Title: Basic Financial Statements: Overview
1Basic Financial Statements Overview
2Principle 1Accounting Reporting Capabilities
- Present fairly and with full disclosure funds and
activities in conformity with GAAP - Determine and demonstrate compliance with
finance-related legal and contractual provisions
3GAAP Requirements
- Trying to assure comparability among and between
governments - Full disclosure may result in much more
information than adequate disclosure required
4Categories and Types of Funds
- General Fund
- Special Revenue Funds
- Capital Projects Funds
- Debt Service Funds
- Permanent Funds
- Enterprise Funds
- Internal Service Funds
- Pension Trust Funds
- Investment Trust Funds
- Agency Funds
- Private Purpose Trust Funds
5Governmental Funds
- Most basic type of fund use basic fund format
defined earlier - Used to account for general government activities
- Accounting equation does not allow for capital
assets and long-term liabilities necessitates
use of nonfund accounts - General Capital Assets
- General Long-Term Liabilities
6Nonfund accounts
- General Capital Assets property, plant,
equipment used in general operation of government - General Long-term Liabilities debt used to
finance capital assets and other long-term
liabilities not recognized in the governmental
7Proprietary Funds
- Used to account for business-like activities of
the government - Golf courses
- Maintenance operations
- Airports
- Utilities
- May use more traditional accounting equation
Current Assets Capital Assets
Current Long-term Liabilities
Net Assets
8Fiduciary Funds
- Accounts for assets held by government in trustee
or agency capacity for others - Not used to report assets held for governments
own use
9Principle 5Reporting Capital Assets
- Must know which fund type is using capital
assets - Proprietary fund reported at fund and
government-wide level - Fiduciary fund reported only at fund level
- Governmental Fund reported only at
government-wide level and in notes to financial
10Principle 6Valuation of Capital Assets
- Report at historical cost (may use estimated cost
of historical cost cannot be determined) - Cost of capital asset included charges to get it
to intended location and ready for use - Donated capital assets reported at fair value at
time of donation, plus charges to get it to
intended location and ready for use
11Principle 7Depreciation of Capital Assets
- Capital assets depreciated over useful lives
- Inexhaustible capital assets (land and some land
improvements) should not be depreciated - Infrastructure assets may be accounted for using
the modified approach
12Reporting depreciation depends on fund category
- Proprietary fund reported at fund and
government-wide level - Fiduciary fund reported only at fund level
- Governmental Fund reported only at
government-wide level and in notes to financial
13Principle 8Accounting for Long-Term Liabilities
- Must know type of fund incurring liability
- Proprietary Fund report at fund and
government-wide level - Fiduciary Fund report only at fund level
- Governmental Fund
- Unmatured report at government-wide level in
the notes - Matured report as fund liabilities
14Principle 9Measurement Focus (MF) and Basis of
Accounting (BA)
- Government-Wide Financial Statements
- Measurement focus is on economic all resources
- Basis of accounting is accrual
- Revenues, expenses, gains, losses, assets,
liabilities recognition depends on transaction - Exchange when exchange takes place
- Nonexchange according to GASBS 33
15Principle 9Measurement Focus (MF) and Basis of
Accounting (BA)
- Governmental Fund Financial Statements
- Measurement focus is on current financial
resources - Basis of accounting is modified accrual
- Revenues recognized in period they become
available and measurable - Expenditures recognized when liability is
incurred, except for interest on long-term debt
which is recognized when due
16Principle 9Measurement Focus (MF) and Basis of
Accounting (BA)
- Proprietary Fund Financial Statements
- Measurement focus is on economic all resources
- Basis of accounting is accrual
- Revenues, expenses, gains, losses, assets,
liabilities recognition depends on transaction - Exchange when exchange takes place
- Nonexchange according to GASBS 33
17Principle 9Measurement Focus (MF) and Basis of
Accounting (BA)
- Fiduciary Fund Financial Statements
- Measurement focus is on economic all resources
- Basis of accounting is accrual
- Exception for certain liabilities of defined
benefit pension plans and certain postemployment
healthcare plans
18Revenue Recognition Rules Must be
- Earned or levied
- Measurable
- Available
- Collected in current period or soon enough
thereafter to pay liabilities of the current
period usually considered to be 60 days - If not collected within this period, reported as
deferred revenues in current period and revenues
in year when they become available
19Expenditure Recognition Rules
- For current operations capital outlay, when
liabilities to be paid currently by governmental
funds are incurred - For debt service (principal and interest) when
payments on long-term liabilities are due
20Reporting Interfund ActivityReciprocal
interfund activity
- Interfund loans (asset / liability)
- Short-term (due from / due to)
- Long-term (advance to / advance from)
- Interfund services provided and used recognized
as revenue in providing fund and
expenditure/expense in using fund
21Reporting Interfund ActivityNonreciprocal
interfund activity
- Interfund transfers
- Reported in governmental funds as Other Financing
Sources / Uses - Reported in proprietary funds after nonoperating
revenues and expenses - Interfund reimbursements
- Repayment from one fund to another increases
expenditures / expenses in paying fund while
decreases them in receiving fund - Not separately reported in financial statements
22Principle 13Annual Financial Reports
- Minimum reporting requirements
- Managements Discussion Analysis
- Basic Financial Statements
- Government-wide financial statements
- Fund financial statements
- Notes to the financial statements
- Required supplementary information other than MDA
23Principle 13Annual Financial Reports
- Government-wide Financial Statements
- Statement of Net Assets
- Statement of Activities
24Principle 13Annual Financial Reports
- Governmental Fund Statements (Schedules)
- Balance Sheet
- Statement or Revenues, Expenditures, Changes in
Fund Balance - Statement or Revenues, Expenditures, Changes in
Fund Balance Budget-to-Actual (may be either
25Principle 13Annual Financial Reports
- Proprietary Fund Statements
- Statement of Net Assets / Balance Sheet
- Statement of Revenues, Expenses, Changes in Net
Assets - Statement of Cash Flows
26Principle 13Annual Financial Reports
- Fiduciary Fund Financial Statements
- Statement of Fiduciary Fund Net Assets
- Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Fund Net Assets