Title: Everyone Can Be A Leader
1Everyone Can Be A Leader
- Brian McNurlen, CITES
- Michael Hites, AITS
- Mike Bohlmann, OTM
2What is leadership?
- Ability to motivate people towards the completion
of a goal
3What makes a leader?
- Authority?
- Born capability?
- Learned skills?
- Management skills?
4Leading Without A Title
5What is the crisis?
- Leaders are often born out of crisis.
- Need to identify the problem youre trying to
solve. - Often you dont chose the problem, someone
chooses it for you.
6Selling your idea
- Dont feel guilty is the solution something
people want? - Dont be shy.
- Will it benefit the common good?
- Getting through to completion can be difficult
without authority. - Delegation can happen without authority.
- What is the pay-off for you?
- Know your subject.
- Read good books and take classes on leadership.
- Identify wise counsel.
- Who could help you be a better leader?
- Do you need someone else to be the champion?
- Cant do it alone.
- When you believe in what youre doing, its not
as hard. - Others will see it in you and feed off of it.
- If no risk, everyone would be doing it.
- Accept that making mistakes is okay.
- In the end, usually not as risky as first thought.
14Peer Coaching Example
- Steps
- Need for mentors
- Sold to 16 others
- Made time for it
- Many, many rewards
- Requirements
- Learned from class
- New friends
- Felt excited
- No longer risky
15References, Links, Notes, Etc.
- Sanborn, Mark. 2006. You dont need a title to
be a leader. New York, Doubleday. - Illinois Peer Coaching - http//illinoispeercoachi
16Motivating IT Staff
17Thats a Presumptuous Title
- Can a single person motivate you?
18What Motivates You?
- Just call me Senior Executive Supreme Chancellor
19What is leadership?
- Taking what you are given and doing something
- Motivation is a by-product of leadership
21What makes a leader?Marty Clarke
- Consistency and Conviction
- One Rule, One Promise
- I'm Just Saying
- Managing by Committee
- Managing to the Exception
22What makes a leader?Five Minds - Gardner
- Discipline
- Synthesis
- Creativity
- Respect
- Ethics
23What makes a leader?Good to Great - Collins
- Level 5 Leadership
- Level 5 Executive (greatness through humility
and will) - Effective Leader (compelling vision and high
standards) - Competent Manager (organizer of efficient
pursuit) - Contributing Team Member (group-centered
individual) - Highly Capable Individual (talented, skilled
24What makes a leader?Principle Centered - Lee
- Motivation by power
- Motivation by negotiation
- Motivation by personal principles, that is,
consistency, confidence, clarity and conviction
25Motivation Departmental
- Celebrate successes with individual and team
recognition - Recognize and value the opinion of others
- Hire great colleagues
- Make helping the customer fun
- Provide interesting and challenging work
- Experiment with work environments (AITS
telecommuting) - Try to sync titles and compensation with
responsibility - Avoid hurting motivation. Small things can
deflate everyone.
26Motivation Individual
- Promote accountability and high expectations
- Talk to and listen to those around you
- Care more about organizational success than
personal success - Work for a respected organization
- Make your colleagues look good
- Believe the mission statement
- Do external work that helps you succeed
27More Links
- Motivation and Leadership Styles
- The Accidental IT Leader
- 11 Ways to Motivate Geeks
- Harvard Business School Motivation
28Leadership, Higher Ed, and IT
29Leadership, Higher Ed, and IT
- Leadership is not maintaining the status quo but
working to create transformation and change - David W. Dodd EDUCAUSE
30Why does IT matter?
- Every great organization moved from being good
through some use of technology - Jim Collins, Good to Great
31Linking Leadership, IT, and Higher Ed
- Information technology is the tool and we are the
artisans, artificers, and masters - How information technology transforms the
University is up to us
32Make a Difference
- Look at the bigger picture
- Be proactive
- Talk to your boss and your DDDH
- Share your ideas with others
- Work to bring about positive change
33Continual Effort
- IT understands the business 73
- IT investment driven by goals 53
- Close relationship with IT leader 60
- Strong alignment 80
34Issues Dangers
- Sallys unowned problems from the spring
- Economys impact on budgets
- Unit/department/college pains
- Personal pains
- Attend meetings outside your unit or college
- Volunteer for a committee
- Be creative
- Join the Community of Interest
- Volunteer for the CCSP Program Committee
- Find someone else interested in the same issues
38References, Links, Notes, Etc.
- Collins, Jim. 2001. Good to Great. New York,
Harper. - Community of Interest Leadership, Higher Ed, and
IT - https//wiki.cites.uiuc.edu/wiki/display/ciol
ead - Illinois Peer Coaching - http//illinoispeercoachi
ng.blogspot.com/ - Campus Round Table - http//www.pso.uiuc.edu/crt/