Title: Declarative
2Composed of factual information, generalizations,
vocabulary terms, and details that can be either
specific or general.
Composed of skills, processes, and algorithms
than can be either specific or general.
4Terms, words, short phrases, or concepts that
name nouns
Specific information including facts, time and
cause/effect sequences, and episodes.
A statement about classes of nouns that can be
supported by details.
General statements that illustrate cause/effect
or correlational relationships.
Complex activities that depend on using many
different skills.
Specific types of procedural knowledge composed
of tactics and algorithms.
Time Sequences
Cause/Effect Sequences
6Specific statements about nouns.
Specific skills that are used differently in
different contexts they have no set order.
Events in order.
Specific skill that is composed of steps
performed in the same order every time.
Sequence of events with a plot, characters,
setting, conflict, and resolution.
A sequence that illustrates a specific
cause/effect relationship.
Harry and Hermione went to the Gryffindor tower
to study, leaving Ron behind to practice on his
goalkeeping skills. Secretly, Harry hoped
Hermione would do his History of Magic essay, but
he wasnt sure how to ask since she seemed to be
in a not-so-helpful mood lately.
The Beaufort Wind Scale was invented to describe
the effect of wind on sailing ships.
- A tropical wave comes from Africa.
- The wave forms a tropical depression.
- The depression becomes a tropical storm.
- The tropical storm forms a hurricane.
The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 led
to the US entry into World War II.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a
great fall. All of the Kings Horses and all of
the Kings Men could not put Humpty Dumpty back
together again.
The Great Pyramid of Giza is 481 feet high.
1763 Proclamation Line 1765 Stamp Act 1767
Townshend Acts 1770 Boston Massacre 1773 Tea
Act 1774 Coercive Acts 1775 Lexington and
Richard dropped the glass bowl on the kitchen
floor, causing splinters of glass to fly all over.
9European desserts often have less granulated
sugar and more natural sweeteners such as honey
and fruit extracts.
Excessive inflation can result in an a severe
economic downturn.
Using test-taking strategies.
Taking vitamins A, E, and B have been shown to
reduce the likelihood of getting ill.
10Music from the Classical era (1700-1800) has a
tendency toward balanced musical phrases with an
orderly and somewhat unemotional mood.
When the amount of calories taken in is
consistently less than the calories used by the
body, the result in a loss in body weight.
Using a bandages to cover a wound.
Students who are good readers will likely perform
better on end-of-course tests.
11Replacing the black print cartridge in an HP
Deskjet 940c printer.
Playing the flute.
12Changing the oil in your car.
Collecting evidence at a crime scene.
13Organizing Ideas
These are general statements which organize large
bodies of information.
Correlational Principle
Cause/Effect Principle
A relationship in which a general idea is
correlated to another.
A general cause/effect relationship.