Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Water Quality Trading Rule Development

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Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Water Quality Trading Rule Development


No phosphorus load allocated for new and expanding facilities ... The permit establishes the Jordan Trading Unit as the medium of exchange (credit) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Water Quality Trading Rule Development

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Water Quality
TradingRule Development
Why Trading?
  • The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has
    developed some experience with water quality
    trading which has led us to believe that it can
    be a very useful water quality management tool
  • Rahr Malting Company 1997
  • Southern Minnesota Sugar Beet Cooperative 2000
  • Minnesota River Basin Phosphorus General Permit
  • Water quality trading can provide management
    options to achieve greater efficiencies and
    environmental benefits than those available based
    on conventional regulatory requirements

Why Trading?Impaired Waters
  • The Draft 2008 Impaired Waters list contains
    1,469 impairments including
  • 500 lakes
  • 25 listed for multiple pollutants
  • 336 rivers streams
  • 603 reaches listed for one or more pollutants

Why Trading?The legal angle
  • In 2004 the MPCA was sued over the issuance of a
    discharge permit to a new wastewater treatment
    facility planned for the cities of Annandale and
    Maple Lake
  • At issue was whether the MPCAs issuance of a
    permit to a new source of pollutants to in the
    watershed of an impaired water, and prior to the
    completion of a TMDL, violated federal law
  • MPCA argued that a recent phosphorus reduction of
    53,500 lbs/year achieved by the city of
    Litchfield more than offset the proposed 2,200
    lbs/year load from the Annandale/Maple Lake
  • No formal trade agreement was negotiated
    between the Litchfield and Annandale/Maple Lake

Court of Appeals Decision
  • In August of 2005 the Minnesota Court of Appeals
    ruled that the MPCA had improperly issued the
    permit because the proposed discharge would
    contribute to the nutrient impairment in Lake
    Pepin and reversed the permit issuance
  • The Cities (Annandale Maple Lake) and MPCA
    appealed the decision to the Minnesota Supreme
    Court which agreed to review the case

And Then We Waited
  • Turns out the Supreme Court is a rather busy
    place and turn around time doesnt appear to be
    their primary concern
  • MPCA didnt issue any discharge permits for new
    and expanding facilities in the Lake Pepin
    watershed from August of 2005 to .
  • We had a lot of time consider how the Annandale
    case changed the legal landscape given the
    numbers of new impairments we expect to see in
    the future
  • MPCA decided that trading should be part of the
    mix for successful water quality management

Supreme Court Decision
  • In May of 2007 the Supreme Court ruled that the
    MPCAs approach in issuing the Annandale/Maple
    Lake permit had been reasonable and reinstated
    the permit
  • By this time we had 69 proposals for new or
    expanded facilities waiting for MPCA discharge
  • Although the court ruled that the MPCAs offset
    based approach had been reasonable, we are now
    moving towards a trading based approach for new
    and expanded facilities in impaired watersheds

Water Quality Trading Goals
  • Improve water quality
  • Manage growth and development in impaired and
    unimpaired watersheds
  • Flexible and cost effective water quality
  • Encourage ecosystem improvements based on the
    ancillary benefits derived from the
    implementation of ecological services
  • Design a water quality trading system that
    provides a consistent framework for buyers and

EPA Water Quality Trading Policy (2003) Trading
  • EPA supports implementation of water quality
    trading by states, interstate agencies and tribes
    where trading
  • A. Achieves early reductions and progress towards
    water quality standards pending development of
    TMDLs for impaired waters.
  • B. Reduces the cost of implementing TMDLs through
    greater efficiency and flexible approaches.
  • C. Establishes economic incentives for voluntary
    pollutant reductions from point and nonpoint
    sources within a watershed.
  • D. Reduces the cost of compliance with water
    quality based requirements.

US EPA Office of Water Water Quality Trading
Policy (2003) Trading Objectives (cont.)
  • E. Offsets new or increased discharges resulting
    from growth in order to maintain levels of water
    quality that support all designated uses.
  • F. Achieves greater environmental benefits than
    those under existing regulatory programs. EPA
    supports the creation of water quality trading
    credits in ways that achieve ancillary
    environmental benefits beyond the required
    reductions in specific pollutant loads, such as
    the creation and restoration of wetlands,
    floodplains and wildlife and/or waterfowl
  • G. Secures long-term improvements in water
    quality through the purchase and retirement of
    credits by any entity.
  • H. Combines ecological services to achieve
    multiple environmental and economic benefits,
    such as wetland restoration or the implementation
    of management practices that improve water
    quality and habitat.

Water Quality Trading Rule Development
  • MPCA is developing a Water Quality Trading rule
    with the assistance of an advisory committee
  • The advisory committee process is intended to
    obtain guidance from the numerous interested
  • Our objective is to complete a draft rule by June

Advisory Committee
  • External Membership
  • 70 people on email notification list
  • Representing 52 different organizations
  • MPCA Membership
  • 19 agency staff on notification list
  • Representing various areas of expertise

Meeting Date Feb 27 Apr17 Jul 17 Sep13 Nov6
Number of Participants 33 47 33 34 32
Progress So Far
  • Developing a set of common goals and values
  • Water quality protection and restoration is the
    top priority
  • Accountability, additionality and equivalence
  • Market driven and results oriented system
  • Capture multiple ecological benefits
  • Establish incentives for management that benefits
    water quality
  • Efficient, equitable and sustainable
  • Flexible to adapt to changing knowledge and
  • Have evaluated various existing programs and
  • Have developed a draft outline and started to
    analyze its components

