Title: Mission Aircrew School Global Positioning System
1Mission Aircrew SchoolGlobal Positioning System
2APOLLO GX-55 Global Positioning System Receiver
with SAR Maps
3Overview of this Presentation
- GPS Theory
- GPS Receivers
- GPS Receiver Features
- GPS Receiver Controls and Functions
- Summary
- GPS Resources on the Web
4Global Positioning SystemTheory
- 24 satellites in 6 orbital planes
- First satellite launched in 1978
- Full constellation achieved in 1994
- 4 satellites in each plane
- 20,200 km high orbits
- 12 hours per orbit
5GPS Theory Continued
- DOD system initially for military use
- Civilian use permitted later
- Must see at least 3 satellites for 2D Nav
- Must see at least 4 satellites for 3D Nav
- Usually sees 5 to 8 satellites
6GPS Theory Continued
- Low power50 watts or less
- Civilian GPS uses frequency of 1575.42 MHz
- Three components comprise GPS system
- Satellites
- Ground Control Stations
- Receivers
- GPS signals are subject to the usual radio signal
propagation errors and errors unique to the
system (ie, satellite geometry, orbital errors,
7The GPS Receiver
- Processes signal information from satellites to
calculate the exact location of the receiver,
including altitude - Re-computes position/altitude continuously
- Uses position information, and change-of-position
information, for calculations of speed, bearing,
track, distance, ETE, ETA, sunrise and sunset,
8The GPS ReceiverContinued
- Internal Databases
- Airports and Airport Information
- Navaids (VOR and NDB)
- Intersections
- User-defined Waypoints
- Terrain Clearance Features
- Airspace and Special Use Airspace
- SAR Maps and Grids
9 The GPS ReceiverContinued
- Built-in databases permit
- Easy entry and retrieval of waypoints and
waypoint information - Automatic display of airspace warnings
- Moving maps
10The GPS ReceiverContinued
- GPS signals are radio signals, so they are
subject to all the typical errors associated with
radio signal propagation in addition to errors
unique to the gps system. - The receiver by itself has no direction or
altitude sensing capabilities. In the absence of
useable signals, the receiver will display
erroneous information or will display only
warning messages. - Use of the receiver does not relieve the pilot of
maintaining position awareness through other
available methods (charts, VOR, etc.).
11The Apollo GX55
12GX55 Features
- Internal Database
- Airports and Airport Information
- Navaids (VOR and NDB)
- Intersections
- User-defined Waypoints (up to 500)
- Terrain Clearance Features
- Controlled and Special Use Airspace
- Search and Rescue capabilities
- SAR Grids (identical to gridded sectionals)
- SAR Search Patterns
- Parallel Line
- Creeping Line
- Expanding Square
13GX55 Features Continued
- Flight Plans
- Stores up to 30 reversible flight plans of up to
20 legs each - Automatic sequencing of legs/waypoints
- Message Function
- Flashing MSG indicator
- Continues until all messages are read
- Requires immediate attention
- Warnings
- Important flight data/information
14GX55 Features Continued
- Direct-To Navigation Function
- Nearest Waypoint Search
- Moving Map and Text Displays
- Message Function
- Flashing MSG indicator
- Continues until all messages are read
- Requires immediate attention
- Warnings
- Important flight data/information
15Control Knobs and Keys
Smart Keys and Annunciators
Large Knob
Small Knob
Hard Keys
16Controls and Functions
- Power Switch
- Buttons
- 7 large Buttons are called hard keys
- Right side of the display panel
- Always perform the same function
- 5 small buttons are called smart keys
- Located below the display panel
- Function can change
- The annunciator above each smart key labels the
keys purpose - Large and Small Knobs
- Change the page of text or the map displayed
- Select Data Fields
- Change Data in Selected Fields
- GPS - Very Accurate
- GPS Receivers (Becoming User Friendly)
- Sophisticated displays
- Large databases
- Wealth of information and assistance
- Navigation made easy
- Position awareness is more critical than ever
- GPS system is not fail proof or fool proof
- GPS ease of use and accuracy can lead to
over-confidence and over-reliance on the system
18Web Resources
- www.trimble.com/gps
- Excellent GPS system explanation by the Trimble
Corp - www.upsat.com/
- UPS Aviation Technologiesmanufacturer of the
GX55 - Downloads available
- User manual
- Installation manual
- Quick reference guide
- Simulator software (without SAR function full
version that includes SAR is for sale, or it can
be obtained from Iowa CAP)