Title: TREDI test for CSR
1TREDI test forCSR
- L. Giannessi M. Quattromini
Presented at
2TREDI SELF FIELDS Retarded Potentials
- Trajectories are stored and the fields evaluation
requires bracketing of - the retarded condition.
- Cpu memory consuming
- Non trivial field reglarization by grid
assignement (Parmela mode) - extended particles requires careful treatment
of ret. condition
3TREDI Features
- 15000 lines in C language
- Scalar Parallel (MPI 2.0)
- Unix Windows versions
- Tcl/Tk Gui (pre-processing)
- Mathematica MathCad frontends
(post-processing) - Output format in NCSA HDF5 format (solve
endian-ness/alignement problems)
4Conclusions of Zehuten workshop
- The noise suppression method has reduced the
effects of SF on longitudinal phase space,
without being completely effective in the
transverse phase space - A rigorous model of fields regularization,
relying on a realistic momentum dispersion of
macroparticles will be soon implemented - The low number of macroparticles in severely
limiting the reliability of the results - Diagnostic on fields will be implemented to
improve insight on the smoothing procedure - The reason of the slow down of the code must be
understood - Before the end of the workshop the 1000 particles
case will be finished - we will see.
5Effect of Noise (1st bend - no screening)
6six months after Zehuten, Chia Laguna
- Introduced radiative energy loss (ISR)
- Now use HDF5 data format support to fix
endianess/alignments problems (output
portability to different platforms) - ?? Improved acceleration fields smothness (more
work required, no manifestly covariant, CPU
consuming) - Fields blow up when we have collinear
divergencies - Solution target macro particles are given a
finite extension in space - Big speed up (improved retarded time condition
routine) - six months ago very few particles (300 particles
? 4h on an IBM SP3/16 nodes - 400 MHz each) - Now 1000 particles ? 35m on an equivalent
platform - 10000 particles in 27h on a 32CPUs platform
- improvements and bug fixes recently introduced
a Parmela-like mode (instantaneous
interactions,MUCH faster still experimental)
7In Zehuten Phase space at exit ? still noisy !
8After changes to field regularization
Ex2.3 mm-mrad
Ex1.8 mm-mrad
95 GeV 1 nC Gaussian
105 GeV 1 nC Gaussian
115 GeV - 1 nC Gaussian
125 GeV 0.5 nC Gaussian
135 GeV 0.5 nC Gaussian
145 GeV 0.5 nC Gaussian
155 GeV 1.0 nC Uniform
165 GeV 1.0 nC Uniform
175 GeV 1.0 nC Uniform
18500 MeV 1.0nC Gaussian
19500 MeV 1.0nC Gaussian
20500 MeV 1.0nC Gaussian
21ICFA Beam Dynamics mini workshopCoherent
Synchrotron Radiation and its impact onthe
dynamics of high brightness electron
beamsJanuary 14-18, 2002 at DESY-Zeuthen
(Berlin, GERMANY)http//www.desy.de/csr
15 cut of charge to reduce noise
- The agreement with other codes is improved with
the new macroparticles model - The cpu time is greatly reduced, this allows to
run a larger number of macroparticles, but not
yet sufficient to simulate microbunching. - Fields regularization requires more work (still
time consuming, not covariant) - The code provides reasonable results in a wide
range of conditions start to FEL simulations ?