Title: Red Hat Information Builders: Business Intelligence on Linux
1Red Hat Information Builders Business
Intelligence on Linux
2Information BuildersKey Facts
- Top-tier privately-held software vendor
- Established in 1975 (33 years of expertise)?
- Dual competencies
- Integration Software (iWay)?
- Business Intelligence (WebFOCUS)
- 1,400 customer focused employees
- 12,000 customer sites worldwide
- Significant partnerships
- Recognized market leader
3Information BuildersOur Mission
- To help our customers better manage their
business through mission critical integration and
the pervasive use of business intelligence.
Manage strategic performance Optimize business pr
ocesses Maximize employee productivity Drive new
revenue opportunities Increase business agility
while maintaining technology simplicity
Remove the barriers to success
4Information BuildersiWay Adapters for JBOSS
- Industry leading provider
- All enterprise assets
- 85 databases
- 150 real-time sources
- Applications
- Messages
- Transactions
- Documents
- Services
- Replaces manual programming
- Completely reusable
Integration Assembly
Information Management
iWay Software offers the widest reaching
integration solutions at the lowest cost!
5WebFOCUS Business Intelligence
- Comprehensive Enterprise Business Intelligence
- Report, Analyze, Visualize, Deliver, Transform
(ETL), Transact
- Built on the Best-In-Class integration
- Accesses ALL enterprise data
- Provides SIMPLE Information Access Delivery
- For users at all skill-levels
- For Strategic, Tactical and Operational
information Systems throughout your organization
and beyond
6Why WebFOCUS over any other BI tool
- Architected to cut the cost of implementations in
4 areas
- Data Integration
- More than twice as likely to access existing data
- It does not require a new data source for
- Administration and Support via unmatched
scalability and administrative features
- Requires less hardware to run
- Requires less resources to support
- Development
- Requires less developers to implement
- End User Productivity
- Results in more than 2 and ½ times the number of
users (on average).
- According to independent research!
7Why Red Hat and Information Builders
Unmatched potential for ROI Reduced TCO Vendor
Independence Scalable and Manageable Servers
What does WebFOCUS for Red Hat Add?
Extends the Linux TCO story to the application
level Enables the integration of Linux servers wi
th the broadest set of Data and Application
Resources Provides the Most scalable Reportin
g solution in the market bar none!!
Delivers the only Market Leading BI and Reporting
Suite available on the Linux platform
8A Proven History
- Information Builders is the first Enterprise BI
vendor to see the value of Linux
- Information Builders has supported Linux as a
standard platform with the delivery of the full
breadth of WebFOCUS solutions since 2001
- 41 customers worldwide on Red Hat
9Realize Total Cost of Ownership
- Best Scalability
- Insures that computer resources do not limit
business growth
- Insures that computing costs remain proportionate
to business growth
- Best Performance
- Supports maximum productivity of end users
- Best Availability
- Prevents customer/revenue loss due to downtime
- Best Flexibility
- Decreased support costs / staff required for
installation, customization, maintenance, and
- Faster time to market via On Demand roll out of
new servers
- Lowers TCO
- Via server consolidation