Title: Strange
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2Studying nuclear matter created in pp, dA and AA
collisionsusing charged kaons
- kaons are the lightest strange particles ? the
most abundant ? important piece in deciphering
the final state puzzles
or the story about the importance of
identified-particle studies in heavy-ion
? kaons alone (truth for _any_ particle probably
?) does not permit to draw too many conclusions
- Camelia Mironov
- Kent State University
Do all these particles show anything plus to what
unidentified charged hadrons show?
4For outlook
RELAX !!!!!! (and this is not for me ? )
Contrary to what my abstract mightve let the
impression, my talk wont last 3 hours !!! Though
interesting systems by themselves, I will refer
to pp and dA collisions only by means of better
understanding the AA data
- ? nuclear modification factors
- identified particle correlations
Quantify the deviation from pp collisions
- Charged Hadrons
- Au Au RCP and RAA suppression
- d Au RCP and RdA enhancement (Cronin
effect experimental observation and not the
6AuAu identified hadrons
- ?Baryons suppressed ?Mesons suppressed
- ?Mesons 1.5GeV/c
- ?Baryons 2.5GeV/c
- Mesons suppressed
- Baryons enhanced
- maxRAAp(uud)ltmaxRAA?(uds)ltmaxRAA?(dss)
7Au Au RCP Experiment Theory
Reco for K0s and ??bar Central(b3fm) /
Peripheral (b12fm)
Topor-Pop et al (nucl-th/0407095)
same Hijing/BBbar v2.0
Hijing/BBbar v2 0-10 / 60-90 For K- K and
8R_AA Experiment Theory
Topor-Pop (private comunication)
Hirano, Nara nucl-th/0307015
- Hijing/BBv2.0
- -Hijing baryon junction jet quenching
shadowing Strong Color Field effects - ?nucl-th/0407095
?Hydro jet quenching -hydrodinamics combined
with minijets which go through jet quenching in
the hot medium ? nucl-th/0307015
9dAu identified hadrons
? in dAu also a difference between mesons and
baryons (smaller though)
10RdA/RCP(dA) theory and experiment
1.Hwa, Yang nucl-th/0404066
Recombination (Oregon) ? final state effect
Kopeliovich, Nemchik, Schafer, Tarasov Phys.
Rev. Lett. 88(2002) 232303
? Initial state elastic scatterings
reproduce the general trend of the R_dA but NOT
the particle species dependence
11So far
until an explanation/scaling for the RAA
strangeness ordering will be find out an
attempt canonical suppression picture more in
talk by M Lamont) - AuAu the difference between mesons and baryons
in the intermediate pT region is reproduced in
several models recombination, hydrojet
quenching etc - ? need more/different
probes/measurements to test the models - dAu apart from the enhancement (as opposed to
the suppression in AA) dA shows similar features
as AA (like the differences between mesons and
So .. toward different measurements
12Hadronization ReCo(Oregon)
Recombination function known from recombination
model Hwa, Phys. Rev. D (1980).
13Two particle correlations Hwa, Yang
Jet structure by two-particle correlation within
the jet must consider 4/5 partons to recombine ?
Trigger on pions and calculate the distribution
of the associated particles (AuAu collisions)
14Azimuthal correlations language
Trigger Particle
Back side
Associated Particles
Same side
15?-h? correlations in AA
16Strange-charged hadrons correlations
NOT YET ? 0-5 same side yield vs trigger pT ?
Lambda acts different
There seem to be signs of particle specific
phenomena in strange-charged hadrons correlations
17Strange-Strange correlations
Hadron production at SLD
? short-range, local correlations? short-range
compensation of quantum numbers ? long-range
correlations between opposite charge?leading
particle production ssbar events different from
uubar or ddbar events
Rapidity difference between identified hadron
18Strange-Strange hadrons correlations
- NOT DONE (YET) - used to be really lack of
statistics - - truth now
lack of time
19Not much
? trigger 2ltpTlt6 (GeV/c) K assoc 1.5lt pT lt
pTtrigger (GeV/c)
? Not much, but an interesting analysis to
continue with
20Over all
- Particle identification do offer plenty of
surprises and do rises lots of new questions (to
which we dont know yet the whole answer) - and more important
- High pT PID is essential in gaining more insight
into hadronization mechanisms and medium
properties knowledge.
21 22 23Flow
Reaction plane (collision impact parameter,
beam direction)
24Data Analysis Methods
Same Side
Back Side
Au Au
Gaussian Fit of back side
Cosine Fit of back side (momentum balance)
Parameters are compared for different fits for
two different pT cuts as the function of
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