Title: Lets Have a Party
1Lets Have a Party! Performance Event
2nd-4th grades
Based on Out and About Math from Mailbox and
Party Time Performance Event Module from West
Central Regional MAP Center.
2- Valentine Party Time
- Purpose This module requires students to use
problem solving skills with discrete mathematics,
fractional parts, patterning, graphing, data
analysis and probability - Creator Marge Humphrey
- Show-Me Standards Addressed
- Knowledge M1 M3 M5
- Performance 1.8, 4.1
- Grade level range 2-4
- Subject Math
- Administrators Instructions Make a packet of
the pages that you want the children to work on
independently or in small groups. Print out
pages that you want them to work on. Under
color choose pure black and white.
3Its a Piece of Cake!
Cut out the patterns on the black lines Find the
whole circle. It represents the whole party
cake. Find the cake pieces that would show a cake
cut evenly for two people or in half. Put the
cake together. Put the two halves atop the
circle to show that two halves make a whole.
Write ½ on each piece. Repeat with thirds and
fourths. Students will quickly see that
fractions are a piece of cake.
4Student Paper
5 Party Money
Whole Group Brainstorm items to have at the
party. Decide on prices
Need Groups of 3 Paper, pencil 20-1 bills
To Do Decide what to buy. Add up the
amount. Make sure you are not over the 20.
6Party Budget
7Perfect Party Plans Skills estimating, making a
Create a list of party activities with your
students. Include an estimated amount of time
each activity will take to complete. Round each
time to the nearest hour, half hour, or a5
minutes to make scheduling easier. Challenge
each student to create a chart for a two-hour
birthday party schedule similar to one shown.
Encourage organizing the activities in a logical
order. Collect and make a booklet for everyone
to read.
Party Schedule Play outdoors 100-145 Pin the
Tail on the Donkey 145-200 Eat
Cake 200-215 Open Presents 215-230 Pop
Balloons 230-300
8Party Schedule
9Table for Ten, Please
Skill using concrete materials to display and
interpret data
Need Work in pairs pattern blocks Plain paper
Crayons or pencil
Each pattern block is a table. How many can sit
around a hexagon? What if you put 2 together?
10To Do You are having a party! Each block is a
table. You need to find a table arrangement that
will seat 10 guests. Draw around your blocks.
Color in the table. Place a dot where each guest
will sit. Only one guest can sit on a side. How
many different arrangements can you make?
11Use pattern blocks or cut out and use these
12Our Table Arrangements
13The End