Title: Simulation of SubMicron Thermal Transport in Emerging Electronics
1Simulation of Sub-Micron Thermal Transport in
Emerging Electronics
- Jayathi Y. Murthy
- School of Mechanical Engineering
- Purdue University
- Review of phonon transport
- Models based on Boltzmann Transport Equation
(BTE) - Concurrent simulation of emerging electronics
- Electro-thermal co-design of circuits
- Future directions and closure
3Sub-micron Heat Conduction
Phonons are quanta of lattice vibrations. They
are the main carriers of energy in semiconductors
and dielectrics.
4Heat Transport in Solids
One-dimensional spring-mass system
Dispersion relation for crystal vibrations,
Majumdar (1998)
5Heat Transport in Solids
Boltzmann transport equation for phonons
Ballistic term
Phonons are characterized by (r, t, K) and
Frequency vs. reduced wave number in (100)
direction for silicon
6Scattering Processes
- Phonons scatter on impurities, grain boundaries,
isotopes, physical boundaries, other phonons and
carriers - Three-phonon interactions are major contributors
to thermal resistance at room temperature in
silicon - Three-phonon interactions must satisfy momentum
and energy conservation rules
7Three-Phonon Interactions
- General scattering term for 3-phonon processes
very complex
Valid only for phonons satisfying conservation
8Relaxation Time Approximation
Bose-Einstein distribution function
Relaxation time
9Silicon on Insulator (SOI) Devices
- Si thermal conductivity 150 W/mK
- SiO2 thermal conductivity 1 W/mK self
heating - Max temperature depends on balance between
generation and transport
Courtesy IBM
10Models based on BTE
- BTE in relaxation time approximation incapable of
transferring energy across frequencies and
polarizations - Too expensive at present to solve full BTE,
though work is in progress - Approximations to BTE using relaxation-time form
as a model
11BTE Models
Propagation mode
Reservoir mode
12Full-Dispersion Model
- Divide polarization branches into bands
- BTE solved for each band
- All optical bands grouped into single band with
zero velocity - Bulk dispersion curve for silicon (100) direction
is assumed - Dispersion curve assumed to be isotropic
13Optical Mode BTE
Electron-phonon energy source
Energy exchange due to scattering with jth
acoustic mode
No ballistic term no transport
14Acoustic Mode BTE
Scattering to same band
Ballistic term
Energy exchange with other bands
15Properties of Full-Dispersion Model
- In acoustically-thick limit, full dispersion
model - Recovers Fourier conduction in steady state
- Parabolic heat conduction in unsteady state
16Silicon Bulk Thermal Conductivity
Full-Dispersion Model
17Thermal Conductivity of Undoped Silicon Thin
- Experimental data is from Asheghi et. al (1998,
2002) - For the numerical results, a specularity
parameter p0.4 is used
Full-Dispersion Model
18Thermal Conductivity of Doped Silicon Thin Films
- 3.0 micron boron-doped silicon thin films.
Experimental data is from Asheghi et. al (2002) - p0.4 is used for numerical predictions
- Boron dopings of 1.0e24 and 1.0e25 atoms/m3
Full-Dispersion Model
19Multi-Finger PD/SOI nMOSFET
Metallization Layers
20Computational Domain
- 0.15 mW/?m heat source in channel
- Only one active finger
Silicon device layer (BTE region)
21Temperature Predictions Full-Dispersion
Max temperature 332K
22Comparison of Models
Fourier max temp313.25 K
Gray max temp 320.85K
Semi-gray max temp 456.31 K
23Temperature Comparison
Experimental measurement of temperature rise
13K on top of poly-gate
24What Phonons Responsible for Transport?
25Nanotube Bundle (NTB) TFTs for Macroelectronics
Schematic of Computation Domain
Typical NTB thin film transistor
26Overall Physics
- For zero substrate-tube and tube-tube contact,
network conductance determined by number of
bridging tubes
Tube-tube and tube-substrate contact allow
conduction even if LC LS
27 Network Conductance
n -1.0
n -1.0
n -1.8
High Tube-Tube Contact (CNT)
Low Tube-Tube Contact (Nanowires)
Bic 5.0, Bis 0.0
Bic 10-5, Bis 0.0
- Linear dependence for high CNT densities
- Non-linear dependence for low CNT densities
- ( close to percolation threshold)
Experimental data E. S. Snow et al., Appl. Phys.
Lett. 82(13), 2145 (2003).
28Substrate-Tube Contact Conductance Effect
- Sharp increase in Keff for small Lc
- Thermal conduction dominated by network
conductance - Keff achieves invariance beyond LC/Lt 6
- Tube network could provide pathway for heat
removal for percolating network with high
tube-tube contact
LC/Lt 2.0, H/Lt 2, Bic 10.0, Ks/Kt 0.001
and ? 10.0 (? 2.5 ?m-2 )
29Tube-Tube Contact Conductance Effect
- Keff achieves invariance beyond LC/Lt 6
- For tube densities higher than the percolation
threshold, BiC emerges as an important parameter
LC/Lt 2.0, H/Lt 2, Bis 10 -5, Ks/Kt 0.001
and ? 10.0 (? 2.5 ?m-2 )
30Conductivity Ratio Effect
- Percolating conduction dominates for low
Ks/Kt10-3 - For high values of Ks/Kt, network conductance
ceases to be a dominant contributor and the
increase in Keff over Ks drops to zero - In this limit, large surface area of contact
between tubes and substrate allows heat to leak
from network to substrate.
LC/Lt 2.0, H/Lt 2, Bic 10.0, Bis 10-5
and ? 10.0 (? 2.5 ?m-2 )
31Thermally-Aware Circuit Design
- High chip temperatures and gradients have
serious consequences for transistor and circuit
performance - Every 10 C rise decreases drive current by 4
and increases interconnect delay by 5 - Leakage power depends exponentially on
temperature - Objective is to directly integrate thermal
analysis with circuit design - Cooling devices operate at the level of 1000s of
transistors. - Multiscale simulation allows evaluation/optimizat
ion of spot-cooling designs for circuit
32Gate Level Compact Models
Transistor Level FinFET
Compact thermal model of NOR gate
NOR gate composed of PMOS and NMOS FinFETs
Detailed thermal model of NOR gate
33Multiscale Simulation
Spot cooling device ion drag cooling
Compact model
Cell and face heat balances yield coupled
equation set for cell temperatures
Cooling devices may be included in thermal floor
34Dynamic Power and Temperature Maps
Alu4 benchmark circuit
X3 benchmark circuit
Each benchmark circuit contains about 900 gates
and about 3000-4000 transistors
- Models for sub-micron thermal transport are being
developed - Focus on models based on the BTE
- Inclusion of polarization and dispersion effects
- Accurate computation of scattering terms
- Phonon confinement effects
- Electro-thermal simulation in emerging
macroelectronics promises improved understanding
of nano-composites, interface effects. - Electro-thermal co-design of circuits promises
better thermal performance and a longer lease of
life for Moores Law.
- Funding from IBM,NSF, DARPA, Purdue Research
Foundation - Students S. Narumanchi, T. Wang, J. Gutierrez,
C. Ni, S. Kumar, S. Lin - Collaborators R. Joshi, C-T. Chuang (IBM), S.
Kang (Aavid), M.A. Alam (Purdue), U. Ravaioli