Title: Dr' Hans Armfelt Hansell
1ICTLeap-frogging or Sustained Economic
- Dr. Hans Armfelt Hansell
- Acting Senior Adviser, UN/ECE
2Digital divide
- Impossible to close the gap through investments
from national budgets - Increased resources to be committed to build
information society. - The 2005 WSIS Summit in Tunis will deal with how
this divide can be bridged.
3Digital divide
- However, -main concern is not the ICT in itself,
which is to be considered as a tool but
economic development and poverty reduction.
- To reap the full benefits of ICT it needs to be
incorporated in strategies and policies.
- Advances to bridge the digital divide must be
made on two fronts. - First, to assist the developing and transitional
economies to leap-frog - Second, to incorporate ICT into economic and
societal infrastructure providing the
prerequisites for economic growth.
5How to generate enough resources?
6Between a rock and a hard place
- International competition
- Keeping up with tech. Development
- Exports from low cost countries
7Lisbon strategy for growth and employment
- Europe has no option but radically to improve
its knowledge economy and underlying economic
8National ICT strategies
- National ICT plans should be comprehensive.
- but include strategies for economic growth
9Catching up
- Creating an area of economic dynamism
- Replacing ageing technology will jump a
10Positive Economic Growth in Central Asia
11There is no single magic bullet..
12 - Key areas, which could provide leverage for
economic growth - - Accelerating productivity
- Trade liberalisation and trade facilitation
- Web related developments
- Trade in intermediate services
- Role of institutions
- Knowledge based economy
- Security
13ICT for growth and development
- ICT increases productivity
- Size of the ICT producing sector
- Degree of penetration
- Extent of uptake
14and development
ICT for growth
- Find a niche sector/industry
- - Re-engineering business processes using ICT
- - Link up with int. supply chains using ICT
- - Make efforts to diversify the economy
manufacturing industry benefiting from ICT - Awareness education - Institutional changes
15ICT for growth and development
- Trade Liberalisation and Trade Facilitation
- International supply chains
- JIT manufacturing
16ICT for growth and development
- Outsourcing
- Application service provider
- Virtual organisations
17ICT for growth and development
Corporate Customer
Merchandise Reception
Purchasing Office
Payment Centre
Virtual Enterprise
Suppliers Bank
Automated Payment Clearing House
18ICT for growth and development
- ICT and trade in intermediate services
- e.g. health, education, financial services
and entertainment
19ICT for growth and development
- Finding enhances the quality and lowers the
price of consumer services - Constraint Infrastructure limitations can
increase cost of communication
- Conclusion it is the small trading partner
that gains the most!
20ICT for growth and development
- Role of institutions
- E-government
- Ease of doing business
21Ease of doing business is associated with more
22ICT for growth and development
- Ease of doing business
- Starting business electronic application
- Company register - electronic
- Land administration electronic registry
- Credit information insolvency
- Tax returns
- Customs procedures
23Simpler business regulation, more human
24ICT for growth and development
- Knowledge based economy
- World markets are increasingly integrated .
- Creating new opportunities
- Knowledge and innovation are emerging as key
assets - International, institutional and business
linkages are crucial for knowledge economy policy
25ICT for growth and development
- In a knowledge based economy
- - 40 of labour productivity growth from RD
- - in future 30 of population work directly in
production of knowledge.
26n Supply Chains
Security Trade has an interest to provide digital
information Gov have a demand in digital
27UN/CEFACT Executive Forum20 22 June 2005
28Thank You!