost-effective framework
    for the management of information tailored for
    the institution and consistent with the
    government-wide FMI
  • Complement government-wide MI policy, standards,
    guidelines with policy, guidance to reflect the
    institutions specific needs

MI Governance and Accountability in Government
Institutions Guideline
  • Roles and Responsibilities for Institutions
  • Senior Executive Responsible for MI
  • IM Advisors
  • IM Specialists
  • IT Specialists
  • Minister Responsible for the Institution
  • Deputy Head
  • Managers
  • All Persons Working for the Institution

MI Governance and Accountability in Government
Institutions Guideline
  • Roles and Responsibilities Minister for the
  • Designated authority and responsibility for all
    matters within the jurisdiction of the
  • Accountable to the Prime Minister and Parliament
    for institution results and the conduct and
    actions of all persons working for the
  • Supports the institutions MI program and
    accounts to Parliament for the quality of
    institution information and maturity of MI

MI Governance and Accountability in Government
Institutions Guideline
  • Roles and Responsibilities Deputy Head
  • Accountable for
  • effective/efficient service delivery including MI
  • actions and results of all persons working for
    the institution who act and make decisions on
    his/her behalf
  • the effective, efficient management of
    information in accordance with statutory
  • Responsible for
  • Ensuring implementation of information policy,
    standards, guidelines
  • Promoting a culture that recognizes information
    as a valuable asset and an integral part of
    program/service delivery
  • Allocating appropriate resources to support MI
  • Establishing an organization with skills,
    expertise, reporting relationships for successful

MI Governance and Accountability in Government
Institutions Guideline
  • Roles and Responsibilities Managers in
  • Accountable for
  • Achievement of program/service delivery outcomes
  • The integrity of processes performed under their
  • Ensuring availability and effective use of
    quality information to support program/service
  • Responsible for
  • Managing information as an integral part of
    program/service delivery and as a strategic
    business resource, applying MI principles,
    standards and practices
  • Identifying information requirements and issues
    to IM specialists and IT personnel, and ensuring
    processes and systems appropriately address these

MI Governance and Accountability in Government
Institutions Guideline
  • Roles and Responsibilities All persons working
    for the Institution (employees, secondments,
    persons under contract or partnership agreements
    with the institution)
  • Accountable for
  • due diligence, quality results, efficiency of
    effort, and obedience to information policies and
    legislation as it relates to their
  • Responsible for
  • Applying MI principles, standards and practices
    in the performance of their duties, and
    maximizing the use of information
  • Documenting their activities and decisions

MI Governance and Accountability in Government
Institutions Guideline
  • Roles and Responsibilities Senior Executive
    Responsible for MI
  • Accountable for
  • maximizing opportunities to leverage
    institutional and government-wide information
  • providing guidance for effective and efficient
    management of information
  • Responsible for
  • Ensuring MI accountability frameworks, terms of
    reference are in place
  • Ensuring policies, tools and techniques are in
    place to facilitate adherence to information law
    and policy, and effectiveness of MI practices
  • Championing information as fundamental enabler
    and essential product of program/service delivery
  • Ensuring IM requirements are identified and
    addressed during program/system design, and
    subsequently implemented

MI Governance and Accountability in Government
Institutions Guideline
  • Roles and Responsibilities Information
    Management Advisors
  • Accountable for
  • Provision of a broad range of expert advice,
    guidance and support to program and staff
    functions on the management of information
  • Responsible for
  • Providing advice, guidance from the earliest
    point in program/service planning and development
    through day-to-day operations and assessment
  • Coordinating and identifying information
    requirements to obtain IM services and to support
    the development and operation of IT processes,
    systems, standards, tools
  • Assessing and recommending MI resource and
    training requirements

MI Governance and Accountability in Government
Institutions Guideline
  • Roles and Responsibilities Information
    Management Specialists
  • Accountable for provision of expert MI
    advice/guidance, services for specific aspects of
  • librarians, archivists, access to information and
    privacy specialists, records management
    specialists, web and portal managers, data
  • Responsible for
  • Providing IM advice, tools, procedures,
    standards, guidelines, services consistent with
    government-wide direction and institution policy
    in their area of expertise
  • Identifying information requirements to IT
    personnel to support the development and
    operation of IT processes, systems, standards and
  • Assisting IM Advisors in assessing IM resource
    and training requirements

Roles and Responsibilities
  • Information Technology specialists
  • Accountable and responsible for
  • providing the technology infrastructure, systems,
    and services of the institution in a manner that
    ensures that the integrity and confidentiality of
    information is preserved as it is captured,
    stored, accessed and transmitted through
    information systems and technology

  • Will this guideline be a useful tool for
    departments and agencies?
  • What would be the best way to consult and obtain
    feedback from departments.
  • What would be the best way inform and get buy-in
    from senior management within departments and
  • What would facilitate implementation?
  • Other?

MI Governance and Accountability in Institutions
Guideline Annexes
  • A Principles of Effective Accountability
  • B Delegation of Management of Information
  • C Management of Information Responsibilities
  • D IM Specialist Services

Annex A - Principles of Effective Accountability
  • Outlines five principles for effective
  • 1. Clarity of accountability and
  • 2. Clarity of performance expectations
  • 3. Balance of expectations and capacities
  • 4. Credibility of reporting
  • 5. Reasonableness of review and adjustment
  • Based on Modernizing Accountability Practices in
    the Public Sector, a joint discussion paper by
    the Office of the Auditor General of Canada and
    the TBS.

Annex B Delegation of Management of Information
  • The Deputy Head should delegate specific aspects
    of management of information to a specific
    individual to ensure MI considerations are duly
    taken into account, coordination and oversight
  • MI policies, standards, guidelines
  • IM investments and tools
  • IM competencies, IM elements in job descriptions
    for non-IM specialists
  • Competencies, job descriptions for IM advisors
    and specialists
  • Review of MI considerations in business cases, TB
    submissions, project charters and plans,
    partnership agreements

Annex B - Delegation of Management of Information
Authority Contd
  • Review of program and service design
  • Review of information systems and technology
  • Review of proposals on personal information
    banks, data matching programs for personal
  • Protection and recovery of essential records
  • Publishing information
  • Access to information and privacy
  • Retention and disposal of records
  • Investigation of information incidents and
    authorization of special measures

Annex C - Management of InformationResponsibiliti
  • Identification of MI responsibilities, beginning
    with the early stages of policy development,
    through planning, systems development, day-to-day
    operations, and assessment for program and
    service delivery
  • Suggestions on who should lead and who should
    provide support for activities throughout
    information life cycle
  • Deputy Head, Senior Executive, Managers, All
    persons, IM Advisors, IM Specialists, IT

Annexe D - IM Specialists Services
  • An overview of the nature of services provided by
    IM specialists in support of program/service
    delivery and the key activities undertaken in the
    provision of the services.
  • Advice and Guidance
  • Information Architecture Management
  • Information Systems Management
  • ATIP Service Management
  • Documents/Records Management
  • Archival Management
  • Portal, Web Publication Management
  • Library Management
  • IM tools and services
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