Title: The Producer Is Far, Far Away Juan Gril Joju
1The Producer Is Far, Far AwayJuan GrilJoju
- We work under these myths
- Creating a game with people far away is not
possible! - You cant coordinate them
- In order to execute your vision, you need to
keep control, and you cant control somebody who
is far away
3Current Market Conditions
- This is what we hear
- We spent 600,000 dollars in our latest game.
- You cant compete if you dont have a large
budget. - What do all this mean (in theory)
- You need senior team members.
- You need a nice office to accommodate them.
- You need VCs to fund you.
- You need Management to get the VCs out of your
way. - And if you cant, go and work for somebody.
- Great environment for innovation, right?
4Innovation Is In The Garage
- But the entire team doesnt fit in it!
- Lets do a virtual garage then!
5Case Study Brown Noise Poo Blast
Client Comedy Central Development Time 3
months Team Size 8 (4 full-time)
6Case Study BNPB Team Members Locations
7Jojus Typical Team Composition
8The perfect team member
- Technically and artistically oriented.
- Believes in the collective creativity of a group
over somebodys vision. - Hates to be constantly supervised.
- Understands that Monday is Monday and not
Wednesday. - Does the best for his/her own sake (after all,
his/her name is in the games credits).
9Creativity and Project Ownership
- Anti-outsourcing imperative Doesnt matter where
you are at well make sure there is a two way
dialog. - Every team member has contributed in the design
of a game we have made. - The Game Designer is the final authority.
- But the best leaders are those who first listen
to all the options and then make a call.
10How We Write and Share Documentation
- We use Google Docs for writing GDDs.
- We share the GDD with all the dev members
andthe publisher. - Everybody is notified of a change.
11Project Management Structure of a Timeline
- Jojus own version of SCRUM
- New build every 2-3 weeks.
- The games project is divided in components
(i.e. Core Gameplay Engine, Score Panel). - Every component is a task. We dont break it down
more. - We identify 6-10 tasks that can be solved in the
builds dev time. - The implementation of the task usually is not the
final (i.e. Score Panel 0.3 in build 0.12, Score
Panel 0.8 in beta build).
12Project Management Visual Timeline
- We use Google Spreadsheets for timelines. We
share it with all the team members and the
13How We Communicate
- 5 min phone SCRUM every day, with no more than 2
people at a time. - Available on IM. But if something is not
understood after 3 lines of IM, grab the phone. - Remember that people dont see your face and your
gestures over the phone. Be slow and clear. - The Game Designer is the glue of the team. Its
his most important job of the day. - We have a mailing list for the project which we
use to update everybody with.
14Asset Management
- SVN or a version control system is a must (you
already know about this). - Dont have money for a server? DynDNS is your
best friend. - Save on programmers hours by structuring the
project so levels, graphics and sound can be
changed without recompiling.
15Thank you Amsterdam!
- You can download the presentation from
ucerIsFarAway.ppt - Questions? Email juangril_at_jojugames.com