Minnesota River Basin General Phosphorus Permit
  • Watershed permit applies all point sources in the
    Minnesota River basin
  • Pollutants of concern
  • biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
  • phosphorus
  • Authorizes point source/point source trades
  • 41 point sources are currently authorized to trade

Minnesota River Basin General Phosphorus Permit -
Minnesota River Basin Permit Drivers
  • Lower Minnesota River Watershed Low Dissolved
    Oxygen TMDL
  • Low flow dissolved oxygen depletion between
    Shakopee and the Twin Cities
  • Upstream sources of phosphorus contribute to
    excess algal growth
  • Algal decay causes in stream dissolved oxygen
    deficiency in the lower 22 miles of the Minnesota
  • TMDL established waste load allocations for
    phosphorus sources upstream of Jordan
  • Individual waste load allocations for the 39
    largest continuous dischargers
  • Collective wasteload allocations for everyone
  • Virtually no reserve capacity
  • No phosphorus load allocated for new and
    expanding facilities

Minnesota River Basin Trading PermitHow Does it
  • The basin permit is part of the TMDLs
    implementation plan
  • Establishes phosphorus reductions and authorizes
    trading between the 39 largest point sources
    upstream of Jordan
  • Intended to achieve a cumulative phosphorus
    reduction of 35 in 5 years
  • Trading baselines
  • Existing facilities based on effluent loads from
    the 1999 2000 summer seasons
  • New facilities have no allocation so their
    trading baseline is zero
  • Credits
  • Facilities operating below their permit baselines
    can generate credits for sale
  • The permit establishes the Jordan Trading Unit as
    the medium of exchange (credit) based on each
    facilitys location in the watershed
  • Trade Ratios
  • 1.1 to 1 for existing facilities
  • 1.2 to 1 for new facilities

Minnesota River Basin Permit Trading Activity
  • Effluent limits for existing facilities take
    effect an May 1, 2008
  • Preliminary review shows that 13 of the 39
    facilities are not expected to meet effluent
    limits for the 2008 season
  • Expect to see new trade agreements early next
  • Two new facilities are operating in the basin
  • Granite Falls Energy is trading with the Mankato
  • Poet Biorefining is trading with the Lake Crystal
  • Two additional trade agreements have been
    executed in the basin but the companies are not
    yet in operation

Potential Environmental Benefits of
Point/Non-Point Trading Programs
Point Source Upgrade Non-Point Source BMPs
Pollutant of Concern Yes Yes
Other pollutants Maybe Yes
Habitat creation No Yes
Canopy establishment No Yes
Stream bank stabilization No Yes
Velocity attenuation No Yes
Wetland creation No Yes
Floodplain management No Yes
Assimilative capacity No Yes
Example of a Watershed Based Water Quality
Trading Program
  • Great Miami River Watershed Water Quality Credit
    Trading Program
  • Run by the Miami Conservancy District, Dayton,
  • Excess nutrients and turbidity impairments in
    three sub-watersheds
  • TMDL completed for the Stillwater River watershed

Ohios Great MiamiRiver Watershed
  • Great Miami River Watershed
  • 4,000 mi²
  • 1.5 million residents
  • Dayton is largest city
  • Agriculture is dominant land use
  • Non-point source activities are considered major
    contributors to water quality impairments
  • Water Quality Credit Trading Program established
    in 2005
  • Total Phosphorus and Total Nitrogen trading
    between POTWs and agricultural producers

Great Miami Economic Projections
  • 2004 economic analysis trading opportunities in
    the watershed
  • 20 year economic projection of the costs to meet
    water quality goals
  • WWTP upgrades 422.5 million
  • Total trading costs 46.5 million
  • Agricultural BMPs 37.8 million
  • Data and transaction costs 8.7 million
  • Projected cost savings of 376 million

Great Miami Trading Program Results
Miami Conservancy District 2006 Annual Report Miami Conservancy District 2006 Annual Report
Participating wastewater treatment facilities 5
BMP project proposals received 71
Cost estimate range (combined TP TN) 0.34 to 12.78/lb
Projects funded 15
Executed agreements with county SWCDs 5
Project terms 5 to 12 years
Payments to farmers 86,743.84
Payments to SWCDs 6,240.25
Estimated nutrient reductions gt36 tons
Types of BMPs funded No-till, pasture seeding/prescribed grazing, cover crops, hay land conservation crop rotation, filter strips Types of BMPs funded No-till, pasture seeding/prescribed grazing, cover crops, hay land conservation crop rotation, filter strips
South Nation River Watershed
  • Total Phosphorus Management Program
  • Established by South Nation Conservation in 1993
  • Agricultural BMP implementation to offset point
    source regulatory requirements
  • Over 500 projects valued at 7.3 million

Total Phosphorus ManagementEligible Practices
Eligible Projects Grant Rate Grant Maximum
Manure Storages Up to 50 Up to 5,000
Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment/Disposal Up to 50 Up to 5,000
Milkhouse Wastewater Treatment/Disposal Up to 50 Up to 2,500
Clean Water Diversion/Barnyard Runoff Control Up to 50 Up to 5,000
Livestock Access Restriction to Waterway labour contracted out labour by applicant   Up to 75 Up to 100   Up to 5,000 Up to 5,000
Buffer Strips Up to 50 Up to 5,000
Stream Bank Erosion Control Up to 50 Up to 5,000
Educational Initiatives Up to 50 Up to 5,000
Fertilizer, Chemical and Fuel Storage/Handling Up to 50 Up to 1,000
Septic System Upgrade/Replacement Up to 50 Up to 1,000
Nutrient Management Plans Up to 50 Up to 500
Plugging Abandoned Wells Up to 100 Up to 1000
